>there are still people who deny anthropomorphic climate change exists, just because they want to keep polluting without paying
How long before the Earth is damaged irreversibly?
>there are still people who deny anthropomorphic climate change exists, just because they want to keep polluting without paying
How long before the Earth is damaged irreversibly?
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you must be that australia guy i keep hearing about
This isn't specifically for you, 90% of your country believes in a sky wizard and still practices ritual circumcision on all newborn boys.
You are irredeemably stupid.
Forgot pic.
>anthropomorphic climate change
Good morning, Australia.
Is yiff on the mind OP?
Nice source.
nice job op
It's 1.45 PM, I've been up for at least half an hour, famalam.
>gravity theory
>there are people that think global warming is a bad thing
We wouldn't be here with out it you appeal to nature faggot
And how will giving Al Gore more money stop it?
Gravity that is easily provable and gravity that scientists talk about are only vaguely the same thing.
>planet is due for another deadly ice age
>humans alter atmosphere concentration
>ice age averted
>plants grow better in heat + high co2
>vast swaths of previously cold land become available
>everything is great
You're a real fucking idiot.
>just because they want to keep polluting without paying
Because the evidence doesn't fit the theory. No matter how many times we allow experts to adjust the temperature records.
Reminder that the earth is actually in a CO2 deficit and all more CO2 would do is create more plants.
Ever wonder why there are no giant creatures like from the prehistoric days? That's because there isn't enough food so everything shrank.
Until it overheats and the ocean literally boils and we all die, you mean?
It's hard to take your argument seriously when you so egregiously misuse the word anthropomorphic. What are you, 14?
>Ocean literally boils.
So we are going up by 10's of degrees rather than 2 degrees?
>We must save the planet!
>By redistributing wealth, of course!
Liberals are either so conceited or so dependent on government that they actually think they can control the weather with taxes, or they're so stupid they think anyone else will believe it
Eventually, yes, obviously we do not know how quickly we will get there but we know that we WILL reach a runaway reaction.
>What is homoeostasis.
This. And at what cost to human development do we halt green house gas emission?
We are throwing out homeostasis by polluting.
people will crank theyr AC's even more, eventually we will move unerground and we will evolve into bearded little men who work better in small cramped spaces and we will survive off cavern fungus of the plump variety, we will praise gods of blood and fend off the creatures of the deep, its just evolution, relax friend, get on with the times hummie
Gravity is a law though shit for brains.
We are taking shit from the Earth and moving it around slightly. The Earth isn't going to get wrecked just because it's a bit messy on the surface.
Until people stop shilling windmills and start building nuclear plants, we're not going to solve jack shit.
>90% of your country believes in a sky wizard
I wish they did, Ausbro. We'd surely be in a better state than we currently are.
You have the thought capacity of a 5 year old and the uncut penis dimensions of one too.
Most Americans believe in a sky wizard but do not obey. They are your casual Christians.
the amount of people, scientists included, who consider man to be the primary contributor to global warming are vanishingly small
And for once, losing will be fun.
Sorry for what the Jews did to your dick user. You can stop posting now. It's OK.
I'm going to need a source for such a bold claim, lad.
>giving your money to weather
Obvious scam
As with cafeteria food, so too with cafeteria Christianity.
Soon we'll be able to worship Trump though so I think things will change.
97% is vanishingly small?
That 97% consensus was only 68/70 scientists and it tossed out dozens that disagreed or were uncertain.
Kings 22:17, "“Because they have forsaken Me and have burned incense to other gods that they might provoke Me to anger with all the work of their hands, therefore My wrath burns against this place, and it shall not be quenched.”
>Manlets are trying to prevent Global Warming so people stop growing taller.
489 actively-publishing PhD holders actually
If you fight global warming, it wins.
>the planet will turn into venus if we dont do something soon
>people UNIRONICALLY think this is the case
Why are you so sure it cannot happen?
>489 people who want to keep getting federal funding
Am I on Sup Forums or /dfg/?
Because Venus' atmosphere is more than 90% co2?
Epin maymay, m8
But I'm sure they could earn a lot more money if they were willing to lie and sell out to big oil, chemical, industry etc.
We could easily get there by 2200.
There's no security in that business
I think Co2 is not that bad. the heavy pollutants can fuck off to China tho
Replace that picture with Nazi Germany, but every where.
>Australia is unable to contain his shitposting nature
But there is in working for government with fuck all money and risk of GOP being elected and withdrawing all your funding? don't be silly.
did you know that c14 rains down from the atmosphere because its to dense to stay high up in the atmosphere
carbon does not make a permanent layer that just builds over time
carbon is a element not a molecule made of elements so there is a finite amount on earth. burning shit doesnt create it
go preach to some idiots about how trees MAKE oxygen on tumblr or maybe /x/ they might believe it. this is Sup Forums GTFO nigger
>anthropomorphic climate change
So now furries are causing global warming?
