What happens after death /b ?

What happens after death /b ?

Other than decomposition and etc. I'm asking about your beliefs and what you have faith in. What happens to the soul? Or if you believe in no soul, than state your case.

Personally, I believe in a soul just not sure what happens when the heart stops beating.

thats when it all begins

I don't believe in anything in particular or worship anything, but I always thought reincarnation would be cool. Not that it'd make the most sense, because 'muh soul' and whatnot.

Just thought that'd be sweet. Easiest thing for me to process, too. I don't know what eternal happiness in the cloud feels like, but I know what being alive and happy is like. Wouldn't mind more than one trip.

I believe the soul is the illusion of will, and when I die, that illusion will cease to be. Nothing more than that.

"his thoughts perish"
don't you even read the bible?

It's like going to sleep, minus the dreams.

Is like to believe some sort of trancendance into a different life in which you learn a new lesson as you slowly evolve spiritually into god, but most likely it’s exactly like before you were born.

mind spark jumps to another brain , its not a belief its law of physics , everything reincarnates

mind sparks sound badass, please explain further

That's it. Game over. Materialism rules. Once you die your "soul" or whatever you attribute consciousness to is gone. The structure that allowed it to run is gone. Like magnetizing a hard drive. It won't store data, run and it can't be recovered. You're fucked.

When you see a kid's personality change, see the light leave their eyes and see the changes after brain injuries and see them become a new person and then die etc and then watch them get taken away to the morgue in the hospital or see a body get dissected by somebody trying to study it you start to realize pretty quickly just how material you are.

If you could get all the parts to make a human together in the precise right structure in thin air you'd have a human with consciousness. If you could dissipate that it would be gone just like that.

Raised christian but never read the bible. Always viewed structured christianity as flawed and radical. Still would like to read it tho.


It is not, therefore, natural for us to wish to prolong life indefinitely. But we live in a culture where it has been rubbed into us in every conceivable way that to die is a terrible thing. And that is a tremendous disease from which our culture, in particular, suffers.

Who cares what the beliefs of a bunch of shuts in is?

This thread is going to be a combination of typical atheist talking points about how it's lights out and that's it or overly "spiritual" fags who have taken way too many drugs.

I either bury them or put them in a wall. Don't buy a crypt, they're expensive and gross. Full of spiders and crypt flies and carrion beetles. If you're lucky nothing gets in and you mummify and all the juices leak out. As for spiritually, I have no idea. I send soldiers off with a prayer to satan and sing The Minstrel Boy while burying them. Just seems fitting. Same goes for murder victims. Figure if they're going to hell (if it exists) they'll need a good word put in. I like to think people go to some extradimensional dive bar when they die. They get to drink and talk shit for the rest of eternity. Eating greasy-ass burgers and never getting fat. But I'm just a simple cryptkeeper.

You have a very rudimentary understanding of physics.

Your brain is just meat that thinks it's special. When you die there will be nothing.

The idea of souls is just an invention for frightened peoples with no basic knowledge of biology.

What basic knowledge of biology do you have that says you aren't your brain? That your consciousness doesn't equate to a soul? You realize scientists basically understand very little of how the brain works beyond it's electrical impulses, right?

Different user but your god of the gaps and assumptions are probably very wrong and is probably right. The less assumptions you make the more likely you are to approximate the truth or outright be correct. He doesn't need a background in biology, neuroscience, medicine or any other field to know that. It's logic 101.

I am a science, and the only thing that has been proven to matter is porn.

I have lots of theories, but I believe that the human brain is incapable of understanding the complexity of death and therefore no one currently knows or will ever know what happens until you die.

It's kind of exciting in a way, because it's a ride we all take eventually but you have no idea what's coming.

Fun fact, your body will still respond to stimulus after death. That's why crematoriums have to be big enough for a person to sit up in. Because they will. It's real creepy the first couple times. They'll also make wheezing noises if it's cold enough out. It just kinda fascinates me that a dead body can still react after the brain is dead. I don't know if there's a soul, but I like to think that if after death the body still reacts, maybe the conciousness is still out there somewhere reacting. It's comfortable for a man surrounded by death 40+ hours a week.

