Instead of "rasing the taxes", why not impose tickets to annoying people?

Instead of "rasing the taxes", why not impose tickets to annoying people?

>People who doesn't stop before the zebra walking line

>People who use curse words in public

>People who laught very hard in public

>People who smell

>People who does not work (aka: NEETs, their parents will have to pay for them)

>People who park like assholes

>People who park in the handicap area

>People who tailgate

>People that speed near parks. (The fee must be 10% of the price of their cars. Take that Ferrari fags)

>People who are jerks in public (aggresive behaviours like yelling)

>People who cut the line

and so on

If people are not willing to act in a civilized manner, they should pay the fee

Other urls found in this thread:

You forgot one.
>People who are mexican

>mexicans who won't build the wall

this pic makes me rage hard



>Zebra walking line

I've never heard crosswalks called this before.

>Fat tax
>manchild tax
>SJW tax
>Feminist Tax
>Blaming others for your own problems you cause yourself tax

you know how much it will cost to have people and systems in place to enforce these stupid rules?

is pol full of 12yos like you?

>zebra walking line