My girlfriend and I are thinking about hanging ourselves on facebook live.
My girlfriend and I are thinking about hanging ourselves on facebook live
Hold hands, proper framing, should make it into every news site in america
Wat a lovely idea
fukk yes
do it
Y tho user
hmmmm do it
what is your fb
facebook com /sam.nova70
sounds like fun user, you should share this experience with us. now go do it. no balls do it
word up
do it while fucking or something
First get a butane torch. Next put the flame on part of your body for 1 minute. If you can imagine that all over your body for eternity then you are ready tinhang yourself. Hell is forever.
Thinking about doing it nude
Fav music Greenday
Also gr8 b8!
Hide face in thread, profile pic "is" him...
don't listen to this dumb fag
If it happens, someone record it.
K. Keep me posted.
Not dumb, not a fag. If you are serious please don’t do this. Imagine being tortured forever. What if Hell is real? Would you want to take that chance?
She's nervous
Since you are going to do it, please post your number so I can call you. Don’t do this.
you need to post your fb here
facebook com/sam.nova70
is your baby dead in the background?
Make it public
Steven seagal?
>what if hell is real
well hey i never considered that, guess i should base my entire existence off of fear and not question it any further
You are a daughter and a son. You both will be missed. Think about the people that care for you. Days can be tough but they will get better.
Do it
>submitting to a faggot who makes you suffer "to test you"
>not realizing god admitted to lying to adam and eve and could, therefore, be lying about "satan" and "hell"
Trips means kill her than yourself. We wanna see you watch her die
Well when you are dead you will have no existence to base anything on. Point is why take the chance. Imagine the regret. Not trying to be rude. Just saying. Cheers
Post your gf nude spread her pussy and ass
Trips have spoken
Dont forget to post link.
can i suck your dick, user?
Trips dont lie
Nothing shows up, make it public and share the link.
Quick, before you change your minds
always effective :)
You are a beautiful girl. Why ruin your life? Take a chance, take the hard road. Start a family, learn guitar, piano, sing. So many things you could do and only one to turn it all around.
she already has a family :)
Are you tweakers? Or just unlikeable people with no friends? Do you want attention, because its just going to be some brief internet fame which is worth nothing. I'm just curious.
>why take the chance
what about the chance that your religions the wrong one, a shitty god like yours probably wouldn't be too happy about that and send you to their version of hell
gf is pretty hot
The demonic spirit of suicide is a powerful force. Please don’t give in to it. It’s purpose is to kill, it’s not your purpose however. Your purpose is greater than you could ever imagine.
as you can clearly see >god wills it
Kill her, take pics, post here with timestamp
Why attack me? Not trying to be rude or upset you. Just trying to be friendly and help out people that are obviously suffering. No I’ll intentions at all. Even if my views are wrong doesn’t mean I’m a bad person. I just want to be of service.
who the fuck is attacking you, retard? (other than me now) this asshole's just trolling the shit out of you with religious arguments against suicide. stop feeding him.
You still there?
Cool man.
I'm just bored, i rarely get militant. Though you are trying to convince him to not commit suicide which is ruining my fun.
If these 2 want to off themselves, let them. It's not going to effect anyone here personally.
If they really wanted to do it, then they would have done it by now.
Either these two are cowards and are prolonging it or they just want attention.
You know what we want, OP, give us the stream link
move hands
Understood. But I have a daughter and I would hope someone would do this for me if my baby was thinking about this.
and i think you have it backwards, that guy's doing the religious arguing against suicide
>stay out of this kiddo
is she retarded or something?
do something better than a hanging
go out in style
damn... you solved the case.
>got the wrong retard and didn't care enough to fix it
alright "grown up" thanks for showing me how to let things go :)
Even so I would feel terrible if it is real.
yea look at her stupid goddamn face all smug and shit now you know she's enjoying leading all you dumb niggers and fucking brainlets on she ain't killing herself anytime soon
The world's a cruel place, don't shelter her and maybe it won't break her. Also women aren't as prone to suicide, they'll usually just cry and blab till it's out of their system so you shouldn't have much to worry about.
do it while fucking
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
awesome, dude. can you go now and let the people who've already figured this ain't real have fun?
You two ain't gonna do shit lol.
Both of you need to separate and stop seeing each other so you both can get better. Your relationship is not healthy and your both will just get worse if you stay together
Just don’t do it man, aren’t you curious about the future? Don’t you want to see what will happen next in the world? You will miss out on so much.
as long as you know which retard you're talking to pal, also
>you're welcome
Thanks man. Glad to know I’m not the only one who gets it.
Its hard to see you with the black circles in front of your faces, you have to move your heads so i can see if i care.
Oh wait nm i dont.
guise, guise, you know those jewtube vids with angry relatives who are always breaking their kids games? i think they're fake, guys. why would you watch something that's obviously fake, and totally not meant for entertainment? guise?
>doesn't recognize sarcasm unless it comes out of his own ass
thanks again, daddy.
Make sure you hold hands as you kick the chair out!
i was also being sarcastic, i think you owe me an apology
speaking of niggers.
Why not let your girlfriend get her body desecrated by a pack of wild niggers?
You should be doing more fucking and less contemplated suicide.
post pussy already, you giggling cunts
>i was also being sarcastic
>unless it comes out of his own ass
alright, thanks for clarifying, sir.
Imagine the person you love the most made this thread. And nobody was there to talk them down and that person did it. It would be an awful feeling.
>why not let your girlfriend get desecrated by niggers?
>you should do more fucking
>by letting others fuck her
>i'm a huge cuck, as long as someone's fucking my wife i'm getting laid in my mind
We don't want this OP, fuck off
Psh, my GF doesn't even browse Sup Forums