Why is marijuana illegal?

Why is marijuana illegal?
Does anyone honestly think it should be illegal?

"Only bad people smoke pot"

>Why is marijuana illegal?
I think there were factors around developing industry in America that made it advantageous to make illegal, but in today's society most large manufacturing businesses won't have to worry about marijuana being used for textile or clothing, just people unwinding and smoking, and that doesn't hurt business.
>Does anyone honestly think it should be illegal?
I'm sure there are, but most people don't give a fuck about what you do so long as you aren't hurting anyone.

same as pedophilia is illegal

you would enjoy fucking childs but you refrain from it

same with pot

you would enjoy smoking it but you refrain from it

It grows anywhere and can't be taxed.

I would not enjoy fucking a child...


If it was legal most people who smoke it would just grow the shit. Hell its not legal and I grew my own stash for years.

Growing up I always felt it should be illegal but after a while I realized that marijuana just has a bad stigma associated with it and in reality it’s not as bad as it’s made out to be

because in a decade from now we are going to be having an apocalyptic health crisis with all these pot users.

Yeah you would enjoy fucking a granny instead

and smoking road dust

Why is that?

yet cigarettes and alcohol are still legal.

fucking kids hurts them in long term. plus, its just sick.
smoking pot hurts no one, well maybe except yourself if you do it too much

No really its the same as fucking a 16 year old virgin. What a pain in the ass and talk about bad sex.

I love to hear what mariijuana advocates have to say because it's always the same. They sound like a bunch of 5 year old kids. They always say why is alcohol legal and mariijuana is not. To me that's just like saying "well how come Johnny gets to do it". I say let mariijuana stand on its own two feet. There might be some benefits to it I'm sure but the destructive aspect of it is far worse.

>the destructive aspect of it is far worse.


just because many folks are shitty lazy losers and they also smoke weed, doesnt mean weed is the problem.

most burnouts would be burnt out with or without herb

harmful for your health

Legal where I live.

Tobacco is way more addictive than weed and so is alcohol. The reasons for tobacco being legal are based on history (too many people smoke, it's always been legal, imagine how furious the society would be after making it illegal) and alcohol can be made easily at home. There are reasons why the US prohibition was abolished in the end. Glad to see it happening to pot nowadays; too bad it remains illegal in most of Europe.

Eat it.
It really not that addicitive.

I smoked for years everyday all day. Had to quit to get a new job it was 3 days of not really sleeping or eating than I was fine. I think the thing that helped me out is I had things I did other than sit and smoke all day.

yes but weed doesn't have the industry lobbying strength that tobacco and alcohol had/have. still one day it will be legal all over the world.


the real question is, why the fuck does johnny get to do it?

legal where i live. Indoor cultivation warehouse going in