It's 2k17

>it's 2k17
>numerous studies have proven that human beings can perfectly live without eating animal products
>there's STILL people that eat those
>isn't converted to veganism

user,how do you explain yourself for being such degenerate human garbage piece of shit? Go vegan today for a better life-going and a better life for the animals.

>tl:tr vegans are better people

Other urls found in this thread:

that shit taste good nigga, if all we ate was what was good for us, multiple food businesses would go bankrupt

We don't care

Why do I think all vegans are furries?

If humans never ate meat we wouldn't have developed bigger brains or higher intelligence


I don't like soy.

>people still act like "humans can technically live" is equal to "humans can comfortably live a healthy lifestyle"

I don't have an excuse other than it's difficult for me to transition. I've tried going vegetarian to vegan a few times but after a week or two I'm craving a ribeye or bacon or chicken.

OP pictured in his natural habitat


Well you see, it is true that we can just eat plants to live. But at the same time, meat also has a lot of nutritional value and tasty. Not to mention they're easier to take care because plants can get really affected by weather and bugs. Plants that has been sprayed by repellent(?) is a bit poisonous to the body.

And while at it, we're a species that has been born since hundreds of thousand years ago, and we start by eating meat. We didn't start agriculture till later, so i think it's just still in our DNA.

Not saying that being vegan or Omnivore is a bad thing, but i think that even though killing animal can be really cruel, as long as it's a fast and no suffering kill, it should be ethical enough.

Let's just get along and appreciate differences.

Provide 1 study
Im convinced humans can live without eating plants too
Meat was what gave u the calories to develop brains
Vegan is trash

>We didn't start agriculture till later, so i think it's just still in our DNA.
I don't see your point. Lots of species are vegan without agriculture.

I don't believe food hipster lies

> can't provide links to refute BS argument
> everybody else should bow down to my standards
> muh feelings

I support PETA.....People EATING Tasty Animals

Not humans tho.

>Meat was what gave u the calories to develop brains
Even if that were true it doesn't mean anything. It's like saying coal power gave you everything you have so we shouldn't transition to renewable energy sources.

fuck off with your gay copypasta

You do know that Penn is a vegan?

>human beings can perfectly live without eating animal products

Bullshit. I know these threads are bait but come on now.

We're human after all. We're a different species on itself from animals. We can think and we can work it. Long time ago, there's threat anywhere and everywhere. We have to kill to survive. That's why we end up eating meat first, because that's the only thing we got back then.

Means everything
Its more economical to eat meat, nstead of devoting massive lands to plant, which wont feed us anyway

Sure but we've been living on bananas for millions of years on this Earth, long before we became modern men. Those genes didn't just disappear the moment we started eating meat, so it's still in our DNA.

Plants have feelings too.
Did you know that grass can scream?
We should stop eating plants entirely and become full on carnivores.


I dont see u linking any studies

Animals are almost as brain dead as you kill yourself

>Its more economical to eat meat
Most of plants we grow go to the farm animals, and only about 1/10 gets converted to meat. If we just gave those plants to people we could feed everyone on Earth.

>bought some beans and tofu yesterday

What for?

Animals are almost as brain dead as you kill yourself or offer yourself to a cannibal

>because that's the only thing we got back then.
I see your point, but we have a choice now

I was planning to make oatmeal for lunch because I am lazy. Instead I am going to buy chicken, eggs, bread crumbs, and butter and I'm going to fry some chicken for lunch. Guess what else? Its all coming from Wal-Mart

I first read that as cannabis, and thought you were saying that hipsters are brain dead.

Wtf makes u think more of that is gonna converted into human meat directly, considering we dont digest celulose and our intestines r proportionally way shorter, than those of herbivores?
Where r the studies?

biology can't be compared to ecology that way. Biology is optimized in specific ways, humans didn't develop intellect high enough to even get a concept like the Internet to work by accident, it was evolution fueled by excellent nutrition and natural selection.

>celulose and our intestines r proportionally way shorter, than those of herbivores?
They're also way longer than most carnivores

This. We use plants to convert sunlight into sugars, but it has lots of fibers we can't use. We use animals to convert those sugars and fibers into meat, protein made tasty by oily fats.

Why? Why is it easier to write k instead of 0?

OP is so lonely and bored he baits to hard

That's retarded and incorrect. The plants eaten by animals like cows and pigs are nowhere near the quality standards of what people eat.

It's like saying "uhh why don't people just eat dog food, it's so cheap and we have so much of it". Yeah dog food is cheap, because it's fucking terrible and dogs only eat it because they don't have a choice.

In other words, cows, deer, and other hoofed creatures are sunlight storage banks. We eat their sunlight and we get more powerful as the elements in our bodies that once came from stars feel their potential once again. Your brain knows it when you bite into a freshly prepared kill.

Who said it was easier? It's a meme, the k is used to get you to think about the number instead of just glancing past it since you see it constantly. It emphasises the date by changing the presentation away from the norm. Video-games tested this and proved that if you put k in the title instead of 0 the sales go up because people don't always notice/comprehend "Basketball Sim 2017" is new but they understand it better with 2k17 because the k draws attention to the number.


grammatical errors everywhere. You sound nutrient deprived. Have you tried eating more meat?

I may have worded myself incorrectly. But most farm lands on which we grow crops, and therefore most plants we grow go to feed the animals. Lots of those plants are lost because, let's say a cow, converts about 1/10 of it to the meat.

