I have taken the "redpill" but why can't I get it out of my head that most right wing people are highly uneducated and anti-science?
I have taken the "redpill" but why can't I get it out of my head that most right wing people are highly uneducated and...
>I have taken the "redpill" but why can't I get it out of my head that most right wing people are highly uneducated and anti-science?+ 0 post omitted.
Mostly religion.
Because that's the frame bourgeois libs have pounded into your head through all media and education since childhood.
They have more empathy and therefore put their blind faith into the system. The less empathetic ones didn't go into science but into more lucrative careers.
Nice source.
Modern """Science""" is funded by the ZOG to push and promote their agenda.
Intelligent people are able to fit in easier I guess.
Science is a tool, not an imperative.
Libs have anti science beliefs
-Race is a social construct
-gender is a social construct
I really do feel a big attraction of the left is actually admitting that global warming is a real thing and evolution happened and blah blah blah. If the right were to embrace these things it would pull in more young people.