I am going to win the powerball in 22 minutes...

I am going to win the powerball in 22 minutes. Recommend luxuirous rich people site s like forbes so I can shop until I claim my reward. Extra points to you if it is luxurious estates/property in America like sotheby.
>if you wish me luck and get dubs, trips, quads, pent, etc, you will be given x2/x3/x4/x5/x6 of your last three digit(in corresponding to your rolled digits.

It's fixed. There is no winner tonight and the powerball is 23.

goodluck OP! hope you get it so you can leave this rat race!

Goodluck faggot

gl hf


kek, winrar

good luck

Glhf ggnore

good luk fagget

Good luck op

Good luck son

you should buy Andy six for the weekend, force feed him, and hand out free logs to the chin

Good Luck, Nerd

[email protected]
Good luck sir.

good luck!

Good luck sir.

Good luck from your pal who is using an exit bag at midnight. Help me enjoy my final moments /b. enjoying some JD right now..

give me some money

goodluck, faggot


no sympathy for the devil

soz, your final moments will not spent caressing your ego,

i wish you would rather become a hermit than an hero

listen to some allan watts

Just given you more luck pal... All i can do. Anyone have tips on anhero with an exit bag?

checking him out now.

trust me fam, thats what i never understood about suicide,

if your going to an hero, that implies your completely done with your world, though if you are truely done then that means you can do anything you want with any sort of punishment becoming less than suicide (implying death by any other force will be lesser)
so with that logic why wouldnt you just do anything you want

typically something positive, who knows you may find what you are truely looking for, afterall that is always something that happens, just when you give up, you find it

Anyone who plays lotto is a fucking retard. Actually, they're below a retard because at least a retard has the excuse of being born with brain damage -- but people who play lotto know it's fucking dumb, yet they do it anyway. Dumb cunts.

i suggest going into the wilderness and being completely alone, staying within the present and freeing your self of idle thoughts.

get out of any poor situation.

life is meaningless, though not in a nihlistic sense, in the sense that it exists for no other reason that just to exist. the same way a musical piece has no particular reason to exist, though it is still.

start new
who cares

Situation is complex. Been on different meds for 6 years. Talked with 4 therapists. Got married. Had a kid.

Those aren't the things that bug me though. I cannot stand how society is. How obsessed people are with their phones or with social media. I can't escape it. Home.Work. Family. No where can i escape it. I've contemplated leaving my wife and son, but i couldn't live with the guilt after the fact. I decided i was going to end things about 6 months ago on this date at midnight.... why this date you ask?

It is the anniversary of when i tried to end my life 5 years ago. why not finish what i started

I've tried... i go camping for a weekend. Alone. No technology. But yet as soon as i rejoin the city/people i am surrounded by all the technology and hate. not saying i want to go amish, but just want to step back from it all..


hahahaha, well there it is isnt it?
youve found the solution!

then leave, you have found your answer. then why not go through with living away as a hermit,

go to peru live amongst the shamans, or tibet and live amongst the monks, they will show you. you already have the answers, settling for anything less than death is ofc better. though if you are worried about leaving them guilty/upset for going away, wouldnt you agree that suicide is even greater guilt?

sure you wouldnt have to deal with it, but what you dont have to deal with is ultimately passed onto your family.

Good luck user!

there is always chance to start new, only when your life is over you cannot

With suicide it would never cross my mind because my mind would be gone. I'd be free of all the bullshit on this planet.

I have no clue where i would ever fucking start if I were to leave them. Ideally i'd move far away (currently in KS now, I've thought about wyoming, north carolina, or new zealand even)... IF there was a step by step guide as well as a "How to not get killed by your wife" I would sign up for it ASAP. I need to leave if i want to live, but with under 2 hours left I need help deciding quick. Already have my note, helium set up, and my bag. Just waiting till big ben rings, but i guess he wont tonight cause he's under repair so just midnight then.

if you are addicted, and going to kys, then why dont u just take a leap, and to something called Iboga, or Cambo. look it up, travel to peru

it will relieve you of any addiction

trust me
here ill take the first step
(((((((((H T T P S)))://www.eastwestlodge.com/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw95vPBRDVARIsAKvPd3JTcSZSGGZxXkfn0pvFQGkDKveB2Gn-HBnGsNND54-p2toIXZwxXJ4aAr7gEALw_wcB

protip: everything is relative

good luck mate contact me on [email protected]

Back up a sec. I don't have an addition. I am not on any social media and i have a flip phone. I cant even watch the news because of all the bullogna. Is this the addiction you are referring to or something else?

New zealand is an excellent choice, though i do recommend some time in peru/tibet.

im from australia, im not shilling anything mind you

why do you torture yourself then?
you just seem to live in a shit country.
just leave, hey if your going to die anyway..

I just have no clue how it all would unfold if i just up and left in the middle of the night.

Just think if the drawing is truly random then there's a universe where this guy actually wins the lottery and everyone flips out.


This country is truly shit. I have talked to my wife multiple times about up and leaving to move around the world, but she is too attached to her family. I on the other hand would do fine. I have 7 siblings, a few neices and nephews, but I feel I would be happier seperated from all the shit the US has to offer. And it may be just a US problem... I hear in new zealand the matrix just now came out

exactly, isnt that a thrill?
i assure you that that is the only way up if youve hit rock bottom

itll be fun lmao
for you. it may seem selfish though suicide is more selfish

trips of truth

Good luck OP may the force be with you

Nice trips.

And agreed. Suicide is way more selfish... but it'd be a fresh start in a new place... That;s the wieirdest thing. I have a really good job. Nice truck. Nice house. Two great dogs. A great wife. An adorable son... but nothing makes me happy... I just need to get away but cant bring myself to do it.. FUCK it agg.

Give money

Good luck future richfag.
What makes you so sure you're going to win? Is it just the power or positive energy?

Also paypal.me/etorres6994

it is becuase you are to comfortable, though you dont realise that that comfy is killing you

you will go places if u get out of comfy, comfy kills fam, ive seen it happen

i say take the risk, what do you have to loose..
if it is alot, then shouldnt that push you harder to strive to the goal?
if not then you are too lazy
though i assure you if you play your cards right, then you will be in a better place if you do take the risk.

who knows, picture this, you leave, you become well and great again. you return with the answer
and things will be great

"it is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to ask for permission"

listen to allan watts, dedicate some time and give it a go, trust me. after that then decide
be driven, stop being comfy


if im going to sit here and give you all the answered then what is the point in that, ide rather you go out and find it yourself, in the long run it will bring you greater satisfaction

I think I'm going to do it. Just bought a plane ticket to Cheyanne, WY for november 2nd.

Going to get a fresh start. No clue what lays in store.

checked , if OP wins i hope you get the cash too

either way

goodluck, i hope you find yourself. what a better place to start than now. i suggest in the meantime. you save enough money in order to chase "yourself" freely and without any obstacle.

welcome to the first day of the rest of your life

Amen to that.

“All that you see out in front of you is how you feel inside your head.”
— Alan Watts