If he won there would be no racism. He only wanted to put a stop to discrimination.
Ayden Diaz
The lightning and the sun by Savitri Devi makes a good portrayal about him. You can get it for free on Wikipedia.
Gavin Morris
Built autobahn, out an end to the crisis, reduced the unemployment rate from 30% to 1%. Oh and he killed jews
Hudson Carter
Mention that he wanted to be an artist and was a vegetarian. Be sure to mention a few bad things though.
Andrew Phillips
>I wanted to know how to shine a good light on Hitler
Say he was a feminist and use citations from this image.
Cooper Barnes
Make sure to mention how he was born with a malformed micropenis, had a chronic flatulence problem, and a piss and shit fetish.
Carson Wood
This faggot, in every thread. Disagree with him or hurt his fee-fees and he'll call you a feminist. What really triggers this faggot about NatSoc is that he thinks they want him to get a wife and make babies, and that makes him rage.
Noah Smith
Mention his strict gun control and anti smoking policies.