Science is built upon new ideas that you try to dismiss as assumptions. The point is you have no grasp on the human brain which is the case for many scientists. Saying outright that you aren't your brain or consciousness can't be considered a soul is ignorant. Wait for the research before you denounce something and tout it as definitive fact.

"Oh look at me and my sophisticated belief of what will happened when I die."

The only peoples more irritating than Christians and atheist combined are the fucking agnostic in love with the smell of their own farts.

so whats it like slammin a dead chick?

Exactly. You have no basic understanding of the brain.

As fa as most scientists are concerned they understand it provides the facilitation of electrical impulses. Beyond that we are still researching.

all we know for certain is that the more porn you amassed, the better

post was fo

If you care about the opinions of shut ins who have only proven my post right then enjoy your fucking life.

Unless you actually believe the thoughts of people here on Sup Forums Sup Forums matter? Don't be a mental midget.

The fact that a body responds is only indicative of our reflexes and the leftover electrical impulses. I don't know if a soul exists.

But your conclusion is very backwards. If anything a body still reacting would indicate that we are just biological machines if our very lives are over.

It's built upon new ideas that are TESTABLE with evidence built in favor of or against. Your idea is not testable and to the degree that it's observable (it isn't) it doesn't hold weight.

If you can't research a claim that is receding well beyond material or waves/ energies that can be measured then the claim has to be dismissed. That's a cop out that you offered. Unless you offer a testable, observable phenomenon with reason as to why it can exist based on external evidence the only smart thing to do is to dismiss it as a waste of mental energy and likely wrong. Which is key in any intro to scientific methods course you will take.

That's what gets me. We would lose all personality and trace of mentality that we had for life in general and become absolutely nothing, that we can't even acknowledge ourselves?

Andy weir's the egg right?


We have meat trying to be special again... our knowledge in biology does cover how brain works, we just don't know exactly which parts do what exactly.

But there is absolutely no doubt that electrical impulse are what makes you and that the neurons need to works for these impulse to go through. No living neurons = no you.

The bullshit about soul is an idea born in the same time that goat fuckers thought that stars were little lights made so that the night sky was pretty: it can have poetic values but you are an idiot if you think it's relevant to the real physical world.

if heaven isn't real, blackness then.

Well, I know the brain is dead. And I know they sit up because heat makes the muscles expand and contract in weird ways. It's just a thought that maybe conciousness leaves upon death, leaving only our meat golems behind. Never claimed to be an expert.

The building blocks of life are still there. But there's no conciousness left. I just think there's the possibility death isn't necessarily the end. Hell, some people die for good, then someone goes to do an autopsy and a nigga wakes up. It ain't common, but it happens. I dunno, you work with death and you hear some weird shit man.

Yeah because every cells don't die at the same rate. Doesn't matter when brain cells are usually the first to die when the systemic functions of your body stops.

This 1000x. In fetuses there are certain brain regions associated with consciousness once you hit a certain stage of brain development. That's a part of the premise abortion laws are written under.

dont you feel like word pseudointelligent was created for you

We don't know anything. As humans, we are incapable of absolute truth.
I also know that I can't know if what I just typed was true or not.

It's fairly common knowledge that the brain is simply a biological computer, and your consciousness is a program that runs on it. When you die, this software is transferred to an external device and you are unplugged from the matrix.


Look, I may dig holes for a living but I know when you die the brain is dead. I'm just offering my thoughts. I've had a lot of experience with corpses. I know how they work. In fact, I'm kind of an expert in corpse care. I'm not a scientist looking to prove something. All I'm saying is what I like to think is a possibility. I could be wrong. But it's kinda unprovable at this point. It's impossible to prove a soul, and impossible to prove anything's non-existence. I just like the meat golem idea.

You remember all that time before you lived? You don't, huh? There's your answer. Nothing to fear, user - it comes for us all.

Like I said, just some cunt addicted to their farts and waaaaay less smart than they think they are.

No, this is fence sitting between an hard truth and a comforting fantasy.

You do you, but there isn't compelling reasons to believe that souls exists other than human's fear of not being special.

Slow night at hot topic?

Well fine, then I'm a fence sitter. I see nothing wrong with changing my views as I see fit. I will not hold a hard truth for something I can't know. If I die and there's nothing but void, I'm okay with that. If I die and there winds up being something, that's cool too I guess. I might be a dumb fool with a loosely held vague fantasy. I suppose when I die I'll know. Or not because conciousness is gone. Death is weird like that.