So if we use the land to grow plants for humans directly and cut out the middle man, which wastes lots of it, we would be much better off.

I see cows out here all the time eating grass and hay. You want to eat some grass and hay? Did you know hay can be grown to replenish the soil between growth of other crops that can be used by humans? You know nothing about agriculture.

>You know nothing about agriculture.
I'm sure you have acquired all the knowledge in the world, user. I need not try to convince you of anything.

Lol so you want to save cows by killing ALL cows?

I'm not sure how you got that out of my post...

>But most farm lands on which we grow crops, and therefore most plants we grow go to feed the animals.
The crops that go to animals are cheaper to produce while taking up less cropspace though. A farmer that could afford to have a field of cow-food grass might not be able to afford a field of people-food plants. It's not a 1:10 ratio, maybe 3:1 or something.

>So if we use the land to grow plants for humans directly and cut out the middle man, which wastes lots of it, we would be much better off.

Sure, if you only look at quantity. We need to factor shit like "what nutrients does this provide" and "can people eat just X Y and Z without getting too bored of it". Animal products vastly expand the variety and options available to use while giving a much larger range of nutrients, some of which can't be gained from plant matter in large enough quantities to matter.

Meat is a pretty big industry, money to be made OP.

You fucktards meat eaters enjoy your cancer at the age of 50 due to your "healthy" animal proteins

You can also live without sex and masturbation, but why would you?

Oh no, you need not! You think we can just turn all pasture land into viable cropland? Lots of that land is rocky hillside with grass and not much else supplemented with hay from the fields in offseasons

If we get rid of the land we use for their food and instead use ir for our food, what incentive exists for a farmer to keep them alive exactly?

>Lots of that land is rocky hillside with grass
I'm sure this is true for the whole world, not just your little rocky backyard. Is this why there are large scale deforestations in Amazon? To grow grass on rocks to feed the cows?

Do you think we could accomplish such a goal over night? Try like a century or so. In that time people will eat less and less cows, and framers would be breeding less and less.

Its mostly for lumber and the land is mostly used for soy production, but since you know nothing you also don't know thay

In other words the cow becomes...

>eating chili sin carne


So like, why wouldn't I? I like how it tastes and it's not bad for me so why not? I like both greens and meat

Why would anyone care what others eat? That sounds like a waste of time and energy

Extinct! Or at least endangered. The fact is, you vegans need people to eat meat unless you want those animals to die completely.

>how do you explain yourself
I don't have to explain myself to anybody. Doesn't all that cock you suck count as meat?

Well... I Enjoy culinary arts way to much to stop eating meat, or seafood or wierd veggies for that part. Food is such a lovly way oF getting clser to new cultures


>implying someone subsisting fully on plant matter is going to live to 50 to see that happen to a meat eater anyway

I only eat meat, nothing else

I cant afford to eat or plan for long term veganism.

I get the nutrients I need for a lesser cost and with less planning.

>I'm a phaggit

Grandparents on both sides of my family lived into their 80s. Great-grandparents as well. Wife's line is even heartier. All of them were in the meat most of their lives. My spawn will be as well, and they will be able to lift a fell tree and live to be 95. Genetics make me awesome. I can eat meat. Dont worry for my health.

Good. Fuck fast food, they waste food by the kilotons

>Grandparents on both sides of my family lived into their 80s. Great-grandparents as well.
That's because McDonald's, Burger King, Taco Bell... didn't exist when they were younger.

The machines that collect the foods for the vegans kill animals under them and the habitats of those animals. This is a fact.

The venus flytrap is carnivorous. So even a plant isn't vegan.

Evolution comes from our eating of animals.

Anything else you need to prove you're just a plant loving faglord just let me know.

Humans ate potatoes to become smarter

sounds healthy bro

Bullshit we are.

If I eat that ass am I considered a carnivore?


Fake news MSM. Post a more credible source.

I am completely healthy and comfortable in my veganism. Only when I eat meat do I get bloated, develop acne, feel indigestion or heartburn. Plants are never so fatty that I have to lie down after eating a burger.

You're craving the seasoning, probably

TIL animals are immune to the weather and bugs.
TIL all primates before us weren't fruit and nut eating animals
TIL I should tolerate a human that eats animals with hopes and dreams

Seeing as how 2 of those are pretty much never seasoned, you're an idiot, and no I am not the person who wrote that first part.

Too costly. And getting even worse since stores realize morons will pay more for Organic, so the Organic section gets larger and larger despite being worse.

Okay, try eating only meat. Enjoy your shit food. Bread isn't meat, nor is the seasoning you put on the meat.

I'll be back with the studies that prove meat eating is a detriment

You need to be eaten, prey.

>Too costly
Not sure where you live bro but meat is expensive. I used to spend daily on meat what I now spend weekly on plants. Can't tell how much money I've spared.

Only vegetarian. Good enough?

Put it into law then, no discussion here OP, just forced sales tactics to push the responsibility onto the individual rather than the LAW.

>is hopelessly close minded and contrarIan
>muh meat sweats
>muh food coma

The only thing you can eat is my vegan ass, boi. Don't worry it's clean as a whistle thanks to all that plant fiber.

Lol retard.

You cannot provide a valid study because it is impossible to have a control subject. You would need identical twins, one meat one no meat, their entire lives. Too many variables otherwise.

It's a step in the right direction, but for the love of god avoid dairy and dairy derivatives such as cheese, it's terrible for you. I would recommend you even eat a steak once in a while if it will get you away from dairy.