Why are western countries electing a bunch of Leftist faggots?

Why are western countries electing a bunch of Leftist faggots?

Fist Justin Trudeau and now this old commie.

I thought the refugee crisis was causing a right-wing surge??

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>Why are western countries electing a bunch of Leftist faggots?

because they are leftist faggots

>Fist Justin Trudeau and now this old commie.

the young generation is more leftist than ever, also he got 67% of the female vote

>I thought the refugee crisis was causing a right-wing surge??

you give too much credits to spurdo memes, nowhere there is a right-wing surge except in the USA, if one counts Trump as right...

Shh... Run along now and be. Good goy...

Stop crying Hofer by a few thousand votes hardly a convincing victory for the establishment.

Hofer lost
Brexit will not happen
Merkel will be re-elected
Clinton will be elected
LePen will lose
2016 in a nutshell

Hard to say, most likely either the brain washing is too severe, or the votes were rigged. 3rd could be just too many browns and lefty faggots.

Next is Clinton. KEK wills it


>nowhere is there a right-wing surge except the USA

But that's wrong, Hofer got nearly have the vote, Front Nationale was only defeated by the collusion of the two major parties, UKIP surged in recent elections in the UK, Polish Law and Justice party won huge, Golden Dawn in Greece.

1) The party he comes from usually only get 10-15% during elections

2) During the first round of the presidential elections he got 21% and Hofer got 35%

3) Yesterday evening Hofer had 51.9% of votes (not counting postal votes)

Today VdB is victor

Does anything seem fishy?