What is the new master race and why is it dominant women?

What is the new master race and why is it dominant women?

haha..sure kid...sure.

Shit quality bait.

I live in the UK and even women admit women make shit prime ministers, +she is laughed at by the press etc, hardly any top ceos of any business are women, I know women who are cam Whores etc make thousands more, than the average worker but are shit with budgeting so all the men I know are richer.

>even women admit women make shit prime ministers
Self-fulfilling prophecy, only the scummiest women are willing to battle past that outlook. I know women I'd vote for if they'd gone into politics.

Education system these days are turning out tons of submissive guys, often with really nice bodies like that. So... why not take advantage?

There is no such thing as dominant women

Have you ever been in a relationship with one? Once they are turned on they crave the most degrading and dominating sex from men.

Women love to be subservient especially ones that cant be in their everyday

>There is no such thing as dominant women
But there is such a thing as a submissive guy. And once he confesses, that can make you dominant over HIM.

small tittied women

A whole race destined to die off in a single generation, lol

There is a feminisation of educated men while the uneducated remain masculine. Soon there won't be any strong educated men and the morons (Trump) will take over the power.

Dominant? Where? In the HR department? LOL
I had two woman as boss in my life, both are spooied and stuck up bitches. They were more intereted in poisting food pics on insta and playing workplace politics than managing and motivating a fucking team. I had no respect for these kind of cunts. The less greedy and smarter type will not be make it in middle and upper management sadly. But this also true for men sadly, but men generally are more chill.

In what way is that a race? You are fucking stupid.

>A whole race
Please. The asians are already in our grasp, and we're working on the blacks too. No one will escape.

>Dominant? Where? In the HR department?
Where else? It's the perfect position for a dominant girl. Who are you going to run to if they decide to sexually harass and generally toy with you? The HR department?

Bait aside, it is true that a more female oriented movement is taking place, but not for the reasons we'd suspect.

Here is my theory...

It is a totally unconscious action, where we as males (and females) are placing more reproductive vocation with females, due to the fact that our world is becoming *increasingly* overpopulated.

By doing this, we are limiting the scope of breeding and thereby disallowing potentially billions from being born.

Heh, nice one. The HR department is for the company, not for the empolyee. Perfectly fits with bullshit workplace politic playing bitches with antisocial personality disorder.

Seconded. Even in HR the good ones are really rare. So far my experience with women in powerful positions has been that they are out of their element. Completely driven by emotion and unable to follow logic and coherent cause-effect thinking. Interestingly, that is reflected highly in the attrition rate. The more personnell they lead, the higher the turn over.

>Perfectly fits with bullshit workplace politic playing bitches with antisocial personality disorder.
Well there is a certain joy in seeing people jump through hoops.


Lol, that tells a lot about you, trollcuck.
