Imagine an entire race bred away

Imagine an entire race bred away.

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So, you rather prefer inbreeding?

and Norway has the strictest immigration out of the 3 Scandinavian crowns

Man i cant wait

The trouble with Scotland... Is that its full of Scots! If we can't get them out, we'll brrrreed them out. I hereby institute prima nocta

No niggers and sandniggers would be a bliss.

No white people would be bliss

Just like hundreds of other races before them?

No people would be a bliss.

imagine they could destroy your entire race in mere hours with the press of the button and the only thing holding them back is a few liberals who are continually losing power to their conservative counterparts.

i couldnt fucking wait 40 posts dammit

>majority tax paying demographic

enjoy starvation

sure kid

but that won't happen. Let's face the facts. Caucasians are being bred out. In less than 200 years you'll have a very hard time finding a single person who doesn't have at least 10% negro in his genes - and Africa will still be 99.99% black.

you should get a life kid


sure kid
do you wven finish grade school?

Did you get triggered snowflake?

maybe in the future everyone will have the same skin color

Yes, black.

black skin or brown?

most likely light brown.

Maybe I'm the only one who doesn't care whose faggot race is bred away, but it makes me happy that the thought pisses other people off, other really really stupid, shallow fucking dick weeds.

choose one

white = disgusting
all sane people are disgusted by white

lol lk at them indian monkeys

Thy are not disgusted, they are amazed, they have never seen an computer this small. Fucking savages.

Pitch black most likely. Africa will forever remain the shithole of the earth and flood the more civilized countries with their refugees. Like someone above said, in 500 years Africa will still be 99.9% black, Europe will be brown and niggers will still flood into Europe and other civilized countries to out- and interbreed the brown people.

that's ok, I like actual black skinned people

>the reality


Funnily enough according to HItler and Nazi Germany Arabs and North Indians are actual Aryans with Tajiks, Iranians and Afghans being the most pure of Aryan race possible; all three of them are considered the "Nordic-type" of Aryans if you look at Nazi German data from that time.

>Funnily enough according to HItler and Nazi Germany Arabs (...) are actual Aryans
[citation needed]

You are aware I just posted the card ?
Do you know how to read a simple legend?

According to Nazi Germany customs (read the historic input) if an Tajik, Iranian or Afghan came to Germany they were automatically rewarded German blood certificates since they are considered Nordic-type Aryans, which makes sense since the word "Aryan" comes from those languages (in German scientific literature it is called "Aryan people/languages" not "Iranian people/languages")

Arabs are not Aryans but Caucasians; Semites same like the Israelis since Arabs and Jews are literally the same people. But since Hitler was against Israel and pro Arabs he called the Arabs Aryans. Are you like 12 ?

That's not what he said, he acknowledged that they had Aryan blood, but also maintained that they were mix raced, because that's exactly what they are. Asiatic-Caucasoids. Turks are a perfect example, they call themselves an Asian name and speak an Asian language because they race mixed with the original Turkic people from Asia.
Hitler wanted them as allies, but he would never support any interbreeding between the two groups because it would destroy German property.
See this kid? He's Turkish, half asian half caucasoid.

Africa will still be black because no one wants to go there... there is not possible future to live for there. That has nothing to do with breeding... Africa is full of third-world savages

Doesn't the work 'aryan' have more to do with indians and hinduism?

Doesn't really matter in the long term. Skin colour will change but culture and values continue.

Nobody misses the dinosaurs because nobody remembers them

Turks are ethnolinguistically Mongols. There is no discussion about this (see the card I posted).

The area of Iran, Afghanistan and Tajikstan has stayed the same for nearly 2000 years now. In 2000 years phenotypical mammalian traits cannot change that much that an external mammalian observer can easily spot it since the most those peopel woud mix with is with other Caucasians which are racially related.

Since Zoroastrianism existed before the Rigveda no.

Iranian is called Aryan in German (and "Iran" means "Aryan land" in Persian appearently), while Indians are called Indo-Aryans.

The first inscription of the word Aryan in human history, was made by some Persian king 2500 years or so ago. And if I recall that correctly that inscription was written in appearently some Afghan (?) version of Old Persian, Greek and some other of those old languages. All three said something along the lines of "I am *HisName* King of Aryans a son of an Aryan father etc."


We know for a fact that the Indo-Europeans who immigrated to India during the Indo-European expansion called themselves Aryans before race mixing into their population giving them caucasoid features.
Other Indo-European tribes like the Assyrians had very similar names.
Hitler used Aryan just because what's available to us indicates that all Indo-European groups either used that word or others nearly identical to it to describe themselves.

Turks are mix raced, the middle east used to be white, Muhammad was white. Now they're all mostly mixed with Asian DNA.
Some are still mostly white though, the differences are night and day between typical desert dwellers and the ones with high indo-European blood.

