Im drunk dubs decides what i do, ill do anything that dont require me to walk outside the house

im drunk dubs decides what i do, ill do anything that dont require me to walk outside the house

post dick pic

Masturbate, then go to bed.

Go outside

punch computer screen and take off curtains for the evening.

wear every item of clothing you own and send pic to mother stating your current feelings towards her

boy im glad you didnt get duubs

smoke a full joint of pencil sharpenings and then go brush your teeth you filthy fuck

Call a pizza delivery service and order a pizza with cum on it. You have to keep insisting that this is what you want and are not allowed to end the call from your end.

Go to bed and dont take orders from random pepole on a imageboard

Masturbate with hot sauce

rolling for this

Go drink all the milk

rolling this

reroll for this





Do 150 pushups and then 5 min cold shower.


film yourself flushing your own head in the toilet while wearing a homemade balaclava for my entertainment

I roll this like a blunt on sunday



holy shit


Time for OP to be a faggot and not deliver

A few dubs and a quad telling OP to deliver

my quads qualify me to repick what OP has to do

OP do this McCuckhold

Kek demands it OP

this is fucking absurd hahahahahaha

Get even drunker and take a bath

The quads have spoken, OP has a mission

Shove a spoon in your asshole.


>implying OP will deliver

There is not even a timestamp.
he will deliver like a teenager that is pregnant