I cried

I cried

Me too. So much squandered potential.

it's awful kys



>faking depression

God I hate this fucking nigger.

not as good as grimes

shiloh is the only reason this is pleasing to listen to

it's actually really deep. Im glad Kenny recd this

This fucking manlet needs to dripped nothing but Iloveitwhentheyrun and Freddy v Jason type tracks, the rest is w a c k

fuck it

fuck love is the SOTY

only time i can praise grimes is when it's compared to xxxtalentless

I cried laughing


Can't wait for Fantano's Not Good video

freddy vs jason is so good

>w a c k
you think your cool or something fucking prick i wanna cut your fingers off

at the very least most people should like jocelyn flores, the rest is meh

I cried too, because it's horrible.

emotionally dishonest

I couldn't tell if it was emotionally genuine because i'm not a moody teenager so i told my friends it was better than LUV is rage 2 because of Jocelyn flores

I'm going to get fucking fried if fantano gives it a not good

edgiest faggot on Sup Forums

this was literally one of the worst albums I have ever ever heard

I swear to god only teenagers whove never heard any other genre than rap will think this is any good

Heard all genres. Not teenager. Love it af. You shiteater snob.

if that album cover is any indication of the content within, there is no chance i will ever listen to it.



>"the naked truth" hence the nude photos
You can tell he was a little too proud that he thought of this. It's almost as bad as explaining your own joke after you tell it.

His shit before jail was so much better, wtf happened? He hasn't released a single good song since jail. Where the fuck is the aggressive shit? We got it, you don't want to be famous just for "look at me", but you became famous because of it in the first place.

holy shit i thought you added the "hence the nude photos" part at first. X really is retarded

had they used a better font... and the writing be something less generic it would be actually great, but no its crap and makes me cringe

I dig it

woah there x calm down just because youre a 5 foot 4 edgelord meme rapper doesnt mean you have any cred

I don't think he is talentless or that his music is bad, in fact he did some pretty interesting concepts, even tho nothing was completely new, but this cover album shows how much of a persona he is trying to build and at the same time how he doesn't know exactly how to fake anything because his mindset is too straightforward...

The way I see it he is trying to pull a Eminem but.. Eminem played chess with his "Cleaning Out my Closet" meanwhile X is playing "odd or even" (idk if that is how the game is called in english) but a very straightforward game

6 for the music 10 for the vibe

What if it was an ironic statement?
In all honesty, it was a 5/10 at best.

>5 foot 4
stop giving yourself inches, X. we all know you're 4'11 at best.

i'm actually 3'6

I guess he just doesn't understand how the fame process works. You cant release something so personal as your first major work, it alienates new listeners and could turn away fans of your previous work. He should have produced tracks similar to his successful singles and then an album or two down the line put out something like this.

This isn't even technically an album. This is an EP.
Fuck's sake, there are longer EPs than this "album"