What's on your mind, Sup Forums?

What's on your mind, Sup Forums?

Anything bothering you?

If you need to talk, I'm here.

I'm bored

with what

I have a calculus 2 test in 28 hours.
Plus I was just scheduled to a meeting with my research center's head (the big boss), think I'm gonna be fired.
Stressed AF and don't know what do to about it.

> inb4 an hero

Did you do something to warrant your firing?

Before I started working there 6 months ago they claimed to be VERY OKAY with me working less when I have a test period. Still am afraid they feel I don't work enough, even though we agreed on it.
I believe I do my job good

i have a test in humanities in 2 days and im having thoughts about cutting and suicide again. But i just had my first high this weekend soo. idk life is weird rn. thx for asking.

Hey man I know it doesn't feel like that atm, but things will get better.
And then you'll be very happy you didn't commit suicide.
Hang on there, you can do it!

Are you taking any medication? Consulting?

You'll probably be fine. It sounds like you haven't done anything wrong.

Call for help. It's nothing to be ashamed of.

i was in counselling for a min but my parents took me out because of money probs.

Thanks man, I hope so
Still very stressed (which isn't normal for me), love this job and it pays very well for my age

There are other ways. Are you sharing your condition with your friends? might relief :)

i just hate my life...........


not really. I act happy at school so it would be alil weird if the "happy go lucky guy" was sad.

Doesn't matter if it's weird, man - you deserve to be yourself around real friends.
I personally think you should find the right people to talk to and hang out with

I'm decent lad thanks for asking

have a great day.

I’m just gonna vent in here
Feel free to ignore or give advice

I really like this girl, first girl that I’ve liked since my ex fucked me up. This girl is really cool and I see her everyday, the two of us get on great in person but we hardly ever text so I’m a little confused

I can tell the fucked story about my ex if anyone gives a shit. I’m finally done missing her though which is like a weight being lifted

And yourself mate

I dont like Roger's toes in American dad

Wait, who are you?

He’s Pepe you fucking idiot

Tell whatever you need to mate, I'll listen to you.

I don't really talk to people out of my circle and most of the people in my school r privileged bubbles kids. I dont really fit in with that group

Sounds like you need to lift up your confidence.
1. Don't say your ex fucked you up, nothing is permanent.
2. Send the new girl a message, get it started! Don't have to go straight to the romantic zone

If you're there, there are probably other exceptions you don't know about.
But I wasn't specifically thinking of people in your school - think of a place where people who share your hobbies can spend time and try there! Meeting new people is always refreshing

I have a physics test in 14 hours and I’m not studying much for it. I really need to though

>worker bee
>coworker that I count on for help bounces for different position
>i has a sad on many levels now
>trying to train new people
>cant keep up with work
>work piling up
>new people not getting attention they deserve and I can't effectively train them
>pulled 8 different directions at once

I feel like I want to cry. I read an interview one time years ago where a reporter asked Trent Reznor something along the lines of 'why is your music so much different now from X years ago'. His answer was that at that point in his life, the only way he felt like he could express his emotions and what was going through his head was to just scream.

Anywho. It's mentally exhausting and I don't want to get burned out. It's affecting my sleep now too and I find myself snapping at people that I would otherwise not.

Thanks man I appreciate it

I’m over it now but I’ll tell a summary of the story

Basically the girl I was dating was intensely depressed and she blamed all her problems on this. She got the idea that I was using her for sex (which I can see why because I pressured her into shit without knowing, believe me I’d never hurt her on purpose) anyways instead of talking to me she just left me over a text.
She blamed me for everything, wouldn’t even listen to my apologies and she told me I put her in therapy/ was the root of her unhappiness. This fucked me up like you wouldn’t believe because of who I am as a person, I had to get therapy just to get over the guilt. Not to mention it’s hard to get over a heartbreak when you feel like a monster

I watched her constantly make fun of me with my friends, fuck those friends, I cut everyone of them off. Then she got a new guy in about 3 weeks, so much for “not being able to be in a relationship cause I broke her” she intentionally used him to hurt me, she intentionally rubbed it in my face. She’s been fucking that kid for months now.

