If dubs, I kill myself

if dubs, I kill myself

I'll roll for you user


so close

OP won't do it.

Kill me too


Lord dubs, bless me


if trips, i go on a rampage in 2 hours

better deliver OP

Oh shiiiiiit

ok brb

if trips ill show my goat.se

Check out the dubs of death.


Ok looks like im ending it, trips decide how.
If no trips before thread death, I jack off with a belt around my neck

Roll for bleach on stream



death by old age


Death by old age surrounded by loved ones that you found in your life.


Bash your skull in with a sledgehammer

Toaster and a bathtub

Put a toaster in your bathtub with you in it

I love you


Bash your skull in with a sledge hammer on stream

Now we've got a thread. Let's see some death OP

Toaster in the bathtub, live on stream