Why did you do this America?

Why did you do this America?

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they made anime

Much, MUCH easier than invading Japan normally.

To end the war retard

revenge and research

Why did you fuck with pearl harbor you stupid gook

In hindsight, we were wrong in taking such a drastic measure, however the kikes were emphasizing how war-like the japs were and how they wouldn't stop until one or the other was annihilated, and we acted with what we had at the time, brand-new, untested in actual war atomic weapon.

>the jew feared the samurai

Japanese communications showed that they would never ACTUALLY surrender and the only thing that had given them minor thought was the massive fire bombing. They didn't surrender after having tokyo decimated, so it had to escalate till they would indeed surrender. The Japanese had already been carpet bombing to destroy civilian homes, this is carpet bombing an area using only one bomb. It was efficiency.

1-end war
2-save japs and usa soldiers lives

Should have dropped a few more.

it wasn't that bad

besides, the fuckers had it coming - poke the beehive, get stung


It killed far fewer Japanese citizens than a conventional invasion would have, both by battle casualties and post defeat suicides. In my opinion nukes have saves far more lives than they have taken. They're pretty much the only reason there hasn't been another huge global conflict since WW2

>invade other countries
>rape and slaughter your way through Asia
>sneak attack a country that doesn't support your war
>human experimentation on the level of Nazis
>"B-but muh nukes!"

2000 nukes would not have been enough.

Why not?

>Human experimentation on the level of Nazis
Japanese experimentation was arguably worse than the Nazis, at leas the Nazis were methodical. Unit 731 basically threw shit at the wall and see what sticks. "What happens if we remove this organ, or that one, what happens when you drop plague infected fleas on cities?" Even the Nazis never USED bioweapons, they developed them (as did the allied powers) but never used them


Because of the embargo of oil by the U.S.. They knew they would eventually run out of oil, so it was a strategic necessity for them. It was the U.S. that pushed them into this.

We wanted to make the Third Impact a reality who knows.

for future anime

except for the nuclear fallout that continued to kill people even years after the bomb dropped

So if you refuse to condone innocents being murdered and refuse to support the perpetrators it's your fault if they attack you unprovoked?

you think japan was embargoed just for the fun of it?

japan back then was equivalent to iran/north korea today, they had it coming

japan was not innocent, japan was not a victim, japan was a perpetrator of inhumane cruelties, genocide and war

I answered "why". Nothing more.

Still less than the millions that could have died if WW3 had happened, nuclear deterrence works. There hasn't been a global conflict since, only small time proxy wars. Nuclear weapons have saved millions -if not billions- of lives since their invention and proliferation

wrong file

Top fucking kek

>invade a dozen other countries and topple their governments
>kill hundreds of thousands of civilians
>big country embargoes you
>"we were pushed into this"
Fuck off back to your tentacle porn, Hiroshi

because it was funny

regardless, they sneaked attacked another country, they should be thankful any person alive today has Jap genes.

The conflict with Japan was part of WW2...

Even accounting for that, it's still less. Official estimates for Operation Downfall put the number of Japanese deaths at 5-10 million and US deaths at 500,000.
The bombs were mercy for both sides.

>save japs

I promise you this was in no way a reason considered by anyone who helped make the decision as to whether or not to drop the bomb.

To avoid what would have been a most likely a very long and very bloody war that we could not reasonably sustain.

Is that a good enough reason?

You seem to lack even a cursory understanding of the way events unfolded. Keep blaming jews though makes you look hard.

Because it was better than communism.

That, and Japan EARNED the bomb; look into the war crimes done under japanese occupation throughout asia; there's a reason why the japanese imperial flag in asia is the equivalent of Nazi symbols in the west.

The US demanded total surrender, the Japs refused, so they needed to be punished for failing to understand reality. Nobody gave a shit about Jap lives they just wanted the war to end.

pearl harbor, retard

>I promise you
You're wrong. What the fuck authority are you?

cuz you sunk our battleship

For SCIENCE of course you silly gook.

When do we do it to those goat-fucking sand-niggers?

Are you incapable of reading comprehension or are you intentionally being retarded?

because you did this you stupid fucking gook

go watch the movie

>Third impact 50 years before the second impact

look "the mans behind the sun" and you'll understand

these are all exactly the right answer. we did not want to use any more soldiers and we did not want any more sustained conflict. my, how the priorities have changed since then.

They wouldn't fuck off

We put posters everywhere saying to get the fuck out of there because we were going bomb them, they didn't listen, they didn't surrender after the first bomb, we bombed them again.

Learn your fucking history Jap sympathizer.

And his point that by using nukes to end that war it helped to prevent world war 3. Reading is hard for mongoloids like you I suppose.

attack on military base =/= two nukes on civilian areas

>tentacle porn
>Pre nuke japan

pick one.

Does that really happen with your eyeballs

because of this

cant use nukes in today's age it would cause WW3 for sure even if it was a necessary move. ISIS isn't worth that.