Took me so long to step back and realize that i wasn’t the bad guy, and even if this doesn’t work out with this new girl I like I’m happy to finally be into someone again
So I’m honestly doing alright

you've still got 14 hours, more than enough time. But be sure to get a good amount of sleep too.

ya it is buuuuttt i dont really have time to meet people, trying to balance work, school, and my parents

Do you think this job is good for your health? If not, you may want to think about getting a new one, because from the looks of it, this job is fucking you up.

It's great that you're doing alright. That girl wasn't good for you anyways. Do you have a girlfriend currently?

No, but there’s a girl who I’m into. Not sure if it’s gonna go anywhere but I don’t really care, just good to be free you know lol

Where is my mind - The Pixies

at the moment, no, it is not. I've even lost the energy and discipline better myself. yesterday was supposed to be a half marathon that I skipped because apathy and depression.

In a couple months once people are trained in how to complete whatever analyses and other work related stuff it ~should~ be better. But god damn, between then and now...

I'm afraid that I'm chasing a carrot. The last couple years it's always just been a "if I can just make it through this.."

problems with family and friends and I'm afraid I will fuck up in university now

Ive been struggling with a nasty bout of anxiety/depression for quite a while now. Currently in therapy and taking 20mg of prozac every morning. Just waiting for the day that it "gets better." Just overall mentally fucking exhausted. Have countless recurring thoughts of suicide daily. The bottom line is, i just cant do it.. No matter how bad it gets, i couldn't do that to my family. And i just dont wanna die.

How about we talk about that abyss inside you that you're trying to distract yourself of by absorbing yourself into other people's miseries?

I can relate that it's good to be free. Don't let not having a girl eat away at you, though. Happened to one of my friends and I barely stopped him from becoming a full on alcoholic.

Yeah, sounds like you 100% need to get out of there. It's eating away at you. Your hope that it should be better shows that you're a strong and motivated person who wants to get through this, but at what cost? Think about that.

Tell me about it.

That was me for a long time. You probably already know this, but it's not going to get better all of a sudden. these things take time. I'm not going to bullshit you and say that things are definitely going to get better because that's your own choice. You have the power to turn your life around, whether you feel like it or not. It might not happen immediately, but with just a small effort each day, you can be happier. Trust me.

... I've been doing things like this for a while now. I feel like I have to help people with their troubles, help carry their burdens. And I do have my fair share of troubles, but that helps me relate more to these people who need help. By no means am I an expert, and yes there is a sort of abyss inside of me, but I'll be damned if I give up trying to help people.

And don't you have any real people to devote your time to? Family and friends and friends of friends are all doing so well that you have spare time to listen to putrid user maggots?

I'm fairly secluded, but no, my friends all have their own troubles that I help them with. Family is pretty okay.

And I don't really have spare time. I should be doing a sociology report right now.

I have forgotten completely how to start new friendships and relationships in real life.

I am a very respected friend among my old time friends, and I am also a very dear friends with benefits to some of my female friends.

I have a freelance job from home that pays enough at the moment, and I have traveled the world in my early twenties (I am now starting my second half of my twenties), and I never had this problem.

I still do well with business relationships and with people to who I am already close to, but with new people, especially younger ones (I signed up for university, so as of this month I am a lot around 18-21 year olds), I feel incapable of making any connection at all.

Now why would this bother me at all if everything is going fine with the friends I have? Well, first off I have no family, I was born as single child to a relatively old mother and father who died during my early and late teens, and since i traveled the world, I didn't make a lasting relationship with any woman to marry, yet. Ergo, I live completely alone.

But most of my friends are either married, getting married, have moved because of a job or other interests and so on. So that now I don't only live alone, but I am also alone in the whole city and for the most part in my country too.

Which I thought would be okay, since I was starting university and I would meet lots of people with similar interests with who I could forge new relationships of all sorts... but it went horribly wrong.

First off, since I did quite a number of jobs in my life I am entering these studies with a complete conviction that that is what I truly want to do in my life and with a overspilling curiosity for the subjects at hand. I thought that the other students would have a similar attitude, but they just want to get through the exam with no wish whatsoever to be "experts" in the field.

