How do I fix my penis. i cant pull it back when hard. only when soft

how do I fix my penis. i cant pull it back when hard. only when soft.

get circumcised you fucking freak

pull it back while getting hard.

Moisturizers. It'll allow it to stretch without breaking the skin. Be patient and donor every day and it'll be fixed. Skin stretches well

train - i have done the same, just strech it and pull it back once a day when hard although it hurts, after a few weeks you will be able to do it.


Just pull it pussy it will hurt like a bitch but after that it will work like normal

i have the same problem OP. my doctor said
the upper part of the skin must be removed, but i was too afraid they might mess up things ,so i'll just try to strech it...

Does stretching solved the same problem to anyone?

I swear you cunts must of been the most unhygienic teens out. I have a foreskin and never once this problem. Why? Cause I pulled my fucking foreskin back every day and washed.

moar sex, or use sextoys with lube 2-4x aday


I had phimosis when i was younger. I never saw the whole head of my dick until i was 17. All I did was use a bunch of lube when jerking off and then try to pull it back as far as i could each session. Rinse and repeat for as long as you need to until you can pull it back when hard

exactly this lol, bet you OP is american

for me, your dick is perfect. for one thing, bloody hell, how thick is it? And how long? I personally love foreskin covered dicks but if you're not happy with it try stretching before circumcision. It might take a while but you should notice an improvement.

Get a bread knife and go to town

spend months or years stretching it in the hope of making it loose enough for sex to be comfortable, or get circumcised and be back to fucking and jerking off in 6 weeks.

>how do I fix my penis.
>i cant pull it back when hard
>only when soft.
Pull it back when soft, then watch porn so you get hard. The erection will stretch the skin as your dick grows. Repeat this every day.

Christ that looks awful. Just get circumcised if you can't bother taking care of it.

lol you obviously have a small thin dick. I am thick like OP and when you try to do that, it feels like its about to rip. Its like wearing a chastity cage, your dick just wont get any more erect. its too painful

pencil dick detected

Phimosis bro, in some cases u won't be able to stretch and you may damage your foreskin... I did researcch bout it and went to the doc, got the circumsision operation in 5 days. In some cases you definitely should go for the cut.

I used to have the same problem.

Alternatively, there are surgical ways... included but not limited to circumcision

It has little to do with hygiene.
His genetics simply dealt him some bad cards.

1. Harder to clean
2. Can really hurt if pulled hard (including during sex if she's tight/dry)

>his genetics dealt him bad cards
I know that feel too well

pic of it pulled back as far as you can get it before it becomes too uncomfortable?

keyword is "relatively", seems you forgot it

i have this problem too, not really a problem for me though since i dont have sex.

wtf does hygiene have to do with it... he said he could pull itback when soft

then now is the time you should be getting it fixed. on the off chance you meet a girl/guy you don't want to suddenly have to explain the problem, and then deal with it. get cut, heal, relearn your dick, and be prepared for the future.

My mate had the same problem for years he just practiced pulling back when soft then semi then not long he sorted it just don't force it and snap your banjo string

You clearly have weak erections.

I know that feel OP

Retards who think phismosis is because of poor hygeine

Urologist here, kek

Phismosis is either just genetic misfortune or a childhood skin infection or injury which causes scarring on the foreskin leading to it being less stretchy than normal.

You don't need to get circumcised to fix it, generally they just cut a triangle shaped wedge out of it to effectively just widen the hole.

And yes, you should get it sorted. Literally everyone wants to have a normal dick, and every guy I've ever performed a phismoplasty for has been happier afterwards.


fucking gross, wash ur self

Preutioplasty even* pardon my drunk ass

do you do frenuloplasties too?

I've performed a few frenuloplasties, they're a lot more straightforward than a preputioplasty

Why, are you worried about one that you're scheduled for?


>buncha dudes showing each other their dicks

Y'all a buncha gay motha fuckas

ur the one posting in this thread. you saw the dick and it caught ur attention so much that you came in the thread. sub conscious gay

at least we're actually getting somewhere, you're just wasting space.

