Have you ever met an irl elephant?

have you ever met an irl elephant?

i hear they are dicks


Yeah well thats what 10s of thousands of years of torture and abuse does to ya

Only in a zoo and at the local supermarkets depending on youre meaning.

Yeah, two of them. I tied their trunks together, was fun to see them trying to get free.

i am not a meaning

I actually found your mother to be quite pleasant

Yea in Thailand. They had signs next to them letting you know what temperament they had. You were advised not to go near ones that had an angry sign.

Yes I work at a big zoo here in Sweden.
Ëven introduced the King to them.
The smartest, sweetest animals there is.

how come they dont freeze to death in sweden?

They can handle way colder temps than we can.
And they have a huge indoor enclosure as well.
They love snow, especially the little ones. Like puppies.

Yeah. And the funny thing is their nosttil hair was longer and thicker than OPs dick.

Are you involved with the operant conditioning shit that they do to help with medical examinations and shit? I have always found that stuff fascinating. I saw this polar bear once where they had trained it to lean up against the cage to get an injection, the amount of shaping behavior that would have had to go into that would be pretty intense given that you know, pain is a pretty solid punisher


We don't use any methods including pain. That's highly illegal in Sweden.
All the training methods we use is based around reward and friendship.
Dangerous animals like the polarbears and tigers etc get put to sleep before any examinations. For every ones safety.
I trust our elephants with my life, they are loyal and friendly.

I was in Thailand riding a moped then I saw this elephant I stopped pretty close to it and smoked a cigarette. The elephant took no notice about me and kept eating its grass

What I meant was that the injection would be painful, so it would he hard to reinforce the behaviour to come get the injection. I am pretty sure using pain to punish zoo animals is illegal as fuck in most places dude.

Personally I think putting the animals to sleep is more invasive than training them to come up to the fence and bare the teeth or whatever to examine them. They are starting to do a lot of things in Australia to make the examinations less invasive. I saw this thing where they were feeding giraffes grapes to get them used to standing in like a giant cattle crush so that they could examine them without knocking them out.

Oh now I understand.
And yes it takes a lot of trust to make an animal understand they need to sit still or similar when needed.

The reason we tranquilize the predators is because we don't want the animals tamed. All predators in our park are kept as wild as possible.
It's a big part of our zoo's policy. It's of course different with non predatory species.
I'm good friend with everything from our elephants to our giraffes down to smaller animals like lemurs and those can be examined hand to hand so to speak with simple commands.
And yes, tranquilizing animals have it risks and we try our best to minimize it.

That is interesting. I am pretty jealous of your job, I want to be friends with a lemur :(



umad whiteboi

They call this one 'The Donald'

Donald Trunk

Thats animal abuse; you can see the elephant tied by the leg with a chain and the stick the guy is holding is actually a handle with a metal spike/hook on the end of it. Also the parents of the young elephand were most likely killed by the poachers.

Thailand probs.

These are gay Asiatic elephants. Fuck off

That fat lil shit is getting more action than most of the faggots on this will ever get.
