How many mass shootings does it take for you to accept gun control?:

How many mass shootings does it take for you to accept gun control?:

7.5 billion you fucking nigger

All of them

Mass shootings have nothing to do with gun control.


Yes they do. Mass shootings are the reason we need to be considering stronger gun control measures.

There's no such thing as gun control. There's only how much exclusivity you want the privileged elites to possess them.

gun control won't magically make all the guns go away. it will just help to ensure that only criminals have guns.

>How many mass shootings does it take for you to accept gun control?:

I will never allow the Jew gun grabbers to win.

How's the war on drugs goin'?

How many Muslim terrorist attacks does it take for you to accept taking in refugees is a bad idea.






>AHHHHHHHHHHHAHhhhaheehehehehe...... now i'm evil because my guns made me evil.... hehehahehahhhhh, time to go murder some minorities

The mass shooting perpetrators are not "elites" user. Pull your head out of your ass and dispense with the fucking buzzwords.

Yes it will. We impose a 100 dollar buyback per gun program, and actually start enforcing gun smuggling laws.

The problem is the NRA puts a stop to these ideas every time.

kys gun nut


>We impose a 100 dollar buyback per gun program
Yeah, right

>mass shooting perpetrators are not "elites" user
No, but tyrannical or genocidal governments, military, and police are. You pricks never introduce a single piece of law that would prevent these shootings from happening, only so less deaths happen and peaceful law abiding citizens are once again stripped of access. There's plenty of anti-gunners that plan long term, widdling down till we're left with nothing but a 2 shot derringer and single shot shotguns. Fuck you, you've taken enough already.

Nah I don't think I will

What makes you think so? And why are you so excited for the re-emergence of fascism?

$100 free cash for handing over weapons

You're whacked if you think people wouldn't take advantage of that user

Lol MD
>Nigger killing niggers with illegal guns

>You pricks never introduce a single piece of law that would prevent these shootings from happening,
We're trying to
but gun nuts and the NRA won't allow it
why is it you're not going after them?

Get raped by niggers nogunz

>Sure Mr. Government, I'll take $100 for this $1,000+ rifle I built


How many muslim terrorists does it take for you to accept blanket muslim bans?

Fascism is gun nuts and the NRA controlling the gun control dialogue.

The guns weren't free, and they're worth much more than $100. Typical authoritarian communist that sucks at economics.

Bc there is a list of things 10 miles long that kill more people every year by a large margin.

>fast food

There's about five thousand more things on the list before we get to guns. Can we take care of these first?

>he thinks gun buybacks work
Why don't you actually read about times this has been implemented before? It has never had a significant impact on gun ownership.

People will just set up shop on sidewalks and buy the guns at market price. You will be VERY hard-pressed to find a functioning firearm which can be had for less than $100, and even guns less than $200 are usually pretty shit.

Why do you feel the need to express such ignorant opinions on a subject which you clearly know nothing about?

See, this sort of mindset is why some Americans should not be allowed to fire a weapon.
You literally sound like a KKK vigilante.



Muslims aren't a problem.
Gun nuts are.

>fascism is when the government respects individual rights
>fascism is a popularly supported organization which makes good arguments

Fine $1000 buyback per gun.
But it will take a tax increase to make this happen.

>Yes it will. We impose a 100 dollar buyback per gun program, and actually start enforcing gun smuggling laws.
>The problem is the NRA puts a stop to these ideas every time.
$100 buyback
>Sure I'll lose at least $400 per gun
You will get old widow WW2 relics and hot guns from niggers.

Get fucked Commie

I found the idiot right on the frontpage!
I am done for today, gnight.


No buyback campaigns in the past have been nationwide, or at this aggressive of a scale. Stop naysaying just for the pure fuck of it.

So anti-gunners who find their great-grandpa's WW2 service pistols in their attics will turn in their heirlooms to be melted down. But no criminals will turn theirs in and crime will stay the same, mass shootings will stay the same.

