What the fuck is wrong with my face?

What the fuck is wrong with my face?

Why do people on /soc/ call me ugly, why am I always fucking lowest rated girl by all the raters while everyone else is deemed good enough in rate threads? Why am I a pathetic virgin? Please help me, I'm so miserable

I used to think I looked normal, decent even. I swear

Why the fuck doesnt anybody like me?

/soc/ made me suicidal

The Internet has completely fucking destroyed my pride, my self worth, my confidence, my womanhood, my life...


nice bait

really?! again?! who keeps posting this shit?

I'll surely fall in love with you, honey. But we live in diferent parts of the world :(

Post her nudes or gtfo


id face fuck her even tho that aint you faggot

It's your hair. Fix it

stop being a heroin addict

A rich faggot with a gold membership and there is nothing you can do about it