What the fuck is wrong with my face?

What the fuck is wrong with my face?

Why do people on /soc/ call me ugly, why am I always fucking lowest rated girl by all the raters while everyone else is deemed good enough in rate threads? Why am I a pathetic virgin? Please help me, I'm so miserable

I used to think I looked normal, decent even. I swear

Why the fuck doesnt anybody like me?

/soc/ made me suicidal

The Internet has completely fucking destroyed my pride, my self worth, my confidence, my womanhood, my life...


Suicidal and ugly


You point fine

Cake some make up on.
Put ur hair in pig tails and smile a little. Slut up or shut up.
Put aside any feminist ideals otherwise u might as well commit suicide.

U hot, would gladly fuck

Maybe a little asymmetry but otherwise you don't look bad at all. The fact you look sad/glum isn't overly attractive and if anything is the worst part.

Try not to dwell on shit like this, just focus on making most of life. Having a perfect face will not solve that. Go out and be part of things, meet people, find hobbies, be friendly and just enjoy life to the best you can.

The majority of people out there do not care about this kind of superficial shit, only who you are as a person.

Well, firstly, coming to Sup Forums to say this was a mistake.
Secondly, i actually think your quite beautiful, but thats just because ive a preference for sad girls that arent 10/10s. Ive fucked 10/10 girls and dated them, and theyre usually fucking useless once you get passed the flesh.
So, for me, honestly, i give you a 7/10 and id fuck you approve. All in all though, i cant say that as your probably a man.
Tl;dr Tits or gtfo.

Same post second time today.

Nothing is wrong with you. You're cute and adorable, with a nice girl-next-door appeal. The problem is internet, it's not a place to build your self-esteem. Personally I don't care what many strangers think, just what a few good friends think. Hope you feel better soon.