List-user continuing on the thread to update on more research.
The plot thickens gentlemen. The next person I decided to look into was Corey Haim, Feldman's long time abuse buddy. Haim claimed he was first abused on the set of the movie Lucas which came out in 1986.
I decided to try and see if there were any links between Feldman, Haim and Wood. That way if I can confirm they are all on the same set, at the same time, I can assume some of Woods' statements would be about them.
It did not take long. Haim's next movie was The Lost Boys, starring Feldman, Haim and Elijah Wood. Director was Joel Schumacher, the guy who added nipples to the fucking Batman suits.
The plot thickens. We not have a scenario in which all three are together, at the exact time one of them claims his abuse started. Joel Schumacher is also still a major Hollywood player.
Can one of the anons from the previous threads bump with the caps of the information I have come up with so far? I want to work on linking together the network of abusers with abusees in a diagram.
Julian Cox
Mods will shut this down.
Luke Reyes
Okay sorry about the spam, apperantly I am not banned anymore.
Except for Frodo, did anyone else say anything about being pedo'd?
We gotta check Disney kids, Natalie Portman, Jodie Foster, Chloe Mortez and other child actors that grosses huge amounts of money.
Carter Lewis
Start with Corey Haim and Corey Feldman and work your way out from there, thats what I am doing. Both of them have come forward about being abused on set their entire childhood. Wood starred with both of them in The Lost Boys, when he was only about 6 or 7. At that point his mother would have likely protected him as he stated, as at that age she was likely on set at all times. Haim and Feldman however would have been about 14-16, and at this point had already been removed from their parents custody. These are likely the people Wood is referring to when he says he saw them being abused.
Cameron Hernandez
Keep making these, I have the last one open still.
You're id UvFe7eGd no? Posted:
>For anyone who is interested I am the list-user from the past two threads.
If you weren't in them what I mean by list user is that it was suggested to me to make a list of all of Corey Feldman's movies he made as a child, and to cross reference the names of the directors, producers and writers to those of Wood's films. Well after an hour or two of making the lists and comparison one name really stood out to me: Richard Donner. Here is why.
Feldman mentioned that his abusers were older men that protected and took care of him. Its been suggested by protected and took care of that he means his Hollywood career. He was molested in exchange for the roles he received. He also stated that there was no point in naming the abusers as the statute of limitations in California would not allow him to sue them, and he would likely be sued himself for defamation.
Donner filmed scenes of The Goonies in northern Oregon, and California. At the time of filming (1984-1985) Feldman would have been 13-14 (born in 1971). Donner also filmed Radio Flyer in 1992 starring an 11 year old Elijah Wood. Both actors have mentioned that these people are still active in Hollywood, and are major players.
Donner fits the role of being a major player, still active, and was involved in filming both kids when they were still young. Not only that but both kids would have been in films he made when they were around the same age (a window of 11-14 years old).
I bet if someone were to dig deeper they could easily find proof of Donner the Diddler.
You have other posts but none as full of info, if there's anything you'd like me to retrieve from previous thread let me know and I'll look.
Someone didn't like what you were posting.
Andrew Jones
That was the basic summary I was looking for at this point. I am going to try to keep the thread going for a bit, but at some point today am going to delve into major research mode.
The Lost Boys revelation is the most important part yet I think, and would be a good spot for anyone who wants to start looking. Wood was very young, and Haim's molestation had just begun a year prior. Also Haim, Feldman and Wood were all on set for that movie.
Grayson Richardson
One day Sup Forums, one day we will take down Hollywood and stop them from buttfucking our glorious motion pictures.