I want to get into Satanism. I'm not some edgy teenager...

I want to get into Satanism. I'm not some edgy teenager. I am merely observing reality and drawing conclusions; conclusions without the need to cower behind lofty pretensions of intellectual enlightenment. How do I join a church of Satan?

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Join the Satanic Temple. It's way better than that faggy LaVeyan shit. As for the how, just go to their website. They may even have a group near you.

mabe this? not sure

In germany you can either go to the graveyard on spiritual days at night to find some teens killing a cat and eventually groupfucking. Or you make sure noone notices of the birth of your child and go to southern german woods. Search for reaaaaally old places with ancient religious buildings landmarks etc. And wait for the night. I was wandering the woods once and some evil looking guys in robes showed up in the middle of nowhere in the night where i had my campfire. They said i should go far and fast if i am not "enlighted" and just stood around me an my shit. I askef whats up forests big enough and the answer was nothing but a evil stare like when the pastor is very upset with you. Was fucking scared took my things and wandered off. They followed me about an hour directly behind me and the group was a group of 12 when i wen out of the forest. They just stood at the border of the forest and watched me leave the area before going back into the woods... shit was fucking scary and still i try not to get near this fuckin forrest. Also greetings from germany

Gerfag here.
Why even become satanist ?
Also whats your location ?

That's some crazy shit.

This book explains my feelings better than I can


If you have a spare child local satanists will grant you much. Very much. One sacrifice means a life in lust and hedonism in its most cruel forms... shits not too uncommon her in germany

some humans are so retarded

Didnt read the book and wont at this afternoon so please try

how retarded is my birth country, really ?

>not some edgy tenn
>but edgy retarded adult

(which is far worse)

“This is the great lesson the depressive learns: Nothing in the world is inherently compelling. Whatever may be really “out there” cannot project itself as an affective experience. It is all a vacuous affair with only a chemical prestige. Nothing is either good or bad, desirable or undesirable, or anything else except that it is made so by laboratories inside us producing the emotions on which we live. And to live on our emotions is to live arbitrarily, inaccurately—imparting meaning to what has none of its own. Yet what other way is there to live? Without the ever-clanking machinery of emotion, everything would come to a standstill. There would be nothing to do, nowhere to go, nothing to be, and no one to know. The alternatives are clear: to live falsely as pawns of affect, or to live factually as depressives, or as individuals who know what is known to the depressive. How advantageous that we are not coerced into choosing one or the other, neither choice being excellent. One look at human existence is proof enough that our species will not be released from the stranglehold of emotionalism that anchors it to hallucinations. That may be no way to live, but to opt for depression would be to opt out of existence as we consciously know it.”

this is one quote from it. almost every quote on that link is amazing

Well i feared that they might get physical or smth. At first they wereonly 5 in this group but yet 4 more than me so ... i was wandering and didnt want to get stabbed or god knows what just to stay do i öfet the scene... whats do retarded on this ?

You post on Sup Forums, congrats!

he meant the teenagers in the graveyards and the group of people in the forest


yes. you write something better

Well i guess every religion is retarded

Life is suffering. There are essentially two ways the human psyche tends to view the word. One is often accompanied by depression, and people who are not happy tend to be in this state of mind. It is the easy way out. Some people, in this case, begin to rationalize their suffering away. It is this train of thought which makes nothing really matter to you as an individual and you are suddenly allowed to break boundarys. But it is the easy way. It is still a subjective experience. And by saying you dont care, philosophizing about it, and acting in the world, you actually show that you do care. This shows the logical fallacy: You try to rationalize meaning away in order to feel better, to understand their suffering. To be able to act. But if they really didnt care, then they would not do anything, at all: humans cannot not think about the world. If you accept that the only meaning in life is subjective, you sudenly see that everything you do matters. Because there are subjects to which the consequence of your act matters. Even if it doesnt to you.

To say The human brain is only experiencing an illusion is an oversimplification of the physical machine that is our brain: it is a complex system, which is chaotic. Because we dont understand how conciousnes is built, we have to accept it as a premise until we know how exactly it occurs. Thus, before we dont have a scientific explanation of conciousness, we cannot make further rationalizations because we have no theory to back them up. In short: experience is subjective, but everything you do matters. Not despite it is subjective, but because it is subjective.

without objective meaning suffering is meaningless

No, it is not. It is objectively meaningless, but not subjectively. And since there are many subjects to experience the suffering, it is meaningful.

Your argument would be correct, if there would be noone to experience the suffering. because then there is noone who can suffer, thus suffering would be meaningless. Since you can suffer, and you dont want to, there is meaning in your suffering.

*maybe you want to, who knows.

Also there is no such thing as objective meaning, and it can never exist. Suffering in itself is a word which is based to describe a purely subjective experience by nature.


Everyone wants to be a Satanist until he comes for you in your dreams.

Posting the same thing I did on /x/:

Nature is the church of Satan. It is inside yourself and out in the wild, but nowhere in civilization. Find your Will, listen to it, learn to Act upon it. When I say Will, I don't mean your ego, and I don't mean your mind. Both are flawed things filled with the manipulation of society and the vices implanted in you by commercial industry. I mean your primal spark, the thing that tells you to make art, to kill, to be strong, to force your existence onto the the world.

As for other Satanists: there is no true organization. True Satanists meet each other by happenstance, compare their notes and go their separate ways. They do not deign to tell others to walk their path, because they know if someone else did that to them, they would tell them to fuck off - at the least. There may be Satanists at the top of certain organizations, but the followers are not Satanists any more than every demon in Hell is Satan.

200 dollars and papper work from there website.... goodluck

Church of Satan = Halloween atheists. All you need it a black fedora, aspergers and a pentagram.

>As for other Satanists: there is no true organization. True Satanists meet each other by happenstance, compare their notes and go their separate ways. They do not deign to tell others to walk their path, because they know if someone else did that to them, they would tell them to fuck off - at the least.
Fuck yeah. Well put.