And people will make contraptions in their garages out of wood and pipes which technically qualify as "guns" in order to turn them in and get free money. It's happened before.

Jamals start killing each other to and looting the guns to sell to governments. Just like my mmos

Even most of the cheapest used and working guns out there cost above $100, Used rifles and shotguns normally start at around $200, even for the crap brands.

good luck with that, dumbass. raise taxes just to disarm the public and strengthen the govs arsenal. Yeah that wouldn't incite a riot or anything. fucking commie.

>Why do you feel the need to express such ignorant opinions on a subject which you clearly know nothing about?

Gun nuts always try to stifle the debate with this bullshit.

I'm naysaying because it's an inherently flawed idea. It won't get rid of any significant amount of guns unless you make it mandatory. Which will never happen in the US.

How many car accidents does it take for you to accept public transport and bicycles

Roving gangs of bloggers prowl the streets farming for guns to sell. The problem solves itself!! Genius!

Gun nuts are fascists. They expect everyone to fall in line with their dogma no matter how much opposition there is to it.


Then it has to be 100 dollars per gun. That would encourage the biggest number of weapons to be taken off the streets.

You're making this difficult, user. It doesn't have to be.

Buybacks INCREASE the number of guns not decrease. Want a new gun but cant afford it? Sell your old one to the government and use the money to buy a new one!

>calling you out on your lack of familiarity with the topic counts as "stifling the debate"
If you want to be taken more seriously you should read up on the subject before you opine. That's true of anything you idiot.

I'm literally a fucking anarchist you dolt. Meanwhile, you want to disarm the proletariat which would make it easier for a dictator to strongarm his way into power despite popular opposition. How do you think the French Resistance would have fared had it had a reliable supply of arms and munitions?

> They expect everyone to fall in line with their dogma no matter how much opposition there is to it.
Dude you can believe whatever you'd like, I don't give a shit about whether you disagree with me or not.

I think Americans should be allowed to buy grenades in grocery stores. Muh guns.

~300 million guns in the US even a 100 buy back would require a tax hike

Potential mass shooters need to be disarmed.

They aren't "the proletariat" no matter how many Karl Marx books you've shoved up your ass.

if you know what to buy you pretty much can faggot.

>You're making this difficult, user. It doesn't have to be.
No, your lack of understanding of basic economics is making this difficult for you.

But "potential mass shooters" covers literally everyone.

>working class people aren't the proletariat
What did he mean by this?

It happened in Baltimore so it doesn't count, if anything this was a slow shooting day

Yes it would. Unless Americans willingly turn them in and stop buying so many.

Look at chicago.

Strict gun laws and daily mass shootings

Mass shootings have been faked since the Columbine incident, not 1 since ACTUALLY happened. that's a fucking FACT you won't be told by the MSM though. even the las vegas victims were the same child actors from sandy hook.

At the time of purchase, the gun buyer needs to undergo tests where he publicly declares he does not intend to use the weapons he purchases against other people. It would go on record.

The Vegas mass shooter wasn't "working class" you fucking gun nut

he was an undercover FBI agent selling guns to ISIS associates and got caught, you're clearly a fucking retard.

>to buy a gun you need to promise to be a good boy
>this will solve crime

>The Vegas mass shooter wasn't working class
>therefore we need to take away guns from the working class
Brilliant logic there bud

the working class

get the fuck out of my thread commie fuckwad

Don't you have a jackboot you should be licking right now, Snake?

You gun nuts can't have it both ways. Either start accepting the proposals to curb gun violence, or expect even more severe moves towards total prohibition.

Even better idea: Americans should be allowed to buy military grenade launchers in cafeterias.

I said shut the fuck up with your cringing commie bullshit
fuck you

It is my constitutional right to bare arms. fuck anyone who say's otherwise.
Come get my guns faggot

>"you can't have it both ways"
>you need to choose to either give up your guns or choose to give up your guns
rlly made me think

>we should disarm working people because they are subhuman scum
Fascist Snake. I'm not surprised that you cringe away from people who stand proud and think for themselves rather than groveling at the feet of capital like you. Wretched monsters fear and despise the people they know they should have become.

