Hey everyone! It's Ciara. A lot of people seem to be really, really angry at me and no matter how many nice things I do, I cant seem to make things right. As a young teen, guys didn't really give me attention. So, when I started using Sup Forums and posting my pics, I got a ton of compliments. I then kind of went on a power trip. My edgy Sup Forums friends then egged me on to scam and to mess with people just because I could. I was so excited by all the attention and power I got that I abused it without really thinking. Looking back, I'm really disgusted by what I did and I'd like to think that I've matured since.
A lot of people who I've never even talked to seem to hate me because of what they read on Sup Forums. People say a lot of nasty things on there. Someone faked a log saying I found fentanyl in my pocket (who just randomly find drugs in their pocket?) and now people say I'm an addict. That's not true. People also say disgusting things like that I had sex at age 14. That isn't true.
I want to apologize for the things I've done. I'm sorry for those I hurt. I'm trying my best now to be a great person and I appreciate all your support. I know this letter won't stop the hate but it doesn't hurt to try, right?
Thank you,
- Ciara
Hey everyone! It's Ciara. A lot of people seem to be really, really angry at me and no matter how many nice things I do...
Jason Miller
Aaron Ortiz
Time. Stamp.
Brayden Cook
nice bait but she is dead
Chase Diaz
this will end well.
Carson Clark
Aiden Robinson
Ethan Stewart
Ethan Sanchez
like dead inactive or dead in the ground.
Jaxon Bailey
I enjoy these threads
Oliver Powell
she faked her own death and like a week later was back