They're handing out dumb shit like this in Berkeley to students of the Cali Unitversity, thoughts Sup Forums ?

They're handing out dumb shit like this in Berkeley to students of the Cali Unitversity, thoughts Sup Forums ?

Go do some research and write up a list of what crimes and such minorities have done and why they don't have privilege.

Aka, blacks are watched while shopping cause more black commit crimes.

Ben Shapiro tears apart white privilege by citing de facto, state-sanctioned race and gender exclusive privileges that reward everyone BUT white men. YouTube it.

Good lord you're one of those assholes, do you think I step over POC homeless and only give donations to white homeless people? No, I step over both.

The whole white privilege argument falls in on itself when there are obvious examples of people being white and not having said privilege.

In conclusion, some PEOPLE have privilege and others DON'T.

I know this is bait, but let me pose a question to you in the far flung hope that you can provide an insightful answer.

It is typical that people point to the incarceration rate of minorities as "proof" that said minorities are predisposed to committing crime. So how do you respond to the following:

Premise: Minorities are targeted and watched more closely than members of the majority.

Premise: Minorities are arrested for transgressions more often than members of the majority.

Conclusion: Minorities are disproportionally represented in incarceration numbers because they are more likely to be investigated and arrested.

What items in her list are incorrect?

I based my answer simply on: people are being racist towards whites (cause your race shouldn't define you) so you be racist right back.

Yeesh get over yourself.

It's like people use this white privilege argument to paint this "EVUL WHITE MAN"

Yes there is racism, however POC can be racist as well, especially to other racial groups too.

>minorities commit more crimes
>minorities are watched because their race have commited more crimes
>now niggas still niggering



so you don't see a connection between increased supervision and increased arrest rates? I live in a white neighborhood, the cops never come through here. The store at the corner has been robbed 4 times by white people, no arrests have been made and the cops don't patrol the area.

Switch the premises for this syllogism, and alter the conclusion:

>Premise 1: Minorities are arrested for transgressions more often than members of the majority.
>Premise 2: Minorities are targeted and watched more closely than members of the majority.
>Conclusion: Minorities are disproportionally represented in incarceration numbers because they are more likely to commit crime and are therefore more likely to be observed.

The disagreement is on causality. Are minorities arrested more because they are observed more, or are they observed more because they are arrested more?

If you have the BJS statistics to prove that they do commit more crimes, then the rational conclusion is that they are watched more because they commit more crimes (be wary of sophist tricks that will conflate "commit more crimes" with "arrested more frequently" - the latter suggests the numbers are inflated with arrests of innocents.)

Debating whether or not acting on this earned stigma is ethical or not is a separate issue.

So you don't think number 3 is in anyway correct?

Fucking niggers

I don’t know man. Left and right are addicted to their self righteous outrage-a-thons. It’s becoming a very stale meme.

>17) I can talk with my mouth full and not have people put this down to my color.

You have shitty cops then, right now in my town we have colours going insane, even if the cops do catch them they have to let most of them go cause 'he didn't mean it'

Also I think it's based around the fact blacks are more likely to want to 'fight the power' they're born with a chip on their shoulder because they're not native to that land, their ancestors are back in Africa, they're taught to hate white people, hate the fact they're just like everyone else and no one gives a shit about the fact their great great grand mama was sold off and moved over as a slave.

So they are more likely to commit crime, why not? Of course a black ain't gonna achieve anything and even if he does it's cause the white man's just letting him so that the white man can look better.

And I know not all blacks are like this, but the majority tend to be. No one wants to be a conquered race man

>more likely to commit crime

how can you treat this as a given fact? what is the control? are you saying that every time a crime is committed, if no arrest is made, the crime did not happen? The BJS statistics are based on arrests.

I guess someone told them that only niggers do that, or some shit.

I’m tired of watching shit videos about some topic getting “destroyed” or some faggot getting “totally taken down”.
Does anyone really have discussions anymore? Not on Sup Forums, I know, but it’s like everywhere has become Sup Forums or Sup Forums

Has Berkeley just been in a constant state of riots and shrieking since Trump announced his candidacy? Why would anyone want to go to that school?

checked again, you must be a mod

>shitty cops

agreed. but they still have the authority to arrest people. they feel that it is more important to go after the black criminals, and the white ones get off. I just want to be sure you understand what "disproportionate representation" means, and why you can't use arrest statistics as evidence of racial predisposition.
my tl;dr point is this: Minorities are not more likely to commit crimes, they are more likely to get arrested for committing crimes.