Besides that they get uncomfortable when I ask them about their interests or hobbies and try to start a meaning. conv.

I have been thinking about killing myself a lot lately. Today was the closest I have been, which still wasn't really an attempt, but I was just sitting in my car in the closed garage after getting some dinner. I put the key back in after thinking for a bit and almost started it up to let the garage fill with exhaust.

I just cannot see a future for myself let alone the one I want. I had such high hopes in college but now I just hate myself and feel I would be better off dead.


They also seem to be disinterested in any form of meaningful, friendly, hanging out that is not of the type "partyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy" and so on.

Well, I understand that these are young people, and I and my friends with who I grew up, loved to party too, but we were never all and only about that, while here I find a hard time to motivate them to anything else.

Lastly, they seem over-sensitive to all kinds of mannerisms, while being mostly uncontrolled in their own speech. And the male-female relations are totally foreign for me too, where they seem to mostly stick to their own gender, and intermingling only to mate, while in my social circles males and females would intermingle in everyday life and tasks, without a need for attraction and so on.

And than the smartphones in their hands all the time... and no picture can be just a picture of the panorama they are currently looking at, everything has to be a selfie... And they post everything on social media, its embarrassing.

I don't know what to do, yet I am starting to feel awfully lonely and alien. I had an easier time to connect with people with who I didn't speak a common language, than with these young adults. I have no idea what to do and I am getting demotivated with my own life goals, for a fear of having to live with this alienation.

you arnt alone, i feel the same way and suicide is always on my mind non stop. idk if ill make it.

I'm near the end of an 8 month work term in a notoriously shitty northern Canadian city.

I took the job partly because I fell irrationally in love with a younger Euro girl I met last year. She had lose plans to move back to spend a year with me, however she recently changed her mind and is having a great time doing a lot of E and fucking guys off Tinder. I digress.

To top it off, I am 27 years old in an undergrad engineering program. I'm financially secure, I like what I'm studying and I'm excited about my future career, however I find it impossible to connect with my younger classmates (more my fault than there's). I have one semi-close friend in the city that I'm studying in and I'm feeling like I'm missing out on a lot of adventures I could be having if I were more social.

Oh well, at least I have my Sup Forums


Well recently had a job interview that went real well. However it's been three weeks and haven't heard back. shit freaking blows, I've had interviews in the past and this one was by far the best I've ever done. Went an extra hour, talked with a bunch of staff members etc etc. thing is if I get this job I get to move and my salary will double, but if I don't I'll have to spend another few months in this boring state that I dislike. Whatever I guess I just have to keep waiting and applying.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep aboutLIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty trulyAREidiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

Well it's good you put the real people first but also remember to put yourself first before even them, fuck the Christian sense of inherent guilt, it's your life ride or die cocksucka!! By which I mean I strongly encourage you do that report and don't waste your time, ever, you'll never get it back

Thanks man I’m taking that to heart

I've had so much work over the past weekend that I don't know if I can take it anymore. My friend was taken into an anorexia Ward and it seems like life isn't really worth living. :^(

I've been giving all of the 5 page daily assignments I've been doing to the teacher the entire year and was told today by one of my buds that he doesn't even grade them and you dont even have to do them

Sorry, am not fluent in copy-pasta.

I used to always be able to put my depression behind me when I was younger, but now that I am 31 everything feels hopeless.

I have no wive or gf, will never have kids, parents are dead, siblings are off with there families in other parts of the world, and I am alone looking at the sad reality that I wasted my life hoping I would get my shit together enough by the end of school to get my dream job. I will probably end up in a factory job like my parents and drink myself into an early grave like my parents, the one thing I told myself definitely wouldn't happen in my life.

Jokes on me I guess.

Hope things get better for you at least user, this is the worst feeling and I do not wish it on anyone else.

Sorry for fucked up grammar, tried to type that while washing dishes like a fucking dipshit. Basically, everynight ive been taking like 4 hours to do long ass packets for university and recently found out theyre not even listed as assignments