Oh, and as a final PSA from urologist-bro

People, when you have a boy child, and when its a baby. You have to retract his foreskin to wash his dick properly when he's a baby.

Jesus, it's your kid, it's made out of your jizz. It's not weird, look after the thing properly.



You're doing god's work here user
good on you.

Any time dude.

Always hit up your local urologist when in doubt. They're the chillest dudes or dudettes around.

They're not gonna give you shit for your weird dick, they'll just fix it for you.

used to have the same problem.
the way i fixed it was when in the shower, get hard, and pull back the skin. do that every time in the shower for some weeks and the skin will slowly start loosening up and eventually you'll be able to pull it back when hard without it being uncomfortable or painful

just curious. it seems like the two often go hand in hand. guys with phimosis have frenulum breve too, or guys can't retract comfortably because they have frenulum breve, and mistakenly think it's phimosis.

Yeah that's the most common thing that people get wrong when they self diagnose, hence why GPs will ask to check

Like, if they're having persistent retraction issues, 90% it's one of those two or both of them, the rest of the time they have some form of swelling/irritation of the glans

You can use silicon flesh tubes to stretch your foreskin. It's those things degenerates use to stretch out their earlobes and ruin their chance at a career.

Start small and work your way up. There's several tutorials online. People use it for phimosis too.

>Does stretching solved the same problem to anyone?
yes. Skin stretches. It's easy. That doctor is an idiot. You could have ended up with scar tissue that would have made your dick worse.

>People, when you have a boy child, and when its a baby. You have to retract his foreskin to wash his dick properly when he's a baby.
This is terrible advice.

The foreskin of a baby is fused to the glans. It doesn't naturally separate until the child is around 5 years old, at which point you should teach him how to retract it and clean it himself.

You should never forcibly retract a baby's foreskin, you will cause damage and allow the possibility of adhesions forming.

The most painful part of a circumcision is when the doctor shoves a blunt instrument under the foreskin and rips it away from the glans. It's stuck down like a fingernail.

If you have an intact baby, don't retract his foreskin, wash the external parts only.

>People, when you have a boy child, and when its a baby. You have to retract his foreskin to wash his dick properly when he's a baby.
no. you don't force retract a baby's foreskin. You also don't feed babies honey or shake them.

You know what, as a doctor I probably shouldn't be condoning this practice without seeing research and studies to back it up

But like, I'm drunk, and that honestly seems like a pretty sensible way to aid a stretching regimen.

Aren't people clever, turning faggy hipster earrings in to a helpful tool.

There are doctors who prescribe this "treatment" already and sell kits of these things for a unnecessary 1000% mark up. Just go order them on amazon. They sell the same fucking kits to stretch out ears.

Here is one such set. I ironically I have one in my foreskin right now. I just happen to be stretching while I found this thread.

Why am I doing it? I have my reasons. . . it's pretty gay though.

>I have one in my foreskin right now.
Let's see a pic.
>Why am I doing it? I have my reasons. . . it's pretty gay though.
And let's hear the gay reasons.

>Let's see a pic.
It doesn't look pretty, but it makes my foreskin feel mighty comfy.

finally, more pictures for my "fucked up penis" folder

Trying to remember which sci-fi race that looks like the head of

You put it in at different angles and it stretches it in different ways.
>Trying to remember which sci-fi race that looks like the head of
I think it was from Voyager. . .


>And let's hear the gay reasons.
Honestly? I want to try docking. My skin is currently slightly too tight to do it well. Docking, if you don't know is when another guy sticks his dickhead in your foreskin. I want to a guy to blast his hot sperm in my foreskin.

Sounds gay right? I think it's pretty gay.

Yeah, maybe that too.

Hey, Send me some here an i will send more

hxxps://www facebook com/logan.m.davis85?fref=ufi&rc=p

some what?

OP that's not really your cock is it?

I say that because it looks e x a c t l y the same as mine, which I've posted on here before... oh look, I have the same colour t-shirt too.... hmm...


post a pic with a timestamp and I will compare vein patterns.