It was real

It was real

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I know.

Imagine if you're one of the ones in the middle and you're dying for a shit.

What did he mean by this?

don't remind me.

the day of the rope draws close, at least...

It was all real

Anglos destroyed this.

That we'd still be talking about them nearly daily after they left.

It's pretty depressing to look at these women after listening to the last Stefan Molyneux call where that stupid 30-something whore said she'd had 60 cocks, and that she isn't a slut because 100+ cocks is a slut.

Fuck this shithole.

And defeat was also real.

This movie will never be real :'(

I almost want to say that anglos are even worse than niggers.

niggers fuck up a city but anglos fuck up a world.

Thank you for this, user

this looks like a cult not a functioning society

It was. Complete with a delusional cult leader that wanted everyone to commit suicide when shit started to fall apart.

Say what you want but the Nazi's had 10/10 taste in style and 10/10 graphic design work.

what does that tell you about society


It always annoys me how many Americans I see getting hard over the Nazis.

We went to war with them, those faggots declared war on us after we declared war on the Nips, they wanted this fucking fight and we gave it to them.

Have some national pride you fuckers, to me the Nazis are just another enemy that we fucked up, America isn't in the best shape I know this but using a failed model from some cuck Euro country and its delusional cuck leader isn't gonna fix it.

We need our own American brand of nationalism.

Would've been a better fate than slowly disappearing through self loathing.

It's true, all of it.

This has to be the most depressing pic in world history. Fuck.

We need our own American brand of nationalism.


>american education at work

also spot the newfag.

This triggers me and makes me want to go kill as many jews as possible

please tell me there is a book of these accounts out there where kikes try to out jew each other for the biggest victim

>have pride in this war jews conned us into
>have pride in funding communists to destroy fellow white people

no thanks, WW2 was one of our least justified wars. All the decisions our government made leading up to it where Jewed to all hell

at least we had good reason to be involved in WW1, that war actually needed to happen


if it isn't at least loosely aligned with human nature and natural law it won't hold together

What a sad world we live in.

I usually stick to /k/, what exactly did I say thats wrong?

The Krauts declared war first and we fucking obliged, we fucked them up on our end the commies on their end, Nazism could've worked but its dumbass cuck of a leader decided to declare war on the world and got stomped.

I come here for the happening and shitposting and in this threads case, to vent.

Fuck the nazis and fuck the American naziboos, goddamn traitors

We need to bring it back m8

american authoritarianism would be just as bad

the only solution to 20th century authoritarian mega states is independent smaller states


the magnitude, the honesty of the message, the sense of unity, it's nothing short of amazing.

and look what we've got instead

The Germans should've let us fuck the Japs up, so much for the fucking master race backing up a bunch of rice niggers, I actually don't have a problem with the Nazis, they picked themselves up despite the country falling apart, I guess I have problem with Hitler who threw all he had built away.

The kikes would've subverted them down the road eventually, the way he decided to deal with them was too overt, too out in the open.

To beat the kikes you have to be as subversive as them, like a frog in boiling water.

If those bastards just let us fight Japan and not declare war on us, they did that to themselves and therefore get no sympathy for coming after my country.

46.00 in, forgot to time link

We should've listened to Patton, we could've turned Germany into a successful country like the Japs, goddamn commies


derp? it wuz realz

>tfw issued a 1903 instead of a garande.

/k/ here as well. they wanted revenge for treatment after ww1, it was a justafiable reaction. same can be said about japan, the us and japan were political best bros prior to ww2, we brought them into the modern age afterall. but then wilson/FDR get in and fuck with the balence.

the wrong side won ww1, and we are still paying the price.


I know, this must be an older picture since a lot of them have '03s in the background and a couple of Garands here and there.

I'm pretty sure this is the Army in this picture, Marines only had '03s at the start of the wat.


Last night the JIDF had a nervous breakdown in case you missed it

10/10 user

They were aesthetic af

Was the Reich the only example of communism done right?

Nazis are undoubtedly the sharpest dressers.

Daily reminder the faggot on bottom holding the flag bearer's feet had stolen watches on his wrist and this historical pic was retouched for soviet propaganda purposes

Shut up kike.
We were drafted into a war we had no way of knowing anything about.
Even today soldiers who go to war don't know who they are serving and for what purpose.

I always thought we should've stayed out of WWI, kept it a European war and not polarize relations with Germany who didn't even start the war and yet caught all the shit.

Throughout its history we keep seeing the American people getting sucked into this wars they wanted nothing to do with, WWI, WWII, the Cold War, Iraq being one of the worst ones.

