New vegan discussion thread. The last one spawned some good discussion

New vegan discussion thread. The last one spawned some good discussion.

Other urls found in this thread:

Is the Mongolia guy still here? I saw you responded, but refreshed on instinct before I started reading and then it 404'd.

>new vegan

thought you mean
>new vegas

that would be a better thread

Ok then, it's now a new vegas thread. What did you think of it?

this one isn't even finished faggots

3rd favorite fallout game
for me it goes, 2, 1, nv, 3, 4

I only played 3, so that has to be the best in my book.

Well fuck you, m8! That thread is as good as dead already. It has no heart.

not my fault you gave up on it

Well, this is a new vegas thread anyway.

makes sense, i would really suggest trying out nv and if you have them both on pc you can always try tale of two wastelands

>Fallout 3
Oblivion without the pretty scenery. Yack.

I don't have a graphics card, dude. My stationary is home at my parents'. All I have now are the memories.

that fucking blows dude

Yeah, and I had played a good 300+ hours of oblivion before starting it, so you could say that by the end of FO3 I was pretty tired of the dysfunctional physics engine.

Animals are tasty, i'il eat them and their products whether you want it or not.

show me vids/pics of how animals are tortured/slaughtered?
I wont care because in the end whats most important is tasty chicken tendies im gonna eat and not how much some stupid pig or cow convulsed when it was killed

Well. It does run Civ 5 and Halo 2, which are enough for me at the moment. I had a long period of not doing any gaming, so my standards for graphics are very low. I like staying 10-15 years behind still as it's made me able to play classics like doom and half life that I never would have touched in 2011.

fuck off m8, this is a fallout thread now

What are you talking about, dude? This is a new vegas thread now. Go take your hate speech elsewhere.

Haha, nice.

that makes sense as well, have you tried out a gameboy emulator and some roms?

No, but I have an emulator on my PSP still. Any actually good games I should check out? I've always assumed handheld is inherently inferior to stationary, but I don't know exactly why.

also you could very easily play fallout 1 and 2 if civ 5 and halo 2 are no problem, and tbh they are the best two games in the franchise

I put vegans on a par with flat Earthers and anti vaxers. Just further proof of weaponised autism.

the zelda games, final fantasy, pokemon, megaman are all pretty good

dude this is a new vegas thread, talk about video games or gtfo

Vegans are gay.

I am OP, and you clearly have problems understanding that new vegas is a more pressing social issue than veganism.

Thanks, mate! I'll write them down, but I have to leave now. Never let anyone convert this thread back to a vegan thread!

Live compassionately.

np OP, have a good one


c'mon user stay on topic, what do you think about fallout nv?

30 minutes ago i made fun of OPs thread. Now I am happy to see that it successfully turned into a new vegas thread.

hail caesar !

i played that story line a few times to see most of the possible endings
i prefer the mister house route myself

Yeah, i think house is the most reasonable choice. I didnt play any dlc. is it worthwhile ?

honestly i thought so, my favorite was lonesome road because you get to play it with ed-e but they were all pretty fun

Loved it! burnt an entire summer playing it. for some reason just cant seem to get into 4 tho.

I just liked the put down you gave the window licker. Flat earth and anit vaxer,

I just have one thing to add, since we all said our piece in the other threads.

Saw somebody call vegans "soy boys" and I can't stop fucking laughing.

>call vegans "soy boys"

that wasn't me user, also i have to say I'm not surprised, i liked 4 but it is lacking in the content area and definitely is the weakest in the franchise

look, another troll thread

c'mon anons, what about new vegas?
nope, OP had a change of heart and now it's a new vegas thread

Played through it once, got almost to the end and stopped. Tried picking it up a couple months ago and couldn't stay interested, even with Project Nevada.

really? also project nevada is definitely my favorite mod for new vegas
have you tried tale of two wastelands?

I eat plants and I eat animals. Im not going to stop eating one because it hurts someone's feelings. Better yet, I'll stop being an omnivore when all the other omnivores in the animal kingdom stop eating meat.

I havent. I think it's just that in current year NV feels a little dated. I didn't like FO4 either though.

what do you think about fallout nv?
i though fo4 was alright but nothing too special
as for ttw it's a mod that basically takes all of fallout 3 and imports it into fallout nv