Number 7. No shit people of my race built the civilisation I have heritage in. These people are so unintelligent its a joke.

His speeches are basically debate club talking points given at universities - they are pretty mild, so long as hecklers don't show up (which they often do). Don't watch the "Thug Life" videos or editorial edits that brew up drama - Shapiro is pretty good if you just want raw footage without the histrionics.

I guess blacks just need to learn how to commit crime better? You'd think when the description for every one of them is: black, brown eyes and brown hair - they'd be able to get away with it more.

Racist idiots projecting their racism onto other racist idiots?

How hard is it to just say, "don't chew with your mouth open, you fucking neanderthal?" How could anyone see something this stupid from a racialized perspective?

People Of Crime think obeying the law is white privilege

1. The majority of people in the US are white. Congrats, if you join a company, most of them are gonna be white but the company gets bonus points if they aren't all white though

2. Is she talking about cops? What about black cops?

3. Do they bump up the price if you're not white? Or are you trying to buy/rent outside your personal price range which has nothing to do with being white (some blacks have more money then me and I'm white)

4. Most neighbors won't give a shit what race you are as long as you aren't trash (ghetto, white trash)

5. You kidding? I get followed in stores all the time, I make sure my hands are out of my pockets, no hoodie or hat or glasses, big smile and appear approachable - people be cunts, sorry if you happen to come across someone who has had a bad experience with your race and is now worried

6. You're in a country where the majority are whites. Don't like it, go to Africa.

7. Whites ruled, whites are responsible for America, had it not been whites it would have been someone else. Get over it.

Government education castrates peoples' ability to think critically. Students who've attended California public schools their whole lives actively crave an ideologically sterile environment as a result.

It's called grasping at straws, the victim complex, the chip on the shoulder.

they think every mistake or comment is based purely on their race and they're unable to go 'wow I was just a cunt, regardless of my race'

I'm bored, going to answer each point for the hell of it:

1) True, I know people of my own race - that's a big surprise. I could also arrange to be in the company of Asians, Eastern Europeans or black people.

2) I haven't been trained to mistrust anyone, I've come to my own conclusions. Race doesn't bother me here, I tend not to trust people based on actions (i.e. thieves and drug addicts).

3) I don't want to live in my area and I'm stuck here, an area where even illegal immigrants don't want to touch. It's poor and mostly white, odd.

4) Of course some perfect place would have perfect neighbours.

5) I'm a young white male, I'm always presumed to be a thief by people who don't know me.

6) Because my country was natively white and we are still the majority.

7) Because people of my colour did just about everything. Many nationalities were involved over the years, but they were white.

8) I don't have children; but if I did, why would the school tell them that they didn't exist?

9) I... I genuinely don't understand what the point is here.

10) No, I can't. I have no voice.

11) I listen to others based on the value of what they have to say, not their race.

12) Music is a crappy amalgamation nowdays. Of course I can find culturally fitting food, along with about 20 other cultures' worth. And no, my town's barber is awful and can't layer properly.

13) This is a complete non-issue where I live. Nowhere takes cheques nowdays and cash/cards speak for themselves.

14) Again, no children, but no. The law and school system are a joke. I was targeted in my youth and so could by non-existent kids.

15) Because there's no such thing. I've experienced plenty of systematic sexism though.

16) Back at school, foreign boarding students got away with anything because the school was afraid.

17) They'll put it down to the fact I'm eating like a pig.

18) Bad manners and financial difficulty aren't exclusive to any race.

19) True. The "powerful male group" would probably just kick my head in if they didn't like what I had to say though.

20) Fair enough there. But if you don't keep pushing for forced recognition, it won't be given like in that example.

21) I've never seen this asked of anyone else and their racial group either.

What a load of nonsense.

What I hate is being ragged on because I'm white. I never asked to be born this way but I'll be damned if I'll let people step on me for it. I'm proud of my Irish and Polish heritage.