If you have ever used the word fascism or fascist in reference to American politics...

If you have ever used the word fascism or fascist in reference to American politics, I honestly think you are too stupid to participate in politics.

>I'm an aging hippy
I can live with that.
But there are elements of fascism - as practiced by the NAZIs - that exists in American politics. Not practiced by the politicians, but rather by the rank and file activists on both sides.

There is a great effort in the U.S. to control the information the average person receives. There are many players in this arena, each with their own agenda. But the basic control they try to exert came directly from Goebbels playbook, with a great deal of refinement since then.
This is but one example of fascism as practiced in the U.S..

Sure, as long as anyone who believes the Earth is flat or believes in creationism is considered too stupid as well.

Op here, I was speaking within the whitehouse. Fascism does exist on the streets particularly with neckbeard basement nazis, and retarded heated leftists. But as for the WH or certain prominent Speakers (Shapiro or gayboy), fascism is not a factor.

Understand that an element of a system does not make it the system itself. Politics does not operate like a hologram.
For instance, both Capitalism and Communism uses money. This is not to say both capitalism and communism are the same thing. It just means that both systems share one element in common.
Just because the there is multiple propaganda campaigns in the U.S. does not mean the U.S. is a nazi regime.

I can agree with the earth is flat comment, but creationism is not so bad that it affects politics. You just wanna oust Christians from the whitehouse.

>Hitler Left

Now it's what you guys are pushing in our heads?

Not at the top level, but at the municipal. There are public schools that refuse to teach evolution, because it's the word of Satan, or for some other reason.
I don't understand how that's reasonable, while the gal who refused to marry people for religious beliefs got shitcanned.

> Socialist Right

Either go back to Sup Forums or Tumblr fuckass

If anything, I could argue that what is happening in the U.S. is the opposite of fascism - where corporate entities and oligarchs are taking control of the Government. This includes all aspects of the U.S. govt.; all three branches, and the bureaucracy.
By taking control of the Govt., they are essentially taking control of themselves. Once in control, they immediately rewrite the rules governing themselves in their own favor over both enforcement and the citizen.
But the result is still the same as a fascist regime - government authority used to subjugate the citizenry to a ruling elite via mass media, govt. regulations, court rulings, enforced conformity, etc..

I understand you'd rather them not touch education. that I can get behind.

Hitler was a leftist. He was a socialist. He also loved to attack "privileged classes". Stop getting so offended.

What the NAZIs told the masses was leftist. That's what got them the support of the masses.
What the NAZIs did was extreme social conservatism.

So which do you want to believe? What they said or what they did?

When it comes down to it, my own personal belief is that they can believe whatever they want, as long as it doesn't affect the way the legislate, but finding someone like that is nigh impossible with the current divisively polarized state of politics.

I think the entire globalist system is incredibly fascistic in nature.

to be fair, with all the regulations, they had no choice if they wanted to remain on top.

>You just wanna oust Christians from the whitehouse.
If they can't separate their religion from their work, then they should be sacked. Many mainstream politicians have proven repeatedly that they have no interest in maintaining separation of church and state. Ted Cruz has outright voted for Christian sharia (dildos should be illegal because the bible says masturbation is bad), and Donald has recently made some worrying comments about how god is mentioned in the declaration of independence, and how America is a "Christian country".
The slippery slope argument very much applies to the constitution. Today it might be some petty rule about allowing public schools to practice Christmas, a few years down the line they might be forcing children to pray to god before their school meals, and making them learn the bible in school. We’ve already seen what happened with the patriot act and the 4th amendment.

Sure, but the explicit desire to be over someone else is malicious at the worst, and sociopathic at best.
I dunno about you, but I wouldn't really want anyone like that writing the rules.

There isn't 1 public school that "refuses to teach evolution.

This type of exaggerated bullshit is why sane people reject the Left - because the Left are fucking lying assholes that dont value truth.

As an example, take a look at the American libertarian party. Libertarianism is neither left nor right wing. Yet, the libertarian party is almost 100% right wing. Why?
Because for decades, the libertarian party, and all their think tanks, have been controlled by corporate interests. Nearly all of their propaganda is anti government, but almost never anti corporate. This is because their agenda is the weaken the government so corporations can take over.
Taking power from govt. and giving it to corporations is NOT libertarianism. Yet, it's hard to find anything from the libertarian party that is anti corporation. Their politicians all talk about giving power to the people, but never talk about controlling corporations. Consequently, there is almost no such thing as a liberal in the libertarian party. It's not that liberal libertarians don't exist in America. They do. But the libertarian party does not represent them at all.

Have you ever watched FOX news or were you alive for Dubya's presidency, out of curiosity?

