Who /alcohol/ here?

Who /alcohol/ here?

How much do you drink? What is your drink of choice?

3 handles a week, vodka

also a few beers

48 bottles of Yuengling a week. Time to hit the gym after work.....sit down......6 pack gone.

I usually drink 10/12+ beers, 3 bottles of wine, or a bottle of whiskey (the equivalent of about 24 - 30 units of alcohol) most nights whenever I have money.
Not had a drop in 6 days since no money... and don't get any again until a week tomorrow.
Gonna try and go a whole month without drinking starting from when I last had some... I'm determined to get myself out of this horrible drinking habit that I've had for several years.
Got an alcohol gut that I really need to shift... I want to be sexy again.

This summer that just past, I sometimes would chug a whole wine bottle and 24 oz beer before I go out to eat alone. And then order a draft of a beer and a shot.
I don't do that anymore since school's back in session and I have something to do again lol.

Got this earlier today. It's nice and bitter just how I like it

I know that feel bro

Depression + boredom = alcohol.
It's the quickest and easiest way to solve it.

Stop kicking me in the feels

Oh yeah, that's why I drink. Intense depression and boredom can be solved with a few drinks. But definitely leads to bigger 'problems' down the road, weight gain being one of course.

I just struggle to imagine a life without drinking at this point. I'm so lost in life and drinking almost brings a morbid sense of meaning to it all.