Where were you when Trump began his path to victory?
Trump now leading Clinton in the polls
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Eating pizza
There is no doubt Trump is on the rise in the polls. The electoral college is still a concern. All Clinton needs to do is win Virginia and she wins. Florida is also a concern. She did just as well as him down there. Florida isn't a lock. Even if Trump does win Florida, all Clinton needs to do is win Virginia and she wins.I'm still hoping Trump can pull if off though.
I love how you gave us a working link, you know, instead of just some image.
Thanks, OP.
Wasn't Romney leading Obama in the previous elections?
>this shit again
fake and gay
quit posting these threads
You deserve prison, you fucking pinko.
Yeah then he disappeared during the last 2 months and gave obango the win
top kek. shills can't even go two weeks without their talking points getting BTFO.
>All Clinton needs to do is win Virginia and she wins
o: I live in Virginia
I will fight as hard as I can to prevent it!