What the fuck is wrong with my face?

What the fuck is wrong with my face?

Why do people on /soc/ call me ugly, why am I always fucking lowest rated girl by all the raters while everyone else is deemed good enough in rate threads? Why am I a pathetic virgin? Please help me, I'm so miserable

I used to think I looked normal, decent even. I swear

Why the fuck doesnt anybody like me?

/soc/ made me suicidal

The Internet has completely fucking destroyed my pride, my self worth, my confidence, my womanhood, my life...


nice bait

really?! again?! who keeps posting this shit?

I'll surely fall in love with you, honey. But we live in diferent parts of the world :(

Post her nudes or gtfo


id face fuck her even tho that aint you faggot

It's your hair. Fix it

stop being a heroin addict

A rich faggot with a gold membership and there is nothing you can do about it


But I feel lonely and with drugs I feel somehow less lonely and sad

throwing your life away.
just to be clear i don't care about you.

I know , no one cares about me

just overdose you human trash

Im scared, don't say something like this its not nice

Snap name?

I don't have snap

what in the actual fuck


I could do another shot but right now I'm changing my nail color to black lol

Stop doing heroin you thick cunt

Try being an odd looking guy,
I just blend in, no one talks to me, I'm tall, not /fit but not fat, Robin Williams/wolverine body hair,
people seem put off or threatened,
hair started falling out when I was 19 from stress, so buzz cut deff doesn't help.
It sucks walking around feeling like everyone scared of you or mad at you for reason that you don't know.

Honestly think it's been years since I've been given a compliment.

Uhmm there is something called addiction I can't stop but I want too

I like you because youre honest about your feelings, some guys pretend to be hard and edgy on Sup Forums

Uhmm there's something called an excuse
And that's all I'm hearing, if you seriously want help you can go get it, just have to want to


your RP is boring dude, go to /d/ to fake you are this chick

What is heroin like?
All I know about it is what I see in movies and the people pass out and are useless but you are doing your nails and shit.

Here we go again

Go to a fucking reabilitation clinic you retard

Sorce on that polish???

nice bait 2 different pics with 2 different nails

since you wont make it anyway why not just slam your whole supply and go out on top of the world?

Im going to sleep
Good night guys

It's this one

I just got here, and what the fuck...

Tbh OP should go get some fucking help for that addiction asap. These days it's widely available.

NAhh im just trolling do you really think eliza would visit Sup Forums again ?

Post tits

Pics from tumblr you guys are easy to trick kek

One thing I'm interested to know. I will never do heroin because I'm not a fucking spastic, but am interested to hear what it's like from someone who is.

First day it's wonderful euphoria and sleepy mind but you need more and the rush is always less

Search it on bluelight or other drug forums you will find a lot threads about it



Nice thanks

OP that looks a lot like my gf
so can I bring this up here?

I think this nigger at her gym is trying to move in on her
inb4 why don' you go to the gym with her
because I don't exercise
and is there another way I can keep this from getting out of hand?

>posting in easily forgettable thread

pls con i see bobs four my dificult penis

OP I think this nigger is trying to move in on the gf that I think this nigger is trying to move in on the gf looks I think this nigger is trying to move in on the gf a I think this nigger is trying to move in on the gf lot I think this nigger is trying to move in on the gf like I think this they go to the same gym together is trying to move in on the gf my I think this they go to the same gym together is trying to move in on the gf gf
so I think this they go to the same gym together is trying to move in on the gf can I think this they go to the same gym and I think a nigger is trying to move in on her together is trying to move in on the gf I I think this they go to the same gym and I think a nigger is trying to move in on her together is trying to move in on the gf bring I think this they go to the same gym and I think a nigger is trying to move in on her together is trying to move in on the gf this I think this nigger is trying to move in on the gf up I think this nigger is trying to move in on the gf here?

>tfw fell for this literally 2 minutes ago