John Oliver calls Hillary "Shillary"

Does he browse Sup Forums?

lots of comedians and comedy writers browse Sup Forums, how else can they stay relevant? they don't have social lives

Now I like John Oliver

No, Sup Forums isn't a secret. Just search Shillary, tops results are Twitter, a Reddit page, and Yahoo Answers.

no but his interns do, most modern """""comedians""""" have their lackeys sniff around here for dank new memes

Name a funnier place on the internet than Sup Forums.
>you cant

>trying to bait me into giving the jihadi limey a click

Get quite fucked.


He is only doing it because the fucker follows ratings instead of his own moral fucking code. Just like Bill Maher, Bill is a die hard Bernie supporter, gave him a couple million bucks "I think, maybe it was thousands this time" and now he says fuck it everybody who is democrat vote for Hillary dont let Trump win no matter what.

Regardless of the information out there, regardless of what his guests tell him she has done, him and other liberals are dumping their purse at the Hillary Doorstep.

At what moment? I'm not going to watch a 14 minute video by LE CURRENT YEAR MAN all the way through for a single line.


No. Sup Forumslacks browse social media and Reddit (for god knows what reason).