Other urls found in this thread:


imagine how much muscle there would be if all the excess fat instantly disappeared



I mean the plus size... sorry, plus side to this is if you're a fat dude, you can manipulate chicks into sex by accusing them of being fatphobic if they won't.

tru buety

nope, because if you do that you are using your male privilege to literally rape her


8/10 made me reply

Did you just assume my gender?!


i am a gender fluid non binary trans crustacean, how dare you oppress me

I sexually identify as a cephalopod you are oppressing me by not allowing me to prey on crustaceans.

oh...well luckily for the both of us I'm into vore ; )

I'm definitely a bigot then

I identify as a black nonbinary transgender lesbian genderfluid so do not opress me!

no you can't


yeah well im a trans cis, trans male, trans white person so please oppress me

corprus disease late stage

do we currently have the strongest generation of people ever?

i'm sure you can get some libretard with her mind so open her brain has fallen out to fuck a fat guy so she isn't a bigot.

>its worked for scores of niggers.

nah man read this
the whole sjw thing is a way for feminists to have their cake and eat it too, and banging a minority is the greatest of virtue signals


But again, then she's assuming my gender. I identify as a black, Muslim translesbian woman with self-diagnosed (which is every bit as valid!) PTSD. Surely she has to have sex with me, right?

idk tbh, try it out and post results?

Fuck bro this is worse than any gore

the pic in op post look like blobs of rotten flesh, i wouldn't know those were living humans unless someone told me

What are the footfags now?

Looks like a obese feminist sjw who ate too much.













go twitch tv/damasta427







is that a penis? or some serious roast beef?

not a penis

10 bucks says her knee caps are now embedded in the wall





Fake News is the only thing I know.

Enough to make me eternally flaccid



>nearly every breitbart article is anti-GOP wedge driving
>Bannon declares war on GOP


>this image

Never forget: The liberal grasp of politics is avoidant and childlike

Hooking your finger into your belly to lift the fat covering your slit. How do they live like that?

Fucking lost, top kek.

That's disgusting and unhealthy lol



>Never forget: The liberal grasp of politics is avoidant and childlike

wtf does that even mean?

repeating words you heard bcuz they sound good... who's a pretty bird?

jesus christ, imagine the smell of that shit


I'm saying you don't really go for the flawed reality of Trump's performance and continue to baste this board in stale memes about how he's NOT NICE replete with paranoid constructions of the situation in which everyone conservative is merrily getting along on the same team effort at "oppression".

The reality of the republican situation right now is strife and it just makes your collusion paranoia seem stale as fuck.