Hi Sup Forums I was wondering if we could have a conversation about racism and sexism here on Sup Forums...

Hi Sup Forums I was wondering if we could have a conversation about racism and sexism here on Sup Forums. I just think I should bring this up because a common thing we see on here is hate for modern feminism (which I fully support, fuck feminazis and all who support them, for those not sure about the difference between modern feminism and just straight up feminism refer to shoeonhead's video "feminism is about equality"

Why I bring up the hate that we see for feminists here on Sup Forums is this: The point of those threads is to point out how fucked in the head and nasty the feminazis are, by calling out their outrageous double standards and grossly rampant misandry. We all say "You can't judge all men based on the actions of a few, because that is inherently sexist, people shouldn't be put into a judgement box just because they have a penis between their legs. The thing is that when we take a stance like this, we're basically defending equality of the sexes even if we're not trying to.

Ok so we all like saying nigger because it's pretty funny honestly and so are many other offensive terms. I have a view similar to H3H3, iDubbbz, and Louis C.K. in that you can pretty much say anything you want if you're trying to be funny and not use the words in a hateful way. I also believe in freedom of speech and all that so I'm not trying to tell any of you what you can or can't say. What I am trying to point out is that we've dug ourselves into a pit of hypocrisy be attacking modern feminism for being sexist feminazis, but then the next second Sup Forumstards will turn around and say the most nasty shit about black people and that all women are whores.

I understand that Sup Forums is inherently divided down many splits including political beliefs, social beliefs, and religious beliefs. It's the inconsistency that bothers me here, the bold-faced hypocrisy of it that really gets under my skin and makes me despise my fellow Sup Forumstards.


I personally don't make judgments on people based on their skin color or their gender, as those two things reflect exactly 0% of the choices that person has made in life and is one of the most inaccurate ways you could render judgement on a stranger. You'd have better luck judging somebody based on what they're wearing or what kind of music they like. I like saying Nigger and Cunt just as much as the rest of you but how many of us are actual genuine bigots here? I'm asking seriously. For those of you who have taken the time to read this whole thing I'm curious to hear your opinion on all this. Do you really think all black people are thieving scum and that all women are gold-digging sluts? Please share your views and try to have an intellectual conversation.

I wasn't sure what Image to post so I'm just posting a nice ass to grab attention, gonna be bumping with wallpapers.


I hope this actually sparks a good thought-out debate and not just name calling and slurs












Doot doo do do do


















does Sup Forums's bump algorithm work differently than it used to? a long time ago if you bumped a thread with an image you got moved to the front of the board





a foreign bump? many thanks user, but I would rather hear your view on the subject actually.






what a substantial argument! You've completely changed my mind on the subject and my worldview.

We all know OP is a faggot, that's old news user, care to actually put some effort into it?







The hate on ferminism boils down from the perspective of males raised by single mothers and comparing themselves with peers that had a functional traditional family.

Feminism is about priviledge and distabilizing the nuclear family institution. All of it which was already accomplished in the west hemisphere. And they still demand more.

Racism, well niggers be nigging. If you have never lived in the ghetto you have no argument.

but that's what I'm saying, people living in a poor ghetto growing up around peers that encourage crime has more to do with their culture than with their level of melanin. It isn't as simple as their skin color and you know that as well as I do, so why judge based on race rather than what neighborhood you're from?

forgot wall..... ty for the reply btw i was starting to get lonely in here

I also think there are pleeeeenty of men that were raised by two parent families that hate on feminism (I agree that modern feminism is trying to break the family unit)

I did grew up in a guetto for nearly 3 years. Nigger always tried to coherse me into stealing petty shit or harming random animals on the street.

Went to visit a couple years ago, a lot of them are dead and the rest are still living like they had never earned a penny in their life.

Psychology explains transgenderism, but when it comes down to explaining that niggers are savages everybody flips their shit.

They are mentally inferior. And they are stronger but not technical and tactically superior.

but user there are white people that are mentally inferior as well, so many whites in the US are useless welfare consuming hambeasts and if you think that isn't true then you're wearing blinders. What I'm trying to say is that this shit is not as simple as what color your skin is, it is influenced much more by your education and how you were raised, and your personal life choices

by the way I'm starting to think that you're assuming that I'm defending modern feminism, I'm not doing that at all, what I am defending are the women that get called sluts and whores and gold-diggers based solely on their gender that they were born with.

>your education and how you were raised
Even after college, some of them still see crime a viable. Fuck them.
>your personal life choices
They choose the crime life, but aren't accountable for it?
>Pic related
No decent woman gets called a slut without proof.

