I think modern Venezuela has Weimar Germany beat

I think modern Venezuela has Weimar Germany beat.

Is that $170 US dollars?

McDonald's is expensive every where in the third world every thing is literally priced the same as if it was sold in america even though demand is much less and wages for their workers are way less.

Yes, or 1,700 Venezuelan bolivares.

>Loaf of bread cost 100 billion marks


>pay rent
>or eat food
Kek so glad I'm canadian

Hungary had the worst inflation in history

>Kek so glad I'm canadian
said no one ever

>The Hungarian economy could only be stabilized by the introduction of a new currency, and therefore, on 1 August 1946, the forint was reintroduced at a rate of 400 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 (400 octillion) = 4×1029 pengő, dropping 29 zeros from the old currency.
Yeah I did

>Implying we can find bread

First time I see à Venezuelan posting in 2 months.
How is it there ?

Make your own kek I make my own dough stupid

OP didn't mention Hungary.

Still a long way to Weimar Germany.
In addition Weimar Germany is always the prelude to something bigger. Something Great.

The whole Western world feels like Weimar Germany right now.

There is degeneracy and there are people who want to stop degeneracy. In every western country.
When trump gets elected and FN wins in France - Germany will releases the Jewish shackles.

We don't have the ingredients. That's the problem.

with what flour starch and yeast you buy from the store, stupid leaf

>Be oil richest country in the world
>still manage to fuck up the economy
Thanks Socialism

Even the arabs managed to capitalize on their oil, come on

I don't care I'm just mentioning it because I thought it would be interesting

Should have grown some too bad you apes live in Tin shacks

How can they go from OK to desperately poor in such a short time? I mean every system tends to balance itself out.
That is of course you do something fundamentally stupid like disable parts of the free market mechanisms.

Did they do that?

so what do you eat

>burger costs $170

What is this hell

They did price controls that were below operating expenses, forcing everyone to hoard or go out of business.

The government says Bolivares are worth 100 times more than people are willing to pay for it.
So the real price is like $1.70


What a pathetic country, it only exists to make the rest of South America happy they aren't Venezuela


You can do that with state operated or subsidized companies like public transport or electricity for as long as the state can support it. But if you start imposing price controls on private businesses, you wreck the market.

But I guess some people have to learn that the hard way.

No, not even close. I don't think you understand how ridiculous the inflation rates were.

>Zimbabwe inflation in early 2000's

>Hungarian pengo

We can't grow some. Again, we don't have the materials for it.
Ah no. We had been bad for a loooooong time. Is only worst now for the drop in the price of oil but you can be sure that without that happening we would still be fucked.
And yes, the government has full control on the dollars we can buy legally.
I didn't have dinner.

were things this bad when hugo chavez was alive

You can't even get seeds? Go hunt some animals?

Only a little better, is basically the same shit but worse, it was just a question of time. So yeah, fuck Chavez.

Not as bad, but things were going downhill in the last few years of his reign.

This country is so fucking rich in oil there's no excuse for that. I love it. Fuck you Chomsky where is your red god now?

Could I bring a bunch of consumer goods down to Venezuela and make a profit, or would I get murdered by an angry mob?

Why are Canadians literally the worst posters? Is it because a quarter of their country is going up in flames?

Socialism is the ideology that killed the most people in the world out of all ideologies.
Its just all so tiring.

So, what is the common man's opinion of the regime?

Like do they know they can go to virtually any capitalist country in the surrounding area and find laughable abundance? Like you can go to fucking Brazil and find huge surpluses of goods missing from Venezuelan shelves, and Brazil is a pretty shit country.

The government has many criminal gangs who are hired to curtail these sort of black markets.
Though, the way it's right now, you would get the army on top of you first

>You can't even get seeds?
I could maybe find some (and they will cost a lot) and they will most likely die 'cause we don't even have water for ourselves.
>Go hunt some animals?
Yes, we are already hunting dogs and cats.
>last few years
Nope, this is not new at all, is only worse.
We have been downhill since that guy became president.
They lost almost all their support.

A little socialism hasn't hurt anybody. I'm thinking of a general insurance for medical services and against unemployment. You mustn't mess with the market economy, though. A working capitalist market economy is important. Otherwise you can't add social security on top of it.

>socialism = ! social measures

weimer inflation wasnt even that bad compared to others, but its just the most iconic one

It depends on whom you talk to. In the real world social accomplishments are not socialism.

In America even an attempt to introduce a common health insurance was called "communism".

Shit man. Anarchy happening soon? We'll be by your side senpai

I agree to a certain degree even right now we dont live n a 100% capitalist society its always a mixture of socialism and capitalism there needs to be a balance between the two.. but thats not what the new voters demand.. they actually want to throw out capitalism (until they get a job that is lol)

That doesn't change the fact that social measures (that most countries in the world have) have nothing to do to what Marx and Engels stated as the step previous to communism.
The point is acknowledging that.
There's already quite some anarchy.

How long do you give it til the regime is violently overthrown?

What do you think will replace it?
Or will the people sit there and let themselves die completely off?

I've heard rumors that foreign nations may soon invade for humanitarian reasons; a good excuse to take a oil rich country with a broken military and citizens that would welcome anyone willing to provide food.

What are your plans for the future if any?

Doing a piece on Venezuela and would love to hear more first hand from the collapse itself.