Brazil about to get raped by auterity

Good job faggots you are now Greece 2.0

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You should stop getting your news from the leftie media.


Its not a coup if 60% of the population supports it.

Nice name for "leftist goverment broke the country and now some less retarded government tries to fix it up"

>doing something expressly written on the constituition

literally commit suicide.

Coup have nothing to do with popularity.

Many coups have total aprovation of population.

>hundreds of millions dead from marxism
>suffering on an unimaginable scale from marxism
>hey guys let's try marxism

I wish the article told me who it was written by so I could greentext their last name and say Sup Forums was right again.

You guys think maybe they're catching on to that?

>Its not a coup if 60% of the population supports it.

Last time I checked democracies needed elections

Otherwise yeah it's a coup.

>not even found guilty of anything yet
>no trial


where do you get this shit?

And Petrobras has been state owned for decades now it's nothing new.

>Implying coups are inherently bad

Which is why she isn't impeached yet, just suspended. The trial will be in a few months in the senate.

>implying Temer isn't the jew candidate

they are when it's a pro globalist/austerity coup

>Argentina in charge of being smart

>t. indoctrinated librul

It's fucking Marxism.

They were grasping at straws trying to find anything to get her and the army pretty much renounced loyalty to the executive

I would take 10 right-wing male jews over a marxist woman.

>Petrobras has been state owned for decades now it's nothing new.

Perhaps that's why they have a debt of like a trillion dollars.

Petrobras was state owned under the dictatorship

How in the fuck is that Marxism?

Well why can't you have an actual right wing instead of a shitty globalist one then?

The options should be between a Marxist woman and turning into Greece.

Or it's because China has stopped paying for imports which is why even DUDE WEED land is tanking.

jews are marxists idiot

*The options shouldn't be

>The options should be between a Marxist woman and turning into Greece.

No, the options are turning into Greece or turning into Venezuela.

This is just part of the problem, the other part is corruption and bad administration. There are a lot of private owned oil companies out there that are not tanking this hard.

>Good job faggots you are now Greece 2.0

Sounds harsh. I bet they'll be lining up the whole day for essential goods (which aren't even available) with bags of increasingly worthless cash, then going home in the dark (due to increasing blackouts) hoping you won't be raped and murdered on your way home.

Should have stayed on the path to True Socialism, Brazilbros.

>the options are turning into Greece or turning into Venezuela.

I meant that "shouldn't" be the only two options

I'm sure it was always corrupt

but you only notice corruption during downturns, same with wall street.


>there are two options either communism or austerity

false dichotomy

Our impeachment basically automatically occurs whenever the president has support of less than 1/3 of both houses. Anyone in the population can submit the request over basically any administrative violation. The worker's party submitted impeachment accusations to every president since the redemocratization except obviously theirs.

The last impeached president got that thanks to buying a personal use car (and just a fiat elba) with a ghost account related to his campaign treasurer. Not even a fraction of the recent scandal from the worker's party and he was considered not guilty by the supreme court after leaving presidency.

Weak bait.

Yeah, kill yourself.

It will be a soft austerity anyway since acting president Temer can't handle pressure very well and this country is heavily corporatist.

Austerity is a codeword for not living in denial of being poor

I thought wall street wanted austerity
like in Greece.

austerity is the road to poverty

like Greece.

If spending money you don't have made anyone rich, Detroit would be so rich Jews would live there

Aprenda o que é austeridade, seu macaco

t. funcionário de estatal que não vai ter o salário reajustado acima da inflação esse ano

Detroit is poor because of niggers that set everything on fire not because of economics

Austerity just turns you into a shithole (Greece)

>they are when it's a pro globalist/austerity coup

you would choose globalist jew 100% of the times if the other choice were communists/marxists

É muito pior do que isso. Significa que não haverá investimentos em nada que proporcione bem estar, apenas cortes. E isso afeta diretamente a vida da população inteira.

The austerity measures here are different since we can still pay our current debts (the interests at least) as long as the economy is growing or at least stagnant. Our economy is much stronger, we have our own currency and our debt isn't over our GDP for now.

The problem is that the constitution and laws were designed to always increase benefits over time and never scale down. For example health and education investments, salaries, pensions and all kind of worker's rights always increases. Another example for example is that civil servants basically cannot be fired, so you can't reduce the state size until they retire.

