Ask a Five Guys worker

Ask a Five Guys worker.

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Where do you work?

Why the fuck do you fill fries way past the top. It's a greasy mess.

What the fuck is up with the god damn peanuts, they're just a giant fucking mess.

Hello is this five guys

No questions. I just want to tell you I love you

Please nut in my next burger

Give me discount

>Ask a Five Guys worker.

Ask them what?

Cause Ameri-fats love them freedom chips

OP any trade thing thats nasty with eating at your store?

any way the last fires lost when you ate too many near the drink machine?

Ask any five guys worker anything on this thread

Is the hotdog worth getting, I have always wanted to try it but have never passed up the burger.

you've opened a new store near me, should I bother going? I'm in the UK BTW

1 manager regularly drinks a bottle of crown royal or vodka every shift, another is a literal autist

Where is op

Are you the nigger who fucked up my fries?

Have you ever masturbated over a family member?

He works at 5 guys. Did you really expect him to be dependable?

Ehh, it's just Nathan's hotdogs cut in half

If you want an American burger that isnt McShit, sure, and you'll understand why Americans are so obese

do you eat a lot of peanuts

Any new menu items coming up?

That would quickly become an expensive hobby, but would make work more fun.


Alright OP when are your prime hours when stoners come in for munchies?
is this your official theme song

Right here faggot

Thanks, next time I get a hankering I'll swing by.

What are the logistics of a shop having a shake machine, none in my area do for whatever reason, the closest is like 40 miles away but i hear that the shakes are most dope.

Why is this a thing?


8-9pm usually

they need to do something like 2000$ a day in sales to get one

What's the best thing to order secret menu?

do you eat in-n-out burgers?

Grilled cheese with an extra patty is key, it's a little more than a little cheese burger, but worth it

How do you get your burgers to be so flavorless?
I've made completely unseasoned burgers at home and they have more flavor than yours.
What am I doing wrong?

When I'm in california, there about the same, but their fries are shit tier

i've never thought about it like that. you may have just given me heart disease. thank you.

I read that some big boys order a burger but replace the buns with grilled cheeses.. is this a thing? Do you guys actually make this? And how much would it cost to make said monstrosity.

I'm getting shock from the prediabetes thinking about this. uggghhhh.

Probably lean meat to fat ratio, do 80%lean 20%fat

a Five Guys worker?

your fries are the best i've ever had, at least for a chain.

why would you subject yourself to the fast food industry?

Know anybody with a peanut allergy?

Yeah, it's pretty regular for some of the land whales here, and it's about 6$ after tax

What's with announcing hot fries empty baskets? Who or what is supposed to act on that?

>eliminating carbs
I don't quite think it works like that. Keto ain't just a city in Ecuador.

Wouldn't that be just a cheese burger

Because I'm broke/ in college and need money

the corporation wants us to do it, so we don't burn each other, but I want to kill everyone I work with

The bread is put on the griddle with extra heavy mayo, making it crunchy and fat tastes good


Why are there more than five guys at most baranches?

Massive gay orgies in the back

Have you fucked all the teenagers you work with yet?

He honestly probably works with illegals or black folks. Or post-grads.

Hey faggot, you sick of burgers yet?

Just the 16 yr old qt3.14, everyone else is a dude, nig nog, or meth head