Is there anything they can't ruin?
Then we stop making Muslims feel welcome in space agencies and actually put effort in getting the fuck off this rock so we can pollute another one, and another one, and another one.
Progress means sacrifice, even if it means scorching the planet with our glorious engines as we ignite our conquest of the galaxy.
I can experimentally verify the existence of gravity anytime I want.
How many times have the climate models been experimentally verified? How many Earths did the 'experts' observe?
Funny how the IPCC, you know, the scientific committee behind the peer review of climate science has been revising all their predictions lately.
Those massive sea level changes? Revised to a few inch change over the next century.
The disappearing glaciers? Yeah, they changed their minds there too, they aren't going anywhere.
Polar Ice Caps? Remember how they were predicting they would all melt? Yeah, they have changed their minds again.
And you remember the "crackpot" theory that increased atmospheric CO2 will lead to increased plant growth and both greater oxygen and food production? Guess what? Accepted climate science!
Seems all the predictions of horrific and catastrophic environmental damage...isn't actually going to happen over any significant scale. That is now the accepted view of climate scientists who accept anthropogenic climate change. Alarmism is out.
>what is the Sahara reforesting and the far north becoming viable for large plants
>le gravity jus theory meimay hurrhrrrderp
The theory of gravity explains something we already know to be the truth.
People falling isn't some fucking esoteric, complex shit that can't be reliably tested or can only be observed in a lab.
Confirmation that the planet is heating up.
>Why are you so sure it cannot happen?
Because Venus has an atmospheric pressure 93 times greater than the Earth's.
Mars has almost as much as a percent CO2 as Venus does. But it's a frozen rock because it has a pressure of 0.6kPa.
and when it happens, the massive increase in chlorophyll will balance the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere
As stated before, gravity is a law and this whole thread is fucking retarded.
Its not going to change until society scale renewables are viable and cheaper its not so much that people are christians
>climate change
its totally apolitical and based on science guys!!
trust us "scientists" :^)
gravity isnt a theory you stupid straylian.
It obviously is.
Just another reason to hate furries. Yiff in hell.
Reminder that you can prove gravity by using only wood, rope and steel
Speak for yourself manlet
this is fun
The Chinese don't give a fuck about the environment and look how fast they've progressed. Meanwhile the West is getting stifled with all these regulations and we can't produce as much as we could before. Why should we give a fuck, why should we let ourselves fall behind thinking we can save muh environment while more important short term shit is at play, we get economically raped, lose all of our production to Asia, and ultimately achieve nothing by saving a few useless animal and plant species.
Environiggers are the worst.
I'm trying to think of what word you meant by 'anthropomorphic.' Was it anthropic?
either way, quite the freudian slip my friend
> How long before the Earth is damaged irreversibly
I think it's still a few billion years yet before the sun will expand to the point of threatening earth so a while yet.
The Earth will be fine. A little temperature change won't hurt it. Even the ecological changes this will result in arent anything life on earth can't handle.
Its the effect on *humans* that's the bad bit. We've got very complex and relatively fragile systems built around the current environmental status quo.
So we either work to maintain the status quo or work to disentangle ourselves from the reliance on the status quo. Our decision will eventually be made for us if we don't make it soon.
Is Furry Hell exothermic or endothermic and does it contribute to climate change?
The thing is to get there the climate will shift around a lot and that will royally screw over the massive extents of farmland etc humanity relies upon.
Inherently yeah CO2 levels have varied a lot. We just aren't in a position at the moment to deal with the change to a high-CO2 Earth
>what is ocean acidification
ITT: leftists getting btfo
>The thing is to get there the climate will shift around a lot and that will royally screw over the massive extents of farmland etc humanity relies upon.
That will take hundreds of years. Plenty of time to adapt.
The Aussie is right. The Unabomber was right.
The Industrial Revolution was a Mistake
>merely circumstantial evidence
>How long before the Earth is damaged irreversibly?
About five years ago if I remember correctly.
I read that as circumcised first, which you are, remember that circumcision in the USA is a $25 billion a year industry.
Some processes are slow, others rapid
It's a complex enough system that it is really hard (verging on impossible) to model accurately to a high specificity.
>there are still people who deny anthropomorphic climate change exists
Because the sea-level was 400 FEET lower than it is today, 13000 years ago.
Chrono Trigger is a true story.
If what you are burning is oil, NGLs, coal, tar, etc. that was buried in the ground for millions of years before being brought to the surface, then yes there is more carbon up here.
born in the UK, moved to the US when i was 1.
>what is ocean acidification
Not a worry unless the ocean is no longer made up of salt water.
It's a wonder they don't fight very hard to prove their theory in order to keep their funding. OH WAIT.