What’s Sup Forums think of #elsagate?

what’s Sup Forums think of #elsagate?

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check out the channel “Investigating Youtube” it’s weird shit man. Long story short, hundreds of channels each with hundreds of millions of views started popping up on youtube, all of which are aimed at kids. They’re all either cartoons featuring poorly animated disney charterers or cheaply produced live action that all involve violence, needles, pregnant, abortion, sex, suidicde, screaming, etc. But what makes it even weirder is that there are literally hundreds of channels telling the same story with different actors with no association to each other and all of them get millions of views all by children. Like i said, you’re gonna have to watch the 12 videos on “Investigating Youtube” to really get the full grasp of it. Fucking weird.

It's pretty fucking weird. I started getting into this after Crit1kal himself did a video on those finger family videos. Weird as shit.

Sounds like an a.r.g. that uses bots for views.


What's worse is that Google claims it doesn't even release their algorithm to any gov't its so secretive

Made me fall asleep. Boring af.

Intrigued I am but I’ll wait til philly d brings it up lol

Very often, videos pointing this shit out...get deleted. The videos themselves, are some fucked up shit. Pretty sure it's indoctrinating kids by some Russian bad dudes.