Hey Sup Forumssauce, Michael here!

Hey Sup Forumssauce, Michael here!

...what are dubs?

Not what you have.


these babies

Every post has a unique identification number such as When the last two digits are the same number we call it "dubs", a subdivision of "gets". Be sure to check'em when you see them in any board, whether they be dubs or higher. I hope this helps friend, welcome to our community.

Holy shit they among us

I never get dubs


dubs reporting in

Dubs are something virgins and little girls get excited over. Trips are for real men.

Drink nigger piss you dirty jew

Absolute cancer


Don't you have anything better to do, you fucking nigger ?! You are shitposting on a cuck faggot board instead of improving yourself to become a true alpha white male !! Everyday I see fucking cucks praising kikes like you and I beat the shit out of those fucking niggers !!
Get a life you degenerate !!


Dubs...fucking easy

If I get dubs I will kill myself on Google Hangout

hi, guys
i'm a newfag
what are dubs?

i'd love to see that. missed opportunity

i can haz uh dubz?

only niggers and faggots get dubs

all you dubsless fucks make me sick

I respect the effort you put in making this image.

No problem boy-o, I wasn't doing anything with my life efforts otherwise.