Outside of retirement pension (there are people retiring at young as 48 and living until 90 and others getting as much as when they worked or even more), all the others could work when the economy is growing, but with the collapse of almost 10% in 3 years of the GDP the state can't even pay what it's constitutional obliged. Basically what Temer is expected to do is to stop the exponential growth in costs that would make it become as bad as Greece in a decade.

they're the exact same thing with the same policies

>For example health and education investments, salaries, pensions and all kind of worker's rights always increases.

How is that bad? Consumer spending spurs economic growth regardless.

The opposite would mean that somehow cutting wages would be good for the economy. Where do you see that?

During the Great Depression wages fell for obvious reasons.

The actual politic of Jewmer is just ''prioritize banks instead of people''

>there are people retiring at young as 48

False. The minimum age to work signed is 16. You need work at least 35 years to retire.

So the minimum age to retiring is 51. If you work 35 years to the state, it's obvious you have the right to retire.

>How is that bad?
It's bad because now the state can't pay anything, not health, not education and not even all the pension. Not even cleaning service and electricity for some of the largest colleges in the country, which are still in better state than schools. In Rio the justice had to imprison a bank manager to force the bank tp transfer from the state accounts against their will to pay late retirement.

>During the Great Depression wages fell for obvious reasons.
We are in a recession larger than during 1929 and wages are rising for many groups. The ones that the inflation is eating usually go on frequent strikes to achieve the same.

Isn't 48 for women?

You know what else affects quality of life?
Economic meltdown, rampant inflation and very expensive credit.

The budget is terrible, and it can't go on like this, our credit rating has already dropped and would just keep falling further, increasing interest.
Before it spirals off control, it has to be contained. Public bodies need to show themselves able to balance their expenditures and interest payments.

You can do that by printing more money, which can work somewhat, like what the US did in the last couple decades, or not at all, like all cases of superinflation, like what's happening in Venezuela right now.
You can also increase revenue. The economy won't expandd because if the public budget is in such situation, no domestic or foreign investor will invest their money. So you need to raise taxes, which makes me country less attractive for investors, and foreign countries are very happy to create tax exemptions to bring those business to them. It's what happened in Greece, they greatly increased taxes, and many companies "moved" to Bulgaria. Their operations didn't change at all, but thanks to Bulgaria's lower taxes, many registered there.

The last option is decreasing expenditures, that is, austerity. Many don't like that because a big part of the population depends on the government, either directly or indirectly.
Costs must be cut all around, no more public works, expansions of government insitutions, tax cuts for consumption, etc.
This affects the economy because now it lost it's biggest spender, the government. A big slowdowm follows, recession is a real possibility. Unemployment might also increase.
The economy will only recover after investors feel confident to start business again. This confidence comes from cheap credit, which is only possible if the public insitutions are able to honor their debts and achieve good ratings.

Detroit is poor from leftists and jews blockbusting, killing the property value, driving up crime in the name of diversity. Marxist shit.

>It's bad because now the state can't pay anything,

Brazil is a sovereign currency issuing nation it can't run out of money.

The US has run a deficit for years and it is the greatest country on earth.

>We are in a recession larger than during 1929

call me when unemployment hits 25% then you can talk.


that happened in the entire US. Only in Detroit did the niggers get free reign to light everything on fire.

Stop apologizing for them.

Democrat cities that are still white aren't shit holes because "surprise" they're full of whites.

>The economy will only recover

Under austerity the economy will never recover

You are willingly turning yourself into a perpetual Greece.


Didn't even open the link and I already stopped reading.

Worked for Portugal, that actually applied austerity.
Greece had endless renegotiations of their debt, and any measure tool years to be applied, if at all. Now they have stratospheric taxes, and a huge percent of their population unemployed.
It really will be very hard for them to recover, but only because they brought it into themselves.

Do you know that we don't have to pay the debts?

Argentina has not paid two times in the last 10 years and they are going well.


>170 billion in debt

What a time to be alive!

Thanks,Dilma,if not for those evil congressmen and their damn coup we could have gone even higher!

we need to cut HEAVILY on public servant benefits, especially in the judiciary. Then cut some of the thirty something ministries to make better ones, and actually fire people.

Spend some money on welfare supervision, so we can take leechers off. Fuck, there's a lot to do

how was she elected

Gibsmedats and because shes a fucking woman.

But mainly gibsmedats

>Be first female president
>Gets impeached

Learn from our mistake.