I just think it's wrong to judge such a massive group of people purely based on one thing they have in common. There are black people that contribute heavily to society, there are black fathers that care very deeply for their children, and there are women that aren't gold-digging sluts. It's like calling all gamers sexists homophobes because the only game you play is CoD and you hear 12 year olds calling out slurs so you interpret that as how all gamers act

>Even after college, some of them still see crime a viable. Fuck them.
exactly, some of them, some whites resort to crime after college as well, wow so I guess fuck white people too right?

>They choose the crime life, but aren't accountable for it?
A certain amount of them do, just like a certain amount of white people do the exact same shit user, it still doesn't make it okay to judge the whole group based on the actions of a few, even if the percentages are higher per capita, it doesn't give you adequate information to know that every member of the group is a shitty person

>No decent woman gets called a slut without proof.
Is this your first day on Sup Forums user? are you being serious? I've seen more posts that say "all women are whores" than I can possibly count in the years I've been lurking here

Cry a river then.

Stereotypes are born from behaviours of the vast majority of a group. So, it is things they have in common.

Those examples are the exception, the problem many idiots have is that the exception suddenly has to become the rule.

Now, from a middle ground, I don't judge people by how they look. But as soon as I get a redflag I get the hell outta there.

Adult niggers are dangerous. There are respectable men off course, but even they have some tendency toward idiocy.

>judge the whole group based on the actions of a few
>the percentages are higher per capita
What exactly are we discussing?

If they have a higher tendency "Per head", it means the groups has something bad. Again, there are exceptions, but they are far between.

And, this is Sup Forums for fuck sake's. There is a thread wishing white people death and everything here is just written garbage so take everything with a grain of salt.

I appreciate the serious replies, I have a fundamental issue with this way of thinking, this "us vs them" mentality. You could say EXACTLY the same thing about rape

Who even knows what percentage of rapes have been committed by men over the ages, maybe over 98%? A long long time ago these were things done by the vast majority as well.

so as you say,

>If they have a higher tendency "Per head", it means the groups has something bad. Again, there are exceptions, but they are far between.

Ok so that means that there's something wrong and rapey with all men, right? We should all accept that we as men have way, way higher levels of rapists within our ranks compared to women, so that means that all men can be painted with the same brush right? That ties in perfectly well with your logic and way of thinking. Why would you argue otherwise?

I agree that Sup Forums is a shitshow in that regard and that everything needs to be taken with a boatload of salt, but it still doesn't make this way of thinking any less hypocritical

Stereotypes are born from a loud minority that people pay attention to more. When you look at the history of humans from the perspective of a timeline, oppression of African Americans might as well have ended yesterday. Even after slavery was abolished, there was still segregation and Jim Crow laws lasted until 1964. After being given freedom, they were still in shitty ass neighborhoods where opportunity and education was so much lower than what other people had. Theoretically, if you were to replace Caucasian and Negro humans in history, there would not really be a difference. This is human psychology; we are formed by our experiences and influences. Of course a large portion of African American children growing up in a ghetto will be brainwashed to be hood trash instead of respectable people with the mindsets they were raised with.

fucking agreed user

Also, with that theoretical I am not implying any inherit superiority between races. Back to hunters and gatherers, it was geography that was the deciding factor in rising to power and growing intellectually as a society. Not race.

Taking it from a psychological point of view, yes, all males have a tendency toward enjoying power over others.

Rape is MOSTLY about power over another being. Rapist get a hardon for a defenseless being, so even if it fights or lays there the rapee will get raped.

Also, if many things men did get labeled rape as feminist wants it, then also yes, men would be rapist by and large.

I mean, take a look at how males fuck other males in sports and bussinessess.

>What is evolution
>Environment can have an effect short term, but not long term over 125k years because that would make the world mean
Egalitarianism strikes again.

but what I'm trying to point out is that yes some people do bad things within a group of people, especially with a group as large as the male gender. I think it's wrong and illogical to therefore judge every male within that group based on the actions of others. It doesn't make sense, people aren't bad because somebody else did something bad, even if they have something in common. Didn't the columbine shooters like playing GTA or some other violent game? Still doesn't make other gamers into school shooters purely because a member of their group did something horrible.

he isn't wrong user, read up on your history

I wasn't simply ruling niggers are criminals. They have a high tendency toward;

All africans descendant have two of the three. Even the mixed ones.

I do imply that every other race except for Africans descendants are lesser beings.

It's not your choice though. You exist solely because of men. The first world does not need blacks or 3d world immigrants to function. But it does need men.

Historical "just-so" narratives have nothing to do with biology. We don't know what happened in the past 100k years ago. What we do know is the result of what happened. He is wrong, on every single count, and so are you for thinking that this is a matter of history and not what we can see and measure today.

It might be wrong to some extend. But you can't force onto everybody to act prissy and just. It's not part of our nature.