I was under anesthesia for a routine surgery when I was 19. For some reason, I stopped breathing and I was clinically dead for a few seconds. I remember there was no ‘light in a tunnel’, but for a brief moment I knew everything and felt everything at once. It’s impossible to describe, but I do know that gods real name is Brandon.

Present is more important than the future in terms of living and dying. Make today better for others so can they look back and remember happy things before we all take the dirt nap. Might be dumb, but I live by it.

Well one guy that claimed to be your Creator died and then rose from the dead. You might ask him :)

You know about Brandon?

I think what we call our soul is some form of energy that we haven't discovers yet or know very little about. This energy composes everything around us, and everything that is not the void is this, we are everything and everything is us. When we die we simply go back to the source and maybe we will be funneled into some other organism and experience reality through that organisms senses.

I understand that I'm simply undergoing the division of death as natural. My earthen body rotting below as my conscious, which has been individualized for so long, awaits the completion of its radiation to the sun--my greater self. And as an individual star I will again await my death as I watch my children destroy themselves over the eons cycling my being. Then when I die, again shall my body fertilise the solar systems around me. My awareness continuing to radiate into the center of the galaxy, bounding between my brother stars and sister planets, where I will become the galactic center supporting all the bodies which compile my external being. Then I will watch patiently all within my arms as my nearest brother drifts as he should into my being. We shall combine to become one, and again I will remember that I am to die, and radiate once more into the very fabric of space-time itself, where I will emerge a mote of light--slipping through atom and molecule, and into being once more. And so the cycle shall continue. And so I shall live and die in eternal peace and suffering all the same. Watching the disjointed and lost figments of my being wander among themselves believing in their individuality.


Well I'm a pajeet(Hindu) and my grandmother says that you're reincarnated as 78 different animals after you die and the 79th time you get the chance to be reincarnated as a human. Not that I believe in it. Just leaving this here.

Let her die and be reincarnated as a worm inside my intestines so she may get a mouthful of shit and in passing perhaps a taste of greatness that is mankind.

We reincarnate until we learn everything we need to before moving on. You'll know if you're an old soul by how easily you can do things, and how talented you are. If you can pick up a guitar and just play, you've done it before, Etc.

You'll also have really real seeming vivid dreams. They're collective memories your soul has picked up along the way. Sometimes, you'll even remember how you died in a past life.

The universe doesn't destroy matter - it recycles it. You are made of the universe, so you're included in this case.

Why the fuck would you want worms in your intestine?

i think you reincarnate and eventually get to heaven unless you do something to go to hell... i would be fine with just blackness and nothing tho, and im not scared of hell being just fire... i am afraid of hell being what you make it tho

>What happens after death /b ? Other than decomposition and etc
>Or if you believe in no soul, than state your case.
No good evidence for a soul.

Or maybe you have greater cortical density in the temporal region that enables you to hear music better and more intuitively pick up a guitar and you're intelligent enough to learn things quickly.

You sound like a pothead faggot who doesn't know science and just looks at its ass as it walks by, cherry picking the parts you enjoy to put your mind at ease while ignoring the bigger picture and the details of it and you effectively capture so little of what science is that you misinterpret most of it and therefore have a worse understanding or as bad of one as if you never looked at it at all.

Only if it's your grandmother's reincarnated body I'll do it nigger.

I believe this.

Previous to this lifetime, I was a grizzly bear. I know this for a fact. I've watched his whole life pass by me in my sleep. He was hunted and killed in the end.

>I know that my previous head is mounted on some trophy hunter's wall somewhere on this planet, and I get shivers knowing it.

>I don't like someone's opinion so i'll insult his intelligence and make myself look smarter

Your consciousness stretches out lightly when not being confined

It would be nice that you reincarnate into someone else with an opposite life. So if your life is shitty right now, the next one will be all right. It is what I like to believe. Life right now, for me, is shitty, so I can only hope.

What do you mean?

Also, is it my duty in this lifetime to find the bastard that killed me?

No. An uneduated opinion does not deserve respect.

