Can someone tell me why these guys hate each other?

Can someone tell me why these guys hate each other?

It obviously goes beyond simple ethnic differences.

turks are so shitskin they envy white Kurds of course

turks - asians from steppes
kurds - indo european, native

sandniggers gonna nig

What ethnic differences?
Anatolia had always been something between Greece and Persia, and that's exactly what Turkey is. Difference between Turks of Greek ancestry and Kurds is that the former were successfully brainwashed and assimilated, while the latter are still all like >WE WUZ MEDES AND SHIET

Kurds are the niggers of Turkey. Lazy, slothful and darker skin.

t. Ozkan

Why so much support for Kurds, but no word about Assyrians?

The only thing I know about them is they still speak Aramaic and are Christian.

>and are Christian.
fuck off