I sprt of disagree that aging hippies are on the left simply because this whole "don't trust the government or the media the truth is out there maaaan" bullshit is the tea party and altright's thought process.

I was speaking about removing people for their beliefs even when they dont affect policy. Context does matter. I hate Ted, he is an autist. And if you think the nation is moving into a pro-christain era, you are so fucking wrong. We are moving towards christains becoming the next people called Nazis,

The powerful will want to remain in power, call it whatver you want, it's their nature.

stupid opinion dude

Hippies tend to be collectivists at heart.
You got the libertarian streak right, but that's only half of it.
The alt right, are individualists, trusting to free markets, rather than everyone helping each other.

>If they can't separate their religion from their work, they should be sacked.
True for everyone in government no matter their religion. Fuck theocracy.

Atheists are one of the most hated groups of people in America by the polls. They're even more disliked than Muslims. No, nobody is persecuting the Christians.

> Redistribute wealth for the top 1%
> Drastically increase Government spending
> Ensure it’s fiscally impossible to not be a Governmental employee in some way
> Completely starve out all enterprises without Government contracts

Yeah that sounds super Conservative

I can live with that. Just a thought.

Hmm... I guess I'll go with aging hippy. I mean, I do need a shower.

>If you have ever used the word fascism or fascist in reference to American politics...

What about that time in the '30's when there was an actual fascist party?

It can be in the nature of someone to want to murder, but that doesn't mean we don't try to prevent them from doing that because we, as a society, have agreed that murder is wrong.

"Temporarily embarrassed capitalists" is about as accurate as you could describe the middle class of America, left or right.

I guess so.

I am talking in the modern sense.

Or when Woodrow Wilson imprisoned journalists he didn’t want babbling.

It's almost like you have no idea between a social conservative and an economic conservative.

I explicitly stated **social** conservative for good reason, user.

That analogy kind of works but not entirely. The business man will do what he can to stay on top, but to equate shady business to murder is a little fucky.

Many presidents have done this to some extent. Usually it's on the grounds of a reporter refusing to reveal the name of a source (like an ex general or active duty serviceman) when sensitive information is leaked. Contempt of court sort of thing.

>socially conservative
>attacks "privileged" classes
seems Lib to me

Nah. Point was that an appeal to nature is still a fallacy, not that they're inherently similar behaviors. I can see how I was a bit roundabout, though. My bad.

Libertarianism (Latin: libertas, "freedom") is a collection of political philosophies and movements that uphold liberty as a core principle.[1] Libertarians seek to maximize political freedom and autonomy, emphasizing freedom of choice, voluntary association, individual judgment and self-ownership.[2][3][4][5][6]

Libertarians share a skepticism of authority and state power.

The Nazis literallyed GENOCIDED their political enemies.

In all honesty, it human nature to want to control our environment. And that includes every person that is in our environment - every aspect of our environment - every entity that affects our environment.
To this end, we have developed more and more sophisticated, more complex, and bigger tools of control. That is the basis of all our governments armies, kingdoms, powers, principalities, social contracts, ethics, mores, corporations, economic systems, etc.. Darned near every aspect of our existence is bent towards controlling some or all aspects of our environment.
And this is the basis of all conflict - be it between humans, animals, or plants.
To live in proximity of other life is to be in conflict with that other life.

If bullshit were a horn, this thread would be one huge brass band.

All our concepts of liberty, authority, collectivism, socialism, feudalism, monarchy, all our government forms, all our concepts of rule are fundamentally ways we created to control an environment in conflict with others. We are constantly striving to develop a system that accords us greater control than others even as others strive for greater control over us. We have quite literally enlisted every aspect of civilization to this end.

Found the double digit IQ ITT.

>communism uses money
Lol no it doesn't.

Social conservativism doesn't make you right wing, it makes you Authoritarian.

Daily reminder that liberals aren't left wing.

Social conservative=/=right wing

Libertarianism is the social center while authoritarianism is on both ends.
The two social extremes are always totalitariansim Vs. authoritarianism. Totalitarians are always shown on the left.
This is not the spectrum between social authoritarianism to social anarchy.

What is the Soviet Ruble
What is the Chinese Renminbi
What is the Cuban peso
What is the Venezuelan Bolivar

Show me one communist regime that has never used money, user. Just one.

"Communist regime" is an oxymoron, those regimes are Socialist.

>using an American political model
You are aware that there's (figuratively) nothing left wing about America, right?

you are retarded

No, you're misinformed, the democratic and republican parties are both capitalistic in nature which makes them right wing. Among the third parties the libertarians are sometimes more far right (abolish welfare) than the reps and with only members of green just barely squeaking to the left of center.
See this election map from the official political compass.