Because when you fuck with the Eagle, you get the talons.

The only good Jap is a dead Jap

To show off and totally emasculate emperor ching chong. Ching Ding could have totally prevented this by surrendering, he should have seen the writing on the wall. So by bombing him, you show the surviving portions of Japan that Chong Chun cared more about his pride than the lives of the people he was supposed to lead and protect.

Trying to wipe out the US Pacific fleet but being a stupid slope and instead just piss off a giant. They are lucky to still have a nation.

Because those filthy Chinks deserved it. You bomb Hawaii, you get fucked. Twice.

Japan was actually pretty fucking awful.
We did them a favor.

>not including the firestorm as the air around the blast is hot enough to ignite everything it comes into contact with for a mile, which follows the powerful shockwave
also to answer your question, people are evil, sometimes it takes evil deeds to cleanse evil doers.
also the nukes were nothing compared to the firebombing raids which preceded them

if you knew anything about japan and their attitudes during WWII, you wouldnt feel the least bit sad about this vid.

This is cosmic justice coming to fruition. The japanese during that time were truly evil, sadistic motherfuckers.

Truth is, we were already firebombing the shit out of their cities. We would not have had to invade. Their air forces were exhausted, their industry destroyed. We could have kept bombing at our leisure and they would not have been able to stop us.
But we wanted to make a statement, to set an example, to show the world who's boss.

I was gonna say the same thing

No. Technically they could pop from a huge pressure change, but honestly, most of the damage of a nuclear device is flashburn and flash-related ignition. Radiation burns and direct explosion is a very small radius.

They're 'nips,' not 'gooks.' Get your racism correct.

For teh lulz

Rad. Bombs are like a magic spell. You just drop it and people fucking disintegrate.


Woah, there!

To knock'em out of the war AND intimidate the USSR.

Sometimes you have to punch the retard to get everyone to stop fighting each other.

Just use greasy slopes, it's a nice blanket term.

Assuming they'd give up means you havent studied WWII japan much.

There was no reason to believe they'd give up, and they were running campaigns to prepare women and children to fight to the death. To say that they would have surrendered anyway is a foolish notion.

cuz freedom and democracy

fun fact : atomic bomb actually makes your eyes boil and explode

My grandfather was on a destroyer that was supposed to invade the Japanese mainland the day after they surrendered, meaning I would most likely not be alive if we had not bombed the japs. And since I want to die, I wish that we hadn't done it tbh.


thats basically it.

ww2 japan was fucking pure evil.

same reason why u raped all of nanking
for teh lulz

oh boy welcome to 1814. ya know, a couple years before ww2

You just drew that in paint in like five minutes.

btw you brainwashed shitheads atomic bombs didnt make japs surrender , they didnt give a fuck about those bombs but russians were coming to invade them and shove communism up their asses , they didnt want to lose traditions and honor so they gave up to yankees to preserve their emperor etc

Shoulda been like lolno and dropped more bombs.

>leave every city in your country
how is this feasible?
especially when dealing with a regime like theirs?

lol no, they don't have a single nuclear power defending them.

This fucking retard. The Russian were coming is one of the reasons the US drop the bomb. To scare the faggot Russians and use Japan to display their new weapons. The japs were scared of the Russians? fucking kek

i really like japanese art

jap was leaning towards communism until one of the main political figures preaching for it was assassinated, at which point they went all capitalism.

it wsnt every city, they gave a list.

and they could of like


Mein Fuhrer, I can walk!!!!

buddy we put fliers in Hiroshima and Nagasaki

you know

the only two places we bombed
because we only had two atom bombs

>weve cut off all your supplies
>we are firebombing your cities in a way you cant counter
>you have no food and will brutally starve over months causing millions of deaths
>and invading will costs those lives and lots of our own
>surrender or we will keep this up

>haaay wha happen to dose cities, this is unfairu

he will get into semantics and point out the fliers that said a list of places and then ALSO said we couldnt promise these would be the only places, didnt mention hiroshima.

because the Japanese attacked us. We gave them the chance to surrender, and they didn't.

I've always wondered, if that's what it was really like...

you autistic shithead soviets cannot be intimidated , for both soviets and japs death isnt a big deal , if they were coming to just kill all japs they would be ok with that but they wanted to enslave them like half of europe




Pretty much this.
>Baatan death march
>Rape Houses
>Rape of Nanking
>Rape of Beijing
>Pearl Harbor
The list goes on and on and on and on...
Win a war. Save lives. Bring troops home. Call it what ever you want. The USA did the right thing. The exact reason doesn't matter.

usa is the only country which used atomic bombs against civilians , isnt that kinda strange together with all that bullshit propaganda , freedoms , democracies , godblessings and how awesome usa is ?

>underage b&

wasn't that the guy who ate burgers in one bite or some shit?

for *sport*

>used atomic bombs against civilians
or at all as a weapon.

look up the history though for real. Its pretty clear why we felt what we did was our only real option.