How does this photo make you feel?

How does this photo make you feel?

pretty damn good

Happy joy a nice warm feeling

itd be put to better use if she was wiping her ass with it


I find it ironic that a shitskin sandnigger is dissing the #1 sandnigger religion

She looks to be Hindi (notice henna, which is not haram, but not common among Muslims). Ergo, I assume this is some India v. Pakistan related pic. Then again, it could be liberation. Either way, it doesn't seem that ironic to me.

Depressed. We're reduced to people shitting on books to make a point and others annoyed from distance they can't impale cunt with sabre.

Boring as fuck.

slightly horny


Whose butt and fingers are they? Why are they doing this? Fuck the koran, but this is pretty worthless by itself.

maybe an apostate, judging by skin color and henna

Horny as hell. That's sexy

Henna is common in Muslims as well.
Hang out with hijabis and youll know

it would be even better if she was on the rag considering how Muslims think that if a woman's period blood touches you you go to hell

Hindi is a language. Hindu is a religion. And wtf are you talking about? My wife is Paki Muslim, all the girls on her side get henna when they get married.

>Frustrated that the Mossadegh coup happened
>Frustrated that Khomeini happened
>Frustrated that Iran-Iraq happened
>Frustrated that Afghanistan happened
>Frustrated that Kuwait happened
>Frustrated that 9/11 happened
>I'll give Osama 2 Heroin Bugaloo happened
>Frustrated that Sadam 2 ISIS Bugaloo happened
When you pay for a giant, bored military it should be no surprise that they want to make themselves "useful".

couldn't care less

Seems like she needs a good seeing to.

Can't. I'm a dude. But thanks for the info. I'm a white dude who has been invited into many Muslim's homes in Saudi Arabia and Iran, though those two countries may be more strict on things, as nail polish would be odd to see on a woman in hijab. But what the fuck do I know. I'm not a part of the culture. I've never seen henna on a Muslim woman in the middle east, but that doesn't mean they don't do it.

Do it on a bible too.



Trips have spoken.