>Didn't the columbine shooters like playing GTA
What the fuck? They played Doom which is God-Tier game, and they snapped because of YEARS of bullshit.

But people simply say "Oh no, there were no Jocks that bullied them" "The teachers never got any sign that they were being bullied".

Am not justifying what they did, they sure as hell wanted to go big. WHICH IS THE MOST NOTABLE MALE CHARACTERISTIC THEY COULD SHOW.

>All africans descendant have two of the three. Even the mixed ones.

ok so 200 million people in the americas have african descent, I'm assuming you personally know all of them? Youi know their job, their daily routine? You know how much they pay in taxes? Didn't fucking think so, the fact is you don't have the necessary information to make such a claim and trying to just makes you look like a jackass

>The first world does not need blacks or 3d world immigrants to function. But it does need men.

You do realize that 49% of them are men right? Black people in america have a number around 40 million, do you really, seriously think that everything would run smoothly if we just kicked them all out? Do you realize how many jobs and services they represent? Do you realize how much they pay in taxes overall?

I bet he did, otherwise we would have any account into africans having a decent anything in Africa where there is allegedly "Pure" Africans.

Thanks New world order psyop. You and the Jews can fuck all the way off

Every single idea of historical oppression as a cause for why blacks suck falls on its face when compared to white countries like Iceland. It took Iceland 20 years from WW2 with the Marshall Aid package to go from 3d world shithole to first world paradise.
We have been pouring trillions into Africa to a point where they have been able to multiply far above what they could ever naturally maintain. And they still suck.The only times they don't suck is when a white man rules over them like in Botswana or Ivory Coast in the 60's.

bruh I'm so audi
Im finna actually git gud right now
pce naggers

>All african descendants I know


> You do realize that 49% of them are men right? Black people in america have a number around 40 million, do you really, seriously think that everything would run smoothly if we just kicked them all out?
It's not what I think but a fact. Blacks are a net drain on the economy.No matter where in the world they live outside of Africa. When I say men I am obviously talking men that can maintain a first world nation. Not subhumans that exists as parasites on first world societies.

Cite me any place with 40% or more blacks that pulls good numbers for anything.

Right now, blacks are a minority in USA, yet they commit more crimes "Per head". There is something wrong with them and years of wellfare has done nothing to fix it.


It's almost as if they enjoyed to shoot themselves on the foot.

>Mental note, clean your damn drive. It took my ages to find this pic

>waaaah people bullied me so I'm gonna kill people that did nothing to me

sound like complete pussies to me actually

I'm just some faggot sitting at his computer, same as you

Aaaaahh Sup Forums's racists finally show their ugly faces. You have to understand that I'm not defending the 'african lineage' or africa itself, what I am defending is our legal belief that a person is innocent until proven guilty, and that when I see a black guy walking down on the street I'm not gonna think things like "africa has a fucked up economy, stupid niggers can't figure shit out even with trillions of dollars, more black people commit crime than white people, so this nigger is obviously a murderer and a thief and stupid and lazy and on welfare"

What I am gonna think is: "Huh that's a guy walking down the street, I know nothing about his life or his choices or how he treats the people around him, I know nothing about his career or his living situation, he is a complete stranger and he is worthy of the same respect I give to any other stranger"

and the thing is I can't for the life of me understand why that's an outrageous idea to you anons

Let me just say that I appreciate the honest debate, you anons are perfectly entitled to your own personal beliefs and I respect that and your right to express them. We may disagree but you have a voice just the same as I do.

Well, to be fair, they were pussies. But you gotta admit they went really big at the end.

>innocent until proven guilty
This is a proccessal principle and concept applied to the "Laws" system. This is not to be taken into account as part of "Justice" system.

Your example is too broad, let's be more specific for the sake of discussion.

You see a person, any person, walking down the street at 12:00am alone. It raises suspiscion no matter if male, female, white or nigger.

And it also applies to guettos, it's not the same a group of guys hanging up in a corner or whatever than a lone single PERSON in a secluded area.

> What I am gonna think is: "Huh that's a guy walking down the street, I know nothing about his life or his choices or how he treats the people around him, I know nothing about his career or his living situation, he is a complete stranger and he is worthy of the same respect I give to any other stranger"

>Which is why you live in St.Louis.
>Which is why the housing price in Baltimore is so high.
>Which is why you are thinking of moving to Somalia
It really is so obvious when I think like you. Everyone is an individual and the fact that 13% of the population is committing 53% of the murders is just a whopper of bad luck and random social factors that happen to not afflict any other population group on earth other than blacks.

You don't live by the creed you preach. No one lives by the creed you preach.
And no black person thinks of you the same retarded individualist way. Which is why the US Libertarian party is 98% white and the Dems have 90% of the black vote.