I wish we never got involved in WWI and made an enemy out of the Germans, I wish we'd listen to Patton and kicked the commies out of Germany so we could've rebuilt Germany like we did Japan.

We can't let our corrupt, kike controlled politicians keep getting away with this.

trump supporters should dislike nazi and berncucks should love nazi.

>dogs trained to fuck women
where can i find more information about this brutal and very disgusting torture????

Uniforms made by Hugo Boss, tanks made by Porsche. There's a reason why they were so fucking fabulous

If it were up to me, the US would never get involved in these foreign wars, I wish there was a way and I see one in Trump but even then I have my doubts

In here we still have many buildings from the nationalist new state regime period

no involvement would have been best, but if we had to get involved it should have been on germanies side.

would have lead to a true imperial usa though, lots of later involvement in africa and asia if germany+usa won. but, the ussr likely would not exist, and thus no sjws.

on the other hand, no post nuke japan either which means no 2d waifus.

>Fuck the nazis and fuck the American naziboos, goddamn traitors
>My grandpa fought for the jews see he's a real american hero derp

good goy

An inferior Ideology created by a Inferior Race. Nothing of value was lost.

Inspirational Hitler video

>all of the propaganda the jew's taught me in school regarding WWII is 100% correct, but grr I hate those indoctrinated college marxist SJWs!
>so when can I go to war the middle east, in areas in direct proximity to Israel (founded 1948)?

They underestimated the Jews. They were foolish enough to believe in a just world. They didn't understand that Jewish sociopathic drive for vengeance of Jews exists outside of nature.

Go back to Twitter, you retarded nigger.

he meant Germans have a knack for ruining door hinges.


Looting and raping was also real.

how do you not realize the Nazi's themselves were the biggest jew pawns there ever were, aside from modern day american.

>Nazis want jews out of their country
>Zionists want jews to live in Israel
>Jews are comfy as fuck in Germany and Europe
>Nazi's and Zionists make pact to to make the Jews not so comfy
>After WW2 the whole world feels sorry for jews
>The average jew non powerful jew realizes he can't stay in europe anymore
>U.N steals land and gives it to the jews

Thanks Hitler...

we won then and we will win agin long live /leftypol/

Fighting against degeneracy.

The bolshevik kike was the inferior race and ideology. The world would not be at peace until jewery is wiped from the face of the Earth.

Something the Germans did during their invasion of other countries.

Yes, everyone knows everyone raped and pillaged their way across Europe. The Allies, the Axis, and every freelancer in between.

Just like my hentai!

Yeah, and it would have become North Korea 2.0 given enough time.

Secret police, nationalized industry, welfare system, no free speech, forced equality and attempted destruction of social class

yeah, nah, would have been shit.

Every country post-revolution is better for a time, then it actually gets tested.


kill the Nazis

My struggle is real.

>It's okay when the Russians/Germans do it
>muh Nanjing tho never forget ;_;
War crimes are a silly concept. Raping and pillaging are like an unwritten rule of warfare, what the fuck do people expect?

They had the nicest uniforms.

I think that may have been a bot, i've saw it before. it just posts a ton of anti-natsoc images, lol schlomo actually put time into making that.

It was. Every society is a cult when you break it down. Every group of people has rules and leader. Look at any undeveloped tribe, they're basically cults. A family unit is a cult centered around (usually) the father. Only the individual is truly free.

I am not a Nazi but would rather have them instead of communist filth. I anxiously wait for the day to be able to curbstomp leftists and see the streets run red with their blood.


Kill yourself Stormfags
You don't understand what makes the West great. We need Limited Republics, not totalitarian dystopias.

He was commenting along with it and the posts were pretty sporadic with another jew. But same difference

They always try too hard and have no tact. You would think JIDF was smarter.


>They declared war on us! FUGGING NAZIS!!!!!
Except we were supplying their enemies with massive amounts of supplies. We never should have fought them, we should have been their allies. We got meme'd into it, just like every war since.

Russia a shit.

Forever paying the price of killing off their elite. Tolstoi, Dostojevski, Tjaikovski, Toergenjev - the list is seemingly endless.

Fast forward through communism and look at them now, a bunch of poorfag drunkards with dashcams, dying in the snow.

oh so then it probably wasn't a bot that time. The other time there was one poster who posted like 90 images with no words.

FDR illegally imposed sanctions and embargoed Japan. FDR forced Japan to attack first so they look like the aggressors.

Argentina, what would your grandpa think of you mocking Nazism?

oh fuck

I can vividly imagine

>ywn find this much Aryan wife material in one place ever again.

Pull the trigger user.

Maybe this will be another thread where antifa faggots / jidf whomever loses control of themselves in a tear soaked rage