You know its true~

You know its true~

Other urls found in this thread:




Horsey donuts~



Bears need




I'm curious, what is your body type? Trying to figure out what kinda guy goes for chubby/muscle.

He's a twinky boy.

Is he really?

Otter boi now!

Its cancer
Go watch Sonic Boom



Well, more otter. He let the hair grow and he's getting a belly to raspberry.


Stfu fagt omg!
Telling Katten you called me Fat again!
Butt raping next time I'm over. Not ifs!



I'm making you watch Cube and Cube 2. But not Cube Zero.




But in return you have to take me to see BladeRunner (2059?)

It's 2049 and it's not that good.

I approve of pineapple horseass upside down cake










hello gaybois






You too gay.


I'm hungry. Where's Ian?


how ya doin snorf?

Bears are life




Chill Kik group for anyone still using Kik

Moved into a new house, everything is chaos, of course.

awesome, how's the new place?

Its ok.

cool. how've you been?


Tired. I also am not confident how long working at the store I transferred is going to work out.


heyy, how ya doing?

what don't you like about it?

Doing okay

whatcha been up to?

Nothing really.


Was taking care of shit there that people obviously weren't caring about my first day. Fucking scrubbing week-old piss off of a toilet seat.

that sucks, is the whole place like that?


is there more to this?






>Tell lecturer the asignment is wrong 2 weeks ago
>no reply
>"sorry everyone this question is wrong, have a 1 week extension"

Fucking muslims






this thread hella gay

That happens a lot around here don't know why

I think there might be a buncha gays somewhere around here



Sure hope you didn't post this in all three threads just to get attention



all this faggotry will consume you

hey para

hi jeff

how ya doin?

i'm alright, you?

pretty good. the professors have gone on strike so I've got a week off

well that's pretty darn lucky, why are they on strike though?


payment dispute between the teachers union and the board. all the colleges in ontario are closed till it's all resolved