Hey Oklahoma fag here just wondering what the rest of the us thinks of us both southern states and northen states

Hey Oklahoma fag here just wondering what the rest of the us thinks of us both southern states and northen states

New Englandfag here, Oklahoma seems aight to me. Main concern would be the bible bangers, but we have plenty of them here, too

U.S my bad

Least you're not as gay as Texas.

Kentuckyfag here traveled through it seems quaint quiet but i just traveled the rural parts

Oklahoma fag here too. I fucking love this state which seems rare because almost everyone else hates it. 74055 918 Owasso here.

New York here. Was raised in Amish country so NYC was pretty much a different universe but I knew I wanted to move there after college. I've been to about 30 states and NYC is still my favorite. I could do Boston, Chicago, Seattle. I'd do SF or DC if I go a significant raise. In SF astronomical rent sniff tech farts and lie to each other about how 'innovative' we all are would be torture. In DC, when government is out of session, it's like a swampy college town where the prices don't rationalize during summer break.

I-95 south of DC is horrid. The entire economy is predicated on cheap real estate so everybody mumbles on about EASY LIVING and nice weather before going back into an air-conditioned environment to guzzle a 2gal sweet tea. The hospitality is really a thing but it's very easy to be nice to neighbors when you don't have any. Pedro has excellent fireworks.

I've never been to the Deep South but I really want to do a road trip in a RV, go to NASCAR events and people watch.

Nobody lives in the square states and if you are driving it's going to be windy as fuck. They swing gates across the highways and make you get off in winter. The gas station people are all on meth. Once you leave Omaha/Kansas city the only outpost until CA is Denver. I got terrible food poisoning at a regional fast food place in Utah and was shitting blood in SLC and Reno. My copilot was binging on weed as we left Colorado. He only ate ate donuts and beef jerky until Sparks, NV.

MN thinks you're a bunch of ignorant, science denying rednecks.

MN is full of Somalis.

Interesting take but living on Long Island about 20 miles east of NYC i couldn't agree more about the east coast up and down 95 been to Vegas wouldn't want to live there Denver was nice but not near any water Houston so-so San Antonio not bad but again no water. When you lived near the ocean your whole life I find it hard to believe I would want to live further than an hour drive from an ocean ( never been near a large enough lake for a long enough period to know if I would like it because of waves )

WAfag basically i think everyone east of Idaho or south of Oregon is scum so

>Enjoys getting pegged by feminists.

MN here, youre not wrong, it sucks.

You couldn't pay me to live in tornado alley.

Blue states earn almost $2 trillion annually
Red states are welfare states (they rely on Blue states' taxes for their subsidies and welfare).

I love living on the coast. I would never associate with trash in the Midwest or South (that includes PA/MI/WI).

Michigan here.

My dad grew up in oklahoma (outside of tulsa) and his family is still there. Mostly Tulsa and McAlister (sp?)

I used to visit once or twice a year.

Turner Falls was always cool. Aside from that the eastern part of the state is kind of shit.

Its been so long since I've been there I couldn't tell you what I think about it now.

I do remember seeing fucking natives everywhere, living in slum like conditions. It was explained they live on the dole and dont do much else than pop out kids and get fucked up.

I might go back some day on a road trip when I get older, but its not a place I would recommend anyone go to otherwise.

Arkansas here.
My wife is from Fort Smith, on the border with OK.
I love the history (Indian territory, last place in the wild wild west, Stand Waite etc) but even we make fun of OK. You guys have a bunch of old people that cruise in the left lane on I-40 and ruin the whole State's reputation.

Braums is your best gift to the southern midwest
people seem nice after being introduced by someone they know
7.5/10 breddy gud

Feels good to be AKfag

Louisville fag reporting in

Great fucking city!
Back in my wild punk rock youth, we came through on tour a time or two. Bar was called Rudyard Kipling or something?

Never had a bad time in KY.

houston fag here, it's pretty decent but some parts of it suck

Chicagofag. Thought everyone in Oklahoma was just an obese, religious, retard. Still true in areas, but after visiting think it's a great state (and try to spread the word). Still too traditional though (in the past)

where is that ?

The south is stupid.

Braums is insanely good

Washingtonian displaced to Kentucky.
Oklahomies are good with me. I've always known yall to be patriotic and loving the shit out of Muricuh. More country than most states, especially Texas.

>918 74055 fag here too

Im a paducahfag myself
