Post a 10/10 and the rest of us will let you know why she's a 2/10 would not bang

Post a 10/10 and the rest of us will let you know why she's a 2/10 would not bang.





Nipples too big, no thigh gap, fat legs rubbing together probably cause chafing that results in rashes the probably and get infected and spread to her pussy that would make your cock rot off.


Nipples pointing east-west
Vacuous face
2/10 would not bang

hard mode.

Apparently has missing 3rd tit
One pussy lip longer than the other

2/10 WNB

Stupid hair
Possibly hermaphrodite
Stupid tattoos
Fat landwhale


>wouldn't bang Katya Clover
Faggot detected

>Weird face 2/10

>Large biceps 2/10

>Poor style sense 2/10

>Questionable morals, would not bang

>Future double chin, bad genetics

>Redhead, 2/10

Tattoos, slut detected

Do you get how this game works?

>Nipples too big
youre a faggot

Posting Elizabeth

And Taylor, both 10/10

Nigger, everybody knows little nips are the best.

absolutely not, more nipple means more fro my mouth. You must be very young

More freckles on the right side of her nose than the left. Distracting, can't even fap to her. 2/10

Bad choice of lipstick, gross eyebrow and weird earlobe. poorly moisturized elbows. Single weird mole on her back. I puked in my mouth. 2/10.


I swear ill fucking kill you, thick eyebrows are absolutely patrician
Also post a girl so i can judge you dude

Holy shit you're retarded and ugly and dumb. I want you and everybody you love to die.

Little nipples are fun to play with. Talking about putting it in your mouth proves my point. Like a jawbreaker that can't fit in your mouth, what's the point? Little nips is like gobstoppers.

No head, tits start far too low on the torso, tons of body hair on her stomach. 1/10 worst thing posted yet. kill yourself.

No, the 14yo virgin fedoralord does not.

I can definitely fit all big nipples in my mouth, and the bigger it is the more surface area it has and the more sensitive it is. Calm your autism and come over to the side of grown men.

This thread gave everyone African Aids. You should be ashamed.

I didn't say thick ones are always bad, just that the one I was responding to was. This one has got gross ones too.

This right here is a 10/10.


>just that the one I was responding to was. This one has got gross ones too.
Theyre both my posts and its both the same girl and youre wrong again.
That girl has micro eyebrows, trash/10, thick brows for life

You have bad taste. Being an adult has got nothing to do with it. Also I'm 52 so shut the fuck up already you stupid beaner.

>I'm 52
mega cringe if thats true grandpa

>Alien face
>Where are the rest of your teeth

Holy shit she's got a full blown monobrow here. Armenian, much?

Here's perfection.

She has a rat mouth

Now I'm too old? I can't keep you autists happy.

>Also I'm 52 so shut the fuck up
>A 52-year-old man talks like an edgelord 14-year-old newfag that just stumbled onto Sup Forums for the first time

Dodger is always a 10/10

taylor mogs her into oblivion
first I was a beaner for some reason, now im an autist? seeGrandpa get off the internet and stop acting edgy please

No one can resist Dove. She's perfect

insta: dark_mist24


>Terrible, cheap lamp
>Ikea tier drawers that look ready to fall apart at any second
>fucking LIME flavoured water
>two straws for what is clearly one person
2/10, learn to interiorly decorate








As Frank Zappa's grandmother used to say, "If it's more than a mouthful, it's wasted."

>stop having fun, time to shitpost


She looks like Melania.


I would fuck the life out of Brendan Jordan.





Good to see Lena Dunham getting back into shape



>Brendan Jordan
>Peruvian father
Which means his last name should be pronounced "hor-DAHN". As with the Mexican writer, Fernando Jordán, who committed suicide in the 1950s because of his own gender-fluidity.



>humanity is doomed



>getting out of hand
I see what you did there you old bitch kek


Bug surprise, its britain





unfortunately, there are tribes in Africa that actually eat dead humans as part of a ritual. It has actually developed into Kuru, a prion-related condition, analogous to mad cow disease



B-but all cultures are equal




((( Pioneer))) in Gender reassignment

>suicide girl
>being this retarded
>being this blind

all suicide girls are trash-gutter smelly whores
no regard for their body (ugly tats all over to distract from pure features, uncovered; piercings, hi imma pirates hor off a sailor ship), and no regard for personal hygiene tellingly because of the ink, holes, blah blah blah

go jamb another heroine needle in your foot and get money from SG horing to make people tell you your pretty
attract only betavirginfags and dreg losers
fake be happy




I wish theyd just live up to their name



no one can read that text



Is that Rwanda?




ok, this 9/10
