what happens if Trump dominates the votes in the states he wins and wins the national popular vote by a significant margin but still loses the electoral college?
What happens if Trump dominates the votes in the states he wins and wins the national popular vote by a significant...
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If it's by a few hundred thousand votes, nothing. If it's by a few million then civil war 2.0.
What happens is
A M E R I C A N R E V O L U T I O N P A R T 2
Trump is leading Hillary *now* in every swing State. Do you really think things will ever get better for her when she has trouble fighting a tired old communist with a completely rigged DNC?
We're on uncharted waters here, user. Just enjoy the meme show.
It happened with Bush so you never know
Hillary becomes president
Well, Trump supporters were going to shoot up the place no matter how he loses, but to answer the OP's question:
Same thing that happened to Al Gore. He'll lose, people will rant and lawsuits raise, but ultimately the electoral college vote will be accepted.
This is a very rare occurrence though, and present polls show Trump losing both electoral and popular.
Then Hillary will have won not only her party's nomination, but also the presidency through "representative systems" instead of "the will of the people"
This is allowed by our laws, and she would legally be the president, but people would NOT be happy about it
No, they show him winning both.