>Word to call glorious pure white genetically superior race
>Obtained from mudslime country 001-Iran
So how did Hitler fuck up this bad? Even the very word used to call us whites (like we call blacks niggers) is obtained from country shitstain and country Allahu-akbar

This is what the middle east used to look like.

Yes, but Africa is just backup. Humans have been around for 100,000 years and they make serious migrations before and after every ice age cycle. The pure caucasians will be no more after this present cycle. The entire continent of pure africans will migrate again all over the earth and repopulate. In only a few hundred years it'll be over for the purebred caucasians. Face it, they spread themselves too thin. Survival of the fittest.


Iran used to be white you idiot. Read the thread.

>white mudslimes

>before race mixing into their population giving them caucasoid features.

We found the Bolshevik proletarian.
You are aware Caucasoid people originated from the area of the caucasus expanded over to the area of Greater Iran and then migrated over to Europe and from there over to the US?

What you call the "Caucasoid features" started within the region of the Caucasus. See y-chromosome distrubtion among native Central/West/North Asian people.

Also as I said before phenotypical traits cannot change in 2000 years that much that you as an external mammalian observer can even remotely register it. For mammals this processes takes 100.000 thousands of years.

>Hitler used Aryan just because what's available to us indicates that all Indo-European groups either used that word or others nearly identical to it to describe themselves.

Are you really that dumb?
There is more than enough scientific literature that even quotes HItler on specifically stating he used it because of his Iranian friends. You are aware it was Germanys/Hitlers wish to rename the country of Persia into Iran to clarify their Aryan status? Just look up why the country changed its name before WW2

>Some are still mostly white though, the differences are night and day between typical desert dwellers and the ones with high indo-European blood.

That is true though if looking it that way you can say that native Iranians, Tajiks and Afghans are all whites.

Looks terrible in all honesty and I am very fond of porcelain skin.

This is the problem with proletarians like you.
You see some guy he has some nationality you associate it with something. For example Afghanistan. Literally none of the 9/11 hijackers were Afghan or Iranian. They were all Arabs.

You are the people who scream about Jewish Propaganda but you are already manipulated by it. So sad.

we can only hope user

This could possibly be the dumbest thing I’ve ever read. And I’m not kidding

the "mud blood" came from asia, mudslimes are just the same as if whites race mix with mongoloids.
This girl is from Syria, she's genetically Syrian, she happens to still have lots of the original white DNA that was native to the middle east.
We've known this for a long time, we find nothing but caucasoid skeletons in the green areas beyond a certain time frame, everyone used to be completely white there and race mixed on the edges becoming mudslimes or whatever. Sand niggers.

So let me ask you guys what is more important being White or being Aryan?
Because they are not the same in any way shape or form. Being "Aryan" means having his ethnolinguistical roots inside one of the countries called Iran, Afghanistan or Tajikstan.

Being white means having low skin pigmentation which is caused through many different reasons (for example useless sun protection).

I find it astonishing how people put together Skin colour with race. I bet if I go to Iran now I can find 1.000 people that are darker than niggers but more Aryan than any single one of you in this thread.

Jewish propaganda hit you hard I guess.

You whites finally get it. Your aren't needed. We other "marginalized" people are like paint colors. We just need your whiteness to make that color a little more mild. But now that you've given us western culture and the modern world you can be harvested and bred into slightly whiter versions of us.
Your cultures will be appropriated, distributed,and discarded as desired. You however will be gone.
And the best part is your sad pathetic liberal guilt complexes mean too few of you will fight against this or even acknowledge it for fear of being labeled a racist.

Thanks guys.


is not 300 BC anymore retardo there is like zillions of people in the world now

2 months ago I would get butthurt over this thread.

Now when I have japanese gf I dont care.

Go outside.

>an external mammalian observer
Is this an actual job?


This thread again

strongest genes will survive. you don't kill by mixing. you make the weak go away

>white DNA

Are you really that dumb or trying to be ?
The reason people have lower melanin (the pigment that causes darker skin) is because melanin is supposed to protect against UV sunrays. If you go to a place like Northern Europe you will over the course of multiple tens of thousands off years lose your melanin.

Though if you live in Central Asia where its hot and snowy you need your melanin.

Why else do you think Australia and New Zealend have mroe than 500% the skin cancer rates of Europe and the US? Because 99% are Whites living in a place where Melanin is needed.

Actually yes that is what I am doing every day in my labortory since I am a mammal and observe stuff through an external monitor.

Yes plz white people smell like wet dog

You mean incest?

Better imagine a world without racism.

imagine never having to see these threads again

Thank you so much finally someone understanding it.

99% of people crying about immigrants and other nations are the ones that realized there on genes will be exterminated off of the genetic pool.

The reason one lives is to carry on their genetic material by mixing it with the most distant and different genetic material possible.