The term old soul ignores so many things and factors of development it's a term from old folk lore and uses this past life Jungian perspective that has been dismissed for better alternatives and a lack of testability.

This collective memory deal is the same bullshit.

All matter in a space can be recycled but that doesn't attribute higher meaning to it per se.

This is a guy who read a Jung book on personality etc, felt it connected and didn't even touch neuroscience and went "hur dur this is it." Something that goes so far against the scientific method by practice that it can't even formulate a theory. Just a statement. I can hate on his remark because it's blatantly stupid with 0 backing. Not because I disagree with it. I've done enough research projects and deal with enough people to hate this mindset so many people fall into. It allows for dissonance which allows for error in perception which gives room for stupidity. Like his post.

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die

Being awake is very time-filled. Asleep--so very time-less. There's no noise, and death knows no fear post death. To die in a 'dream' is to become just that, a dream. How many times could one realize that in eight hours? It only takes the realization

Yhwh is His name

Jesus... this thread pretty much proves how depressed everyone in B/ is, that or they're being edgy af. When you ask this on a FB page, you get different replies, but here everyone jumped to "nothing happens when you die". It's just too unreal. Alot of you fags are lying about what you believe to look cool on an anonymous website. Pathetic...

OP here's the two things that i know. If a person dies and their brain is intact, you do have some type of consciousness for about 10 minutes. That scares the shit out of me. You have just 10 seconds to realize that you're life is over.

Second, there are too many reported instances of paranormal events (of which i've witnessed a few) to believe that the light just goes out.

I personally believe that when you die it's just the end. I do not believe in a 'soul' or anything of the sort. I believe that the brain is merely a organ filled with electrical impulses and signals and that once you die due to those signals no longer being able to be produced that everything just stops. I imagine it a bit like RAM, it is 'volatile storage' and thus needs to be 'powered' to keep the 'data' meaning that once the 'power is disconnected' (when you die) that all of your memories and functions dissapear and you just cease to be anything. I believe this because it makes no logical proof for us to just 'go somewhere' because as we currently understand the universe (minus all religion which I also believe is false) there is no way for data or computational power to exist without a working host ( the electrical impulses inside the brain).

Everyone who says something happens after death just can't handle the sad truth that we are just atoms, we aren't special, religion only exists because we want there to be 'meaning' and that is the same reason why people want something to happen after death.

Can someone please explain why there needs to be a 'meaning' to life and why there must be something more that happens after death? It makes far more sense that it just ends and nothing happens because we are just atoms and not magic.

remember what it was like before you were born? yeah, it's that.


Why is it depressing if nothing happens after you die? It physically can't be depressing because if nothing happens then you can't experience things such as depression
>Being edgy
Nope I am just being logical, please explain why it is edgy to believe that nothing happens after you die? I can't follow your logic unfortunately
>FB page
Facebook is filled with idiots and so is Sup Forums this adds nothing to your argument
>It's just too unreal
Nope it's not unreal, as this user:
Said it is actually very real, do you remember what happened before you were born? No because when you are not alive nothing happens
>A lot of you are lying about what you believe in
Where is the proof for this? I wholely believe that nothing happens after you die
>To look cool
Nope I don't care if I look cool, if I wanted to look cool I wouldn't be on Sup Forums
As I have just disproved your last point this 'dramatic ending' also falls apart.

If you would like to rebut my points about your argument please do, I would enjoy having a discussion on this topic and to understand your point of view.

My post is here if you would like to lean more about my view:


They do not break an arguement

>Said it is actually very real, do you remember what happened before you were born?
>No because when you are not alive nothing happens
yeah that's what I meant

Didn't say they did.

No soul. But, at the moment of death, your mind goes into DMT based high where you experience infinite time dilation. Effectively you live an eternity in that moment.

It's not a coincidence that you experience time dilation on hallucinogens.

Somebody rangle this triggered fagget

Sorry I assume you were the user I linked midway through my post, I was using your example read the entire post and you will see what I was saying

That word has no meaning as far as I am concerned. It was made up to help people hide from reality

ah goku

Back to being edgy + same fagging. See ya son

Who here is samefagging? I will fully admit to responding to multiple people in this thread but have made no claim of being separate people

Or the Langoliers eat you. Either one works for me.