>we almost have the same amount of debt as brazil and like half their GDP and almost none national industry

>Brazil is a sovereign currency issuing nation it can't run out of money.
First problem: Brazil is a federation and states can't print money, only the union.
Second and more important: print money -> money devalue -> inflation -> wages, pensions and other benefits are indexed by inflation -> costs raises together -> needs to print more money

>call me when unemployment hits 25% then you can talk.
January:7.6%, February: 8.2%, March: 9.5%, April: 10,9%
It's getting there. That's only considering people actively looking for jobs and not recently fired from stable jobs, currently 25% of the population is on welfare, usually meaning getting less than the minimum wage (or having tons of children in the family).

>Worked for Portugal, that actually applied austerity
No it didn't

they still have all the exact same problems only that they aren't being strangulated

poor people, fear mongering (they'll cut your welfare!), help from artists and actors (who received sponsor money from the culture ministry), and the main opposition was an unlikeable loser

> they brought it into themselves

Wall street brought it on them

You have no idea what you're talking about those debts were incurred bailout out the banks.

>we need to cut HEAVILY on public servant benefits,

So you're going to take demand out of the economy so you can crash it even more?

>states can't print money

that's no different from the US

Embrace Neoliberalism, my Hue brothers. It's fucking awesome.

t. Neoliberalism pro

Portugal still has a higher unemployment rate than Brazil

It isn't a coup because she actually commited a crime, which is specifically there just to make sure presidents don't do what she does, and for that she got impeached.

Also the Brazilian federation is fucking garbage.

Brazilian CONfederation when?

I refuse to be controlled by some clown in Brasilia,I want my own fucking laws.

by public servants i mean congressmen, their offices, judges, and other leechers who get CRAZY travel and living benefits. It's absolutely insane.

it was pretty much over for brazil as a country after 7-1

What is "austerity" even supposed to fucking do? Feels like most countries that impose it end up going bankrupt anyways.

Isn't it being done through legal processes?

same, they already leech too much too

>that's no different from the US
And our states are bankrupt, not even able to pay their public servants (which include most of education, health and security workers) and not even able to reduce costs because they have the same rules as the union (since brazillian states, different from the US ones, have barely any legal authority).

the UNSUSTAINABLE GOVERNMENT SPENDING made Greece into a shithole

austerity is how you fix it. greece is still a shithole because it doesn't get fixed overnight

And welfare and an extremely bloated public sector have nothing to do with it.
Funny that you excuse the Greek government for taking loans that they won't pay the interest, but won't excuse the banks that took the same kind of loans from the Greeks.

Yes. You can't have a demand that doesn't exist, you can't just write that your employees are rich and so it shall happen.

And some US states are in deep trouble with their debts. Same as here, they also incur debt and then can't pay the interest, but they can't devalue the currency, like the federal government does.

Still better than 5 years ago, and much better than Greece. Brazil having lower unemployment means nothing if unemployment keeps rising and productivity keeps dropping.

appease jew overlords who then send moneys, if the government refuse they block all the credit and exchange markets so the goverment crashes and burns and if they default they still get austerity through the contract

Like the elections you gave Iraq and Afghanistan?

Isn't it time for you to give Saudi Arabia some democracy?

The law competitions would be great too.

>Sao Paulo allows guns
>Rio bans them
>Sao Paulo gets 10x safer
>Rio a shithole forever

Its great everyone wins

Austerity is a meme that does nothing but help international banking interests at the expense of the people. Austerity is just an excuse to bypass democracy in order to loot pensions/publish spending programs.

Yes. It's not made of good human nature and desire to protect the laws because it's decided by politicians, but it's entirely legal.

Stabilize interest rates for the government, so they are still able to pay their interest, and therefore keep borrowing money to fund their budgets, which nowadays are always negative, everywhere.

>Austerity is just an excuse to bypass democracy in order to loot pensions/publish spending programs

KEK this is exactly what Dilma did.

It's a payday to the banks like after the 2008 crisis in the US

The US has been running a deficit for decades and no one here is dying. There is no hyperinflation.

The banking system destroyed Greece

The banking system killed Greece by needing a bailout.
Austerity is how you keep the country dead.

>Greek government for taking loans that they won't pay the interest

Greek officials partnered with Goldmans Sachs no less hid the loans

Why should Greek citizens have to suffer for corrupt politicians?

>much better than Greece

Greece is still paying off it's bank bailouts and will be doing so until the end of time.

Portugal still has a stagnant economy though and it will be stagnant as long as the austerity continues.

>South America

You're going to unify all of South America and attack the US now?

