I'm tired of what my life has become... All I do all day is smoke weed and eat pizza... It gets depressing

I'm tired of what my life has become... All I do all day is smoke weed and eat pizza... It gets depressing...

smoke less, go for a walk or run every day and eat some fruit

should get rid of 80% of the depression

Smoke more then

You're using it wrong.

you should find a nice sativa and go outside. it's enjoyable to just walk around. exercise and eat healthier.

i cant stand behind that, brother. i do that and still stay depressed.

I'm giving advice i don't take here, but the important thing is to smoke only to enhance an experience. If smoking becomes the experiemce itself it's only a waste of time and money.

Drug user is feeling depressed, total shocker.

It's not an instant fix, but pretty quick. Cut out junk food and sugar,

exercise daily, even something ez like walking

snack on fruits/veggies/nuts, finish the day with some protein

weed is fine but if you're smoking all day it's probably not doing jack for you anymore and taking a break would help

Do you have fun doing this?
I'm the same I guess, just without weed and pizza, but with work and chores instead. This big emptyness is slowly creeping into my daily life, so I might stop functioning in the near future.

Fuck, misspelled emptiness, now I feel stupid on top of that.

I eat relatively clean and keep my blood sugar level. Since my gf has a doggo, I'm out in the woods one to two hours a day. Anything else? The first two didn't help that much I guess.


Change it.
You're the master of your own destiny.
I'm a fine one to talk, I'm a boarderline alcoholic stoner... but I give good advice that I never take myself.

>go for a walk or run every day
enjoy getting robbed
run over
asthma from inhaling all them car phumes
lyme disease from tick bites
malaria or westnile or another one of the bajillion diseases from mosquitos
have fun being ate by the wild life
have fun getting cancer from the sun/fucked up OZ
have fun being at the wrong place at the wrong time and being murdered for witnessing something, or worse blamed for causing it.
aren't you glad you left the house?

start lifting. if you don't, you're a lazy bitch who deserves to self destruct himself slowly

not just the fact that he's a drug user, but a user of a depressant, feels depressed ...

you're only warning manlets.
as someone that's 6'2 i can assure you no one tries to rob, rape, or run me over. i do have a concealed carry but no one has made me wanna pull it out.

that sounds like the life.
dude, keep doing that for like 15 more years.
in the end, you will be what we have no name for.
you will become an inspiration when you become an hero following your dreams.

OP, don't smoke during daylight, start to work out, work or do hobbie.
Become somehow usefull to the society, get married, have sons.
Good luck.

You're not depressed you have paranoid schizophrenia

You're the only person holding yourself back.
Do a hobby you've been ignoring or go out in nature more often.

>i can assure you no one tries to rob, rape, or run me over
that's because you're an ugly smelly faggot who emulates that of a homeless loser with nothing of value.
also those things don't protect against everything else which was listed, nor from jihadists running you over because they know it's how they get away with murder

>everything listen is possible from hiking/running
>risk increases with exposure
it's not paranoia if it's true, nor is a person schizophrenic when they don't have hallucinations

He probably lives in Africa.

smoking weed all day eating pizza how are you depressed when your doing what you want?

My life is depressing too, OP.

I don't smoke any weed.

Push off smoking later and later each day till you're not starting till the late evening. Smoking is fun sure, but doing it all day just burns you the fuck out, and it stops being as fun around 4-5 hours in when you just feel sleepy.

So push it back by an hour or so a day, and use that hour productively. Hunt for work, learn a skill, read, write, do an active hobby. I'm not fucking Google, just look for shit to do thats productive and makes you a better person.

And trust me, after that when you DO smoke, it won't feel as empty or as shitty.

As for the pizza side of things, vary your diet and make sure you're getting the right shit into you. Sure, a few binge snacks while your high won't kill you, as long as you've eaten healthy during the day.

Overall just moderate yourself on it. Smoking weed all day and eating pizza is a great way to spend a rainy Sunday once a month or so - but it should not be your every day lifestyle. If it bothers you, the only person who can change that is you man.

>leddit spaycying
completely disregarded your fagpost


we're kinda brothers tbh fam, except instead of smoking weed, i poopsmoke butthash, weed gets you high as fuck when you got a good strain

butthash gets you high as shit nigger every single time

i'm currently high as shit nigger

Its how I typed it out because Autism, I did mean to combine it back together at points but forgot.

>considers himself autistic
>still thinks he should give others life advice
kys yourself faggot

The latin term for that is degenerati

Stop smoking at all. I'm one week in and feeling way better already

>All I do all day is smoke weed and eat pizza... It gets depressing...

Try different toppings.

laughed with the use of a percentage
but totally agree with that
actually i am doing it atm

>kys yourself

Come on man, just trying to help OP with shit and you're being a real asshole over some spaced text. Why are you so mad? Like not even ironic here, why are you so pissed off?

Stop with the pizza and get into cooking, smoke like once a day and go for a long walk every day, you will be fine again. Literally me for the past 1-2 years.

Try heroin

Anything can kill you, so you might as well stop being such a fucking pussy and make the best of it