You'll still be able to bear arms.
But the days of owning military-style weapons for "fun" is over, user.

>total prohibition
Implying that wouldn't start a new civil war. And no it wouldn't be civilians vs military. The Military would most likely split as well.

>we should disarm working people
I said shut the holy fucking hell up you threadjacking communist fuckwad.

Get the fuck out.

> a new civil war
Nope. This is why we have the armed forces and state and local law enforcement to protect us.

It is literally illegal for the citizens to wage war against the US

Why don't you go plead to daddy dictator and ask him to kill all de nasty-wasty bad men who have the GALL to reject subservience? Oh wait, he killed himself.

That's right. Grenade launchers don't kill people, people kill people. Why aren't they legal? Most undermount ones have about as much metal and plastic in them as a bump stock.

You need to clean up put a padlock on those guns user

Fuck you commie faggot. Fuck you for trying to derail a gun control thread. This is what gun nuts do. This is why maybe we should even think about making comments like this terroristic threats.

>And no it wouldn't be civilians vs military. The Military would most likely split as well.

can you not fucking read

mass shootings drove people to buy guns man. that shit happens in a crowd here in arizona someone is firing back. most everyone has a gun here

>These guys are fascists because they expect everyone to fall into line with their dogma!


"a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism."

That is the definition of facism you fucking dumbass. If your forcing your views and opinions or are in favor of doing so your a fascist you fucking fascist.

Gun nuts always believe the military would side with their splintered rebellion.
Not. Happening.
You'd all be dead within 6 months.

Ill make this easy, you both sound like massive faggots

The NRA is the dictator in this instance, and yes you gun nuts have been "forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism" the whole fucking time.


Hit the nail on the head there cunt, but most are fine. Go fuck yourself.

Should put this in /pol so we can see what terrorist flag you have

Oh nvm this dude is trolling haaaaard

>we should make disagreeing with the State tantamount to terrorism
Well thanks for tacitly admitting that gun control schemes exist in order to institute fascism. More and more and more ordinary people are awakening to this daily, and gun ownership rates are on the increase while support for gun control is going down.

And guess what? Ordinary people HATE fascism. Ever wonder why they cheer when they see Indiana Jones punching Nazis? Or why they love the tale of the Rebellion in Star Wars so much? Because PEOPLE HATE YOUR FASCISTIC BULLSHIT. And those people are, unfortunately for you, armed and ready in case you try to force it on them. Cry all you want, Snake, but nothing you do will change that.

hopefully they aren't being shot at from 32 floors up and 300 yards away


Im sorry your retarded.

You clearly do not know what you're talking about. Most likely you're just a neck beard that's trolling.

No they aren't. Paddock came out of the woodwork.
We need to make sure people like him don't ever get their hands on a weapon again.

>Im sorry your retarded.

I'm sorry you didn't make it past third grade English.

pfft... 25...

Jesus fucking christ get the fuck out of this thread you communist fucking fuckwad.

Fuck you.

If bait was in real life, you'd be dragging outside city limits right now.

You don't get it. How can you still not get it? I will never accept gun control. As the number of mass shootings grows, my belief in the right to bear arms gets even stronger. You don't fight fire by banning the fire. You fucking pour water on it. In this metaphor, other guns are the water. No law, no paper or decree, nothing will keep guns out of criminal hands and the best thing law-abiding citizens have to protect themselves is their own guns. You will not guilt me into wanting to take that away from us. It is not a question of guilt. We have been slowly shrinking the extent of the 2nd amendment for decades and every time criminals find a way around it. Mass killings are a tragic fact of life. It is not a gun problem, it is a moral problem. Until we find a way to cure the inherent evil in mankind, we need guns to fight it and I will always fight to keep my right to fight.