>There is no hyperinflation.
Yet we had in Brazil.

Federation is our form of state.

>Unify south america
God deliver our nation from this evil

Dilma moved money between state banks she didn't "loot" any pensions or spending programs.

You realize there is a difference between hyperinflation and inflation right?

"Some" inflation is good for the economy.

During the Great Depression we had deflation.

Brazil's inflation is low compared to actual inflation in the past.

way worse inflation has happened before.

Austerity worked in the few countries that really applied it like Estonia. Greece,Spain or Portugal never really had austerity,in fact they have a considerable deficit.

>the US has been running a deficit for decades [...]
Of fucking course, it's the US, the largest economy in the world. Just proves what I'm saying, countries which are able to responsably pay their interest rates have much cheaper credit, therefore can keep increasing the debt and still be able to pay interest.
If the US somehow becomes unable to pay interest in time, you will see more and devaluation. If it keeps going, the same thing that happens to all other economies can and will happen to the US.

But of course, the US will be the last country in the world for that to happen, because it can tax the US economy, the largest in the world. It also controls the availability of US dollars, the most liquid currency.

>why should Greek citizens have to suffer [...]
Because they voted those politicians in? Because they keep voting for them? Because no investor should be forced to offer credit to Greece just to keep their unsustainable economy afloat?

>Portugal still has a stagnant economy [...]
Good for them. Stagnant is much better than recession.
The population isn't growing, to expect that all economies will develop forever at a fast pace is utter madness, and what got the world economy on this mess in the first place.
Growth will only come with increases in production, not through cheap credit funding consumption of foreign products.

That's a myth

The Baltics are in hell right now

That's why they're all moving to the UK.

>You realize there is a difference between hyperinflation and inflation right?
And if the solution to a bankrupt government ends up being to print and the states borrowing money with inflation-indexed costs the latter is the scenario we will end up again.

>"Some" inflation is good for the economy.
Sometimes, but here at ~10%+ it usually raises inequality with welfare and minimum wages not following it fast enough leading the poor population into vicious cycles of increasing debt while the richer classes having mechanisms to protect themselves and even profit.

>Dilma moved money away from state banks [...]
And the money ended up on the hands of terrible borrowers, from housing subsidies to companies to foreign money, lots of very risky deals were conducted, at a very low price.
It's tha same thing that started the 2008 crisis in your country, lending money to people who can't pay for it.

Vegetable prices rose by 400% in the last 10 years,you sure thats good for the economy?

In a country with a mainly agronomic economy it doesnt look good does it?

> countries which are able to responsably pay their interest rates

Every sovereign country can pay it's interest rates w/o hyperinflation


>Because they voted those politicians in

You can't tell who will be corrupt.

>Stagnant is much better than recession.

You can avoid stagnation and recession by opposing austerity.

> latter is the scenario we will end up again.

That's a myth

Hyperinflation is caused by outside shocks not money printing

That article doesn't deny that printing (enough) money can cause hyperinflation.

Does Bolsonaro have a chance?

Alright, let' s cut to the chase, I hear a lot from you "It doesn't have to be this way".
Tell me how a country in such a situation can recover without slashing expenditure, without ill effects on the population.

Too soon to tell, but it's a maybe.

>Thats a myth
>The US
>Central bank and bankers don't steal

I wanted to believe you but just no

Also if you don't have reserves and can't keep paying your debts you eat up hyperinflation

If there's no money left you either default on the debt or you start saving money.
Saving money can hurt on the short term but at some point it's the only thing you can do.

>10 years

that's miles from hyperinflation

cost of living doesn't seem high in Brazil

>According to Roche's research, hyperinflation's root cause is actually severe economic circumstances which resulted in an increased money supply. These include: a collapse in production, government corruption, loss of a war, regime changes, and ceding of monetary sovereignty. "While government debts and deficit spending can exacerbate a hyperinflation, they have not generally been the cause of hyperinflation but rather the result of other political and economic events," Roche said.

A government can always pay it's debts and the money supply can always be controlled by the government acting counter cyclically

that is it lowers taxes during a bust and raises them during a boom.

Governments don't work like households

They issue currency they don't need to "save" anything

In fact government saving money takes money out of the economy and causes a decrease in consumer demand.

I suggest watching this

Well,he has a That site
How about you compare the wages as well?

Oh,and dont forget to multiply the dollar numbers by 3,50 as well.

And of course,dont forget to find a job to get those wages in the first place.