The most secure way to breed a healthy child is by having intercourse with someone that could not be more remotely different than you in genetic material. This is called biology.

ok... you keep telling yourself that if that makes you feel good about yourself -- whatever validates your existence... and by your own admission you are agreeing that you are inferior by labeling yourselves as "backups"... lol

Oh i can't wait to watch this world burn into lil pieces. Fuck this faggot world

Funnily enough Niggers got cucked by Arabs. Arabs are Semites not Niggers. And they cucked you all. There literally is no Nigger left that has not some Semite genetics inside his body.

You don't go out much do ya.

Not strict enough, refugees should be welcomed in concentration camps.

You're a bizarre person. I'm an American Traditionalist that essentially hates Jews, Communism, etc.
Not sure what dots you think you're connecting but whatever.
You're ignorant of the Indo-European expansion, and Proto-Indo-European culture. Whites didn't just start in one place and go to different places sequentially, leaving every place vacant as they moved about.
They all started near Ukraine and moved outward in all directions, the Celts, Germanics, Anatolians, Greeks, Persians, Illyrians, Aryans, etc.
All were originally white skinned, but they also weren't the only white skinned people either.
>what is phenotypic plasticity
I'm not getting into this with you guy, if you're too dull to understand that race mixing takes white people and turns them into muds then we're done here, because that's all I had ever said.
The term Aryan was not invented by Hitler, he was just really warm in the marco polo game of race.
You can see the whiteness in the Syrian girl though, that's my only point is that they all used to be white, and race mixing mudded them up for the most part.
Try to make your posts easier to reply, to, asshole.

Congratulations on your ascension, user. Welcome to the next level. You are no longer stuck here. In time, during bouts of boredom, you will now argue and troll the opposite of what you actually believe. You are invincible.

Please kill yourself incestnaziscum.

>They all started near Ukraine

Funnily enough the R1a1 y-chromsome started literally in the center of Afghanistan. And that y-chromsome is most abundant in Europe in which country? Exactly Ukraine. Look it up.

Fucking proletarian before listening to jewish propaganda go to affluent places and learn something about history.

Explain eskimos you fucking dumbass.
Melanin content is also dietary.
But regardless, that's BESIDE THE FUCKING POINT AGAIN, because I was just using the word white in place of indo-european .

>American traditionalist
>Hates jews
What the fuck man, the jews pretty much made your country the superpower it is now. Why hate them?


>Actually yes that is what I am doing every day in my labortory since I am a mammal and observe stuff through an external monitor.

External Mammalian Observer is your ACTUAL TITLE? Or it's not a thing and you're just talking out of your ass?

You're just completely full of shit.
Noone listen to this retard, he's only on Sup Forums because he'd get BTFO on Sup Forums

well lot of Autism in here today , if races were never breed away your race would not be here,

Thank you. I have been here way too long, maybe this transfer student is my way out.

inb4 you are here forever

This video by a well known antisemite is going to educate me how?

So you are using the word white, a phenotypical trait, in terms of Indo-European, an ethnolinguistical group. Makes sense.

You must be really educated right? And what should I explain about Eskimos you idiot. Eskimos lived nearly only on cold places so its obvious they had white skin since low melanin.

Who the fuck said its my title are you mentally retarded? I work at the labourtory of my university. I get tasked to do something and then I shall observe what happens on an external monitor and note it. The last time I checked I was a human which makes me a mammal. So according to that I am an external mammalian observer you fucking proletarian..

The same is taught in every affluent university in Europe and US. Maybe not the poor ones but certainly the affluent ones.

I don't need to imagine, many races have been bred away over the ages, you absolute fucking moron

Good point. And on that note, there's not a single caucasian that doesn't have dna stemming originally from negros in africa. The one drop rule say's you're all black!

>, there's not a single caucasian that doesn't have dna stemming originally from negros in africa.

Literally you are not a Human if you do not have Negro DNA inside of you. That is simple biology.

White people have been fucking up the planet for centuries. Good-bye to bad rubbish.

Ah, so you ARE talking out of your ass. But we all knew that already.

well you showed that guy with your smarts and insight, please send me your next published textbook

Correct, my nigga.

Yeah, sandniggers will get pale in Scandinavia.
More white people.

I am talking out of my ass by providing plenty of source materials. Makes sense.

But since you seem to be illietrate I will even quote it for you.

"was compelling evidence that "the initial episodes of haplogroup R1a diversification likely occurred in the vicinity of present-day Iran."

go out, get some fresh air and never come back you lifeless wimp

Yeah, how dare that little fucking slut make her own choices. It's not like she's an adult or anything.

Oh and as for the guy, looks like a complete fucking bum to me, badly groomed, shitty clothes, dirty look on his face. I mean, you can clearly see the bruises all over that poor girls face from when her clearly sub human beats her daily.

If only she was with a white man, how that frown of hers would be turned upside down.

It's a damn shame isn't it?

Show your math, asshat.
Oh, Africa is not 99% black, moron.
Negroes are majority in sub-saharan Africa.

>providing plenty of source material
>External Mammalian Observer

Tell us again how you're not talking out of your ass.

Survival of the most adaptable.