I love women and have nothing against them.
With races, I wouldn't treat anyone in a bad way from the get go, but the truth that we ignore completely, is that there are disparities in race, due to biological factors.
For example, the racial IQ gaps. I'm a pajeet (northern) immigrant, and I realize my people in general are not as intelligent as kikes, crackers, or chinks. However we are smarter than aborgs, native aussies, and blacks. (The racial disparity between blacks and indians can be explained through the large % of india that is inbred + genuine lack of edumacation)
Races, from smartest to dumbest:
Askanazi Jews
South Asians [India/Pakistan/Sri Lanka (desi)]
Hispanics (blacks and hispanics are about the same tbh)
Native Americans
Native Australians
Anyway, that's just one example. There are obviously clear differences between races, and I apply them effectively when interacting with people of different races.

Get out of here kike!

When the debate starts off by using loaded terms like "racism" and "sexism" there is no value to be had. Those words have as much explanatory power as doodoo head.
>I want an honest debate regarding disgusting heretics and your heretical ways.
You don't start a debate on any topic by using loaded terms. It is looked down upon. Racism and sexism get a free ride for no other reason than they help the mainstream religion of the day to use broad strokes to paint the opposition as evil before any words are exchanged.
Racist is the new heretic.The liberal zeitgeist and mainstream creationist humanism that denies biology and evolution in brain differences is the new religion.

I'm pretty damn sure that proving somebody guilty has a great deal to do with the justice system actually, but that's beside the point.

>You see a person, any person, walking down the street at 12:00am alone. It raises suspiscion no matter if male, female, white or nigger.

I actually am not suspicious of somebody walking alone at night, don't see why you would be. They could just be going to get smokes or coming home from work. Again, not enough information.

>And it also applies to guettos, it's not the same a group of guys hanging up in a corner or whatever than a lone single PERSON in a secluded area.

If I'm in brooklyn and I see a group of white dudes loitering on a corner I'm gonna be JUST as suspicious as if they were black or hispanic. Suspicious behavior is suspicious behavior, their skin color just plain isn't the deciding factor and that is a fact

Go shit a street Pajeet, you got work tomorrow.

Well, fuck you then if you don't even grasp the concept of a justice system.

In a "Legal" system you have somebody you gotta prove as guilty to punish him. If there existed a "Justice" system, you would fix all the problems caused by the criminal, which would be illogical and unafordable.

And, what the legal system taught me is that niggers are prone to commit stupid crimes and not regret them. Also that you can get away with some bullshit if you play your cards right.

So if I don't think all niggers are murdering thieves I should move to somalia to prove my point? I see a gap in logic there user. The fact is that everybody IS an individual. Over 90% of rapes are committed by men too, so that obviously means that there's something inherently wrong with men. What, you disagree? Why don't you try being a hot drunk out of her mind 16 y/o girl at a highschool party and just roll the dice? Do you see where this way of thinking gets anybody? Absolutely nowhere. I agree there are huge problems with the level of black crime but the fact is that the least influential factor at play is the color of their skin, even if it sounds like it makes plenty of sense for that to be the most deciding factor, refer to the rape statistics.


>there's something inherently wrong with humanity
>Fixed that for you

And yes, from a scientifical and balanced point of view, humans are fucked.

We can make some of the most amazing things ever... but not all of them are good.

> Over 90% of rapes are committed by men too, so that obviously means that there's something inherently wrong with men
Yes. They literally rape. If you rape a woman that isn't a slut you should be killed. But that is the problem you don't seem to grasp. There would be no ability for any woman to be raped if it wasn't for the world that the first world man built for her. She exists in a state where she is allowed to think that the ugly man she accidentally slept with last night was rape. Whilst a Congolese woman wouldn't count it if it didn't involve at least three men and an empty bottle.
White men don't rape a lot. And even if they did you would have no choice but to accept it because you can't live without them. They literally own you and the world that makes your life so easy, safe and carefree.
We can however, and to our benefit, live without niggers.
> Why don't you try being a hot drunk out of her mind 16 y/o girl at a highschool party and just roll the dice?
That woman sounds like a slut, so if she is one and is raped nothing of value is lost. Some man who is making the world a better place through hard work probably deserved it. If the woman is not a slut the man should be killed.
> I agree there are huge problems with the level of black crime but the fact is that the least influential factor at play is the color of their skin, even if it sounds like it makes plenty of sense for that to be the most deciding factor, refer to the rape statistics.
It has to do with their brain. Not skin. How on earth could skin influence cognitive factors? Are you stupid? I did refer to rape statistics. Black men rape more than anybody else per capita. And they have more STD's. Don't relax is my advice around them. Your best bet is to hang around whites to not get raped. And if you do get raped your are less likely to get STDðs. If you worry about such things.

What the fuck man?