S/fur mind and matter

s/fur mind and matter

Other urls found in this thread:


sharks are dangerous

> you don't like the bell??



I think the bell is cute

All those bats and no Rouge.


I can't stand her :/

smoking is bad for you.








Would you kind enough to give a vague idea of what you do for work?

for the dudebro who was looking for stuffed animal: i have exactly one pic for you

I'm working retail right now
it's super fun





some sort of retail


Web application security


anyone got some good download links?



>it's super fun

i am picking up on some strong sarcastic vibes.

Some spooky ladies for y'all

why do you ask?

it's an extremely brainless job that got boring 15 minutes after I started it
the money to effort ratio is pretty good though, I think






Dude, I feel you. I work at a Sub shop. My manager has a mail order bride from China who can barely speak english and bosses us around like we make more than minimum wage. And he gets all butthurt when we don't listen to his 23 year old chinese wife. (He is 42)



why is she dripping?
i used to work for ace hardware. i never believed in truly stupid people before i started working there.

Fuck that shit dude.

That would be a goo girl my good friend.

yo, where my og trips at??

we all gotta do something
most of us...

Don't care what they're called, desperately need more of them

Damn, sorry my guy


thankfully I don't have to deal with anything like that.
the management where I work is pretty competent, and they've taken a liking to me because I work quickly and efficiently.
There just really isn't much to do, and what there is to do requires no thought and thus gets tedious quickly.

I actually don't have to work if I don't want to.
but I'm trying to save money for a homestead, so I can fuck off and eek out a living with as little interface with mainstream society as possible.
Subsistence farming is vastly preferable to wage-slavery since the advent of electricity and mechanical farm equipment.





I was getting bummed out on the idea that i have enslaved myself to my new job. Eventually ill save up like 50 grand and get out, eventually.
you know, 100 woofers, and chores related to them.
At least when you're not doing a chore... you get to hang out with 100 woofers.

Yeah, for example one time me and another guy were delivering some sandwiches to a party, and when we get there, there is nobody there so we call the order and it is 3 days early. She gave us the wrong fucking order, so we get back and the manager gets mad at us for taking so long (30 minutes), not at all at his fucking wife who just threw 300$ worth of sandwiches away.

Use your marketable skills and get a better job.

Not the sandwiches!

Can't, no other place was willing to work around my college schedule.

Yup, and he would not even let us go and take them to the homeless shelter. We "had" to throw them away.

what the literal fuck.

Yeah, holy shit dude.

100 woofs sounds like a lot more fun to be around than 100 old cunts

just keep at it, you'll have the money saved up before you know it
just don't get into debt, that's how you'll really end up as a slave

Sounds about right. American capitalism totally ensures the most efficient use of all resources, and definitely doesn't just cater to the arbitrary whims of whoever already happens to have capital...

Take my job, for instance, a bastion of useful efficiency where we have bits of ribbon manufactured by slaves in Sri Lanka, ship them half way across the world, sell them to customers at nearly 10,000% markup, who then proceed to throw them in the trash once "homecoming" is over. We would just be so lost without the shining light of consumerism to guide us.



"American Capitalism"




Best to just make my money and deal with it though. It's a minimum wage job. It's not supposed to be a career.

A wonderful thing that enriches the lives of every creature on this good Earth! It would be slanderous to imply that it only actually serves to benefit a minuscule portion of the population at the cost of the environment and well-being of the vast majority of the planet.



I am just saying that it's better than socialism and communism. *Insert Bernie Sanders meme here*



Hey guys, How do I start feeling happy? S/fur threads dont help any more and even my shitty erotic text role playing donst help anymore. And im not some shut in I have plenty of friends and im not sad but I just dont feel happy ya know?

Well, you got dubs.

Just because it has been working marginally better than other forms of resource distribution does not make it the end-all be-all of economic governance. It's counterproductive to make a dichotomy between capitalism and other ways of distributing resources, when positive aspects of all three could be used in tandem to support each other's weaknesses. Ideally we will be shifting over to an AI guided economy within the next 50 years, I just hope that it is one designed to benefit all of mankind, and not simply to enrich and further consolidate power in the hands of plutocrats.

good times, bad times.
You might be in the bad times now, and to get to the good times you need something to change.

i dunno


Our society is currently engineered to keep most people in a perpetual state of vague dissatisfaction and unfulfillment, so that they must consume products and services which provide brief relief.


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Communism. The starvation is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of government most of the food will go over a typical citizens head anyway

Lol oh god.


>the one guy off to the side
That's me



read this I believe it can be survived without running, if one has a certain constitution and mindset, but that needs regular breaks and backup

very funny, but I'm not suggesting the implementation of autocratic communism

something like making workers of a company also be the shareholders of that company is an implementation of workers "owning the means of production" that can coexist with our current economic system

there are currently companies that do practice this in the US, they are competitive with companies controlled solely by investors while providing better pay, workers rights, and democratic control of company policy/decision making



My dude, Capitalism is by far the farthest from perfect. I get what you are saying, but Communism and Socialism are like not even on the playing field. It's one of those things that sound good on paper but once it's put into action it hardly works.



On their own, you're right, they too easily fall prey to self-serving and sluggish bureaucracy and corrupt government officials

however, aspects of them can be useful in shoring up the shortcomings of capitalism

basic income proposals, for instance, have already been successfully tested in a number of countries

rapid improvements in machine learning could also open the possibility of delegating the distribution of certain core resources which are currently wasted (food and housing come to mind, we have lots of empty houses and homeless people, and food is thrown out while people go hungry) to machines which are potentially both better at management than humans, and "corruption proof"





