SJW femis get BTFO by Notch (a.k.a. creator of Minecraft, a.k.a based God) for being #cuntfusing.
Attack femi trigglies with hashtags #cuntfusin and #cuntfusion each time they talk about "mansplaining"
SJW femis get BTFO by Notch (a.k.a. creator of Minecraft, a.k.a based God) for being #cuntfusing.
Attack femi trigglies with hashtags #cuntfusin and #cuntfusion each time they talk about "mansplaining"
deleted 3 minutes later.
he has no balls
>implying the SJW cucks that run Twitter didn't delete it
not defending notch, but it may be that twitter deleted that one
cuntfusing is a great word. We should use it more.
I prefer ovaryacting desu
Honestly, theres like 90% chance that's a twitter delete bc my feelings
I've had a tweet removed when I called the BLM movement a bunch of niggers in a pretty public tweet. Twitter is censoring Notch.
With how filthy rich notch is I hope at the end of this he decides to create an alternative to twitter. I want that whole shit hole burnt to the ground baby.
Can't say I like Notch for creating the cancer that is Minecraft but I fucking love cuntfusion. Best thing he has ever created. We should use this more often.