How would you fuck this hambeast?

How would you fuck this hambeast?

you don't... you find a decent girl somewhere... anywhere else!

I'm so desperate for human contact that I would let her fuck me

with my eyes closed

wif ma peenus

I doubt she'd say no.

You gotta be pretty fucking desperate. Try tinder, lie about your job, rent a fucking sports car and get something that won't sweat as you fuck it and smell like ham.

with a shovel, blade first


> implying people dont like fucking hams



No lie, it would be hot as fuck if you shoved her in front of a buffet of food and put her under the pig transformation curse from Spirited Away so she literally pigs out in every way possible.

Show us tits please

I don't think this is the kind of heifer that would ever be caught dead with her tits willingly exposed.

>psychic summer camp
Mmmm, fat AND stupid? I think I'd fuck her with a lit m80

Mentally but insulting her.



This is why we have niggers, to take the rejects off our hands.

With an rpg


It'd be pretty embarrassing if she rejected you.

