The eternal Pole neither realizes nor cares that the territories that had to be given to him because he is too weak to...

The eternal Pole neither realizes nor cares that the territories that had to be given to him because he is too weak to take them himself is rightful German clay under international law.

Has the international community under the guidance of a highly corrupt UN failed Germany?

You were the ones who got beat, not the poles. You have bigger issues then some fucking extra land you want. The cucks and the Muslims are shitting up our countries, not some anti immigrant Catholic poles.

>Polish US expat

Opinion discarded.

The UN is powerless. Im fine with UN mandates meaning fuck all, i dont care if germany never gets prussia back so aslong as the argies never get the falklands

Yes we need a glorious muhaa Mittelreich

is there a single thing the UN ever managed not to fuck up 100%?

complete waste of money.

Germans are a dead people and you need to deal with it.

I'd say we might as well give Germany to the Poles but I doubt they want land filled with subhumans and niggers.

All the good Germans died after WW2, the only ones left after that were all the backwash and product of rape.

We shouldn't even call you subhumans "German"

I mean yeah. But the Jews don't want Germany to be strong. That's the whole point.

'Eternal Pole' doesnt sound that good, could you, please, change it a bit if we are supposed to be the target of your memes?
Maybe "Eternal Pollock"? Or maybe something from the language of the country you currently reside in, turkroach?

>Maybe "Eternal Pollock"?

No, that's a highly offensive racial slur. I will not stand by it.

What says Belarus though? What says Lithuania?

Well, it was just a suggestion.
But, please, try to think of something that sounds a bit better.

>What says Belarus though? What says Lithuania?
Both are irrelevant.
>But, please, try to think of something that sounds a bit better.
I will do no such thing. No such thing will be done by me. Enjoy your "eternal Pole" soundbite.

>>his opinion does not go along mine
>>A Pole discards your opinion that the land is rightfully yours
>>what a pathetic untermensch, it should be drowned at birth.

>>Polish UK expat
opinion discarded

Mach ich das richtig, mein Meister?

Are you sure you are American?
All Americans I meet were generally optimistic and happy!

>Mach ich das richtig, mein Meister?

My German isn't that good yet, could you please translate into Arabic?

>>Maybe "Eternal Pollock"?
>No, that's a highly offensive racial slur.
Both are irrelevant.

Well, thats surely a disappointment

>rightful German clay under international law.
Under international law Germany is not a sovereign state but a fief of United States of Freedom.

A non sovereign state is not eligible to territorial demands of any kind.

The U.S. and Germany literally are BFFs.

You will not succeed in driving a wedge between us, Jew.

Irrelevancy is not a racial slur, it's a matter of fact.

Just ask Canada, and New Zealand.

Yeah "best fief forever"
Just behind Japan.

Time to get to work, Jacek.

Hit a nerve I see.
Have you visited Ramstein, DE?
Very nice American city.

Lots of polish troops too

>Lots of polish troops too

No wonder the toilets in Ramstein are so spotless.

Quality work right there.

You should retake your own streets. Then some easter clay.

Gotta accomodate all those